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Wolfie Custom Boss by NoeL
Updated: 23 Jun 2004 Posted: 15 Jun 2004 Tags: Enemy, Misc Rating[?]: Rating: 4.75/5 (15 ratings) Information:
I got the idea from rexlaninetails' vulpine boss, though her's didn't look that great due to colour deformations converting the bmp to a gif. I might also add hands and an upper body later on to make it into a werewolf boss. Hope you like it!

(note: gif animation is for display purposes only, obviously the boss wouldnt blink that much)

Update: I've added claws. I was going to do an upper body as well but it was too big and it would have taken ages to detail it (it looked like a suit of arm [View Full Description]
WW Style Death Animations by Anthus
Updated: 11 Jul 2006 Posted: 11 Jul 2006 Tags: Sprite, Decoration, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (2 ratings) Information:
Ya know, the purple cloud thingy from Wind Waker when you kill an enemy? Well, this is a version of it for ZC. It was made in the Sun Tower set, but you only need two purples, and black and white, so it's easily ripable.

I know it isn't an exact recreation, and I am aware of this so don't say "LiEk OMg Zer0 starZ cuz it aint teh sameee!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!1!!!"

I'm fairly proud of this, and it does look cool when it animates in it's smooth, sixteen frames. That brings me to my next point. I [View Full Description]
XdragonSB's BlackSmithed Swords by NineLives
Updated: 30 Jan 2006 Posted: 30 Jan 2006 Tags: Item, Misc, and 1 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.67/5 (5 ratings) Information:
Some swords I made.
Zelda - Legend of Link sprites and graphics by Thanatos-Zero
Updated: 16 Feb 2019 Posted: 16 Feb 2019 Tags: Classic_Tileset, Collection, and 6 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.25/5 (3 ratings) Information:
Recreated and reimagined sprites by Thanatos-Zero for the Zelda - Legend of Link romhack by Infidelity on romhacking.net.

Includes unused graphics, which couldn't be utilised due hard coded limitations.
Zelda Portrait by IaN
Updated: 14 Jun 2004 Posted: 14 Jun 2004 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 4 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.8/5 (14 ratings) Information:
Some as the Link Portrait except....well, it's Zelda. I took the OoS Zelda, ripped the face, and basically remade it from there (heh, I pulled a Nintendo :P)

Yeah, they use cSet 6 of the Pure set. Enjoy!
Zelda Title Screens by spriteman
Updated: 08 Oct 2006 Posted: 08 Oct 2006 Tags: Background, Misc, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.69/5 (12 ratings) Information:
Well here I send two different title screens. One with just 4 colours which fits with the original zelda pallet and the other well, it's new colours. If you want to use the one with the triforce on the background remember to use the lastest beta version of ZQ and when you rip it set the bits in 8. Well, thats everything I have to say.
ZQ Designer Aid Icons by ShadowTiger
Updated: 04 Mar 2006 Posted: 04 Mar 2006 Tags: 16-color, Misc, and 1 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.11/5 (8 ratings) Information:
First of all, I should mention that if anyone actually playing your quest in ZC sees these, then you're not using ZQuest right. Heh.

These icons are designed to be placed in your combo page (Along with a blank or black combo to represent them without a visual representation.) to act as icons for the various combos types that you now have. Although the ReadMe I included in the zip file sums up just about everything I could say here, a summary would be nice as well.

These should be eith [View Full Description]
ZTD Clouds/ Misc. by Anthus
Updated: 07 Mar 2005 Posted: 18 Jan 2005 Tags: 16-color, Misc, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.17/5 (5 ratings) Information:
These are a few simple tiles that slightly resemble the GBC Zelda game's horizon. But I hand drew all of them in their 8-bit glory. There are enough here to create a nice looking horizon/ cloud effect from a high place.

I have put the tiles into .gif format, or saved them the right way, so it is easier to use them. I also added some other miscellaneous tiles, like custom lave, crappy dugeon water (see enclosed readme for more details).
ZTD Lava Bubbles by Anthus
Updated: 02 Aug 2005 Posted: 02 Aug 2005 Tags: 16-color, Decoration, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating) Information:
Plain and simple. I made some lava bubbles for my sexy ZTD lava...

Okay, Set them all to 10 a-speed. set the first one to 40 frames (marked with the "one") Set the last two to 60 a-frames (markded with numbers)

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