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June Monthly Feature

Posted by Russ , 01 Jul 2024
With June now complete, here's the next Monthly Feature!

Any New Quests?

First in store for us is Jambu's first ever published quest: "Infinite Quest"!

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Made in an effort to learn and get used to the ZQuest Classic editor, Jambu provides a story about the capture of Princess Ruto by the formidable Ganon - no longer able to rely on the 'power of the hero', you must seek the 'power of infinite' to overcome this challenge!

Quest Club Returns...

In case you've missed it, it's worth mentioning that Quest Club has come back after a short break! It features a slightly new rotation schedule, with an increased focus on seeing community picks chosen for discussion.

The current quest being played is "Lost Isle" by DarkFlameWolf and Peteo, and so if you check it out, head over to the current Quest Club forum page and share your thoughts!

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Contest Winners!

Now, we take a look at the contest results!

Congratulations to...

- Jambu, victor of Screenshot of the Week 815,
- Matthew, victor of Screenshot of the Week 816,
- Kifstopher, victor of Screen Rebirth 10!

And with that, the you're all caught up for the past month! As always, if you want to be featured, do submit to the database! No matter what it is - scripts, quests, or even loose tiles - there's a chance it could appear!

May Monthly Feature

Posted by Taco Chopper , 01 Jun 2024
May has been and gone, so here comes another Feature!

Before we get into any database submissions, we need to give a special highlight to ywkls. At a time when ZQuest Classic 2.55 has few assets to help people understand the program, ywkls has taken it upon himself to create a plethora of different tutorials to be followed by upcoming quest makers. You can view the master thread containing all of the tutorials here!

If you feel like you need a more practical understanding of how to use these 2.55 features, ywkls has you covered yet again! He's also created a tutorial quest for you to work with, just so using these features are that much simpler. Check it out here.

Now, there's one quest to highlight this time around, so let's get to it!

The quest to play this month is Tales of Zelsteria V1 by Pjthehuman!

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Finding himself in an island called Alera, Link takes it upon himself to explore the island ahead. Stumbling upon a town in conflict against the evil mage Wizzro, Link's adventure takes an all too familiar turn!

For the quest makers out there, have you ever felt that the Boomerang was maybe a touch too powerful? Enter Boomerang Nerf by Jamian! This script allows you to shorten the stun duration for when Link attacks enemies with the Boomerang, which is useful if you want things feeling a bit more nuanced in your quests.

If you're not feeling like sprucing up your items, then how about adding a new Wizzrobe variant? Black Hole Wizzrobe by Alucard648 has a unique edge; teleporting like your typical Wizzrobe, but casts a "black-hole like spell". This spell drags Link closer for a variety of different effects.

And now, contest results! A big congratulations to: That's all for this month, and we'll see you again next time! Be sure to submit your quests and enter the forum contests to get a highlight in the next instalment of the Monthly Feature!

April Monthly Feature

Posted by Taco Chopper , 02 May 2024
Another month, another feature! There isn't much to talk about this time around, but there's still a few things to highlight!

First, two quests have been uploaded to the database, but one of these stands out - The Cycle by TheRock!

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Inspired by Valientlink's God of Power, TheRock brings you a quest featuring a day and night cycle, unique dungeon gimmicks, and custom boss fights! If you're curious to play something new, then give this one a try!

It's always worth highlighting non-quest entries, and so here are some useful scripts that have recently been added to the database.

First up, let's have a look at Sensor Ring by Orithan. This 2.55 script provides a new way of passively indicating secrets on your screens. Think about the in-engine Stone of Agony, but in a less obtrusive way! It's always good to add some quality of life items in your quest, so why not give this script a try?

Next, let's look at Moosh's Conditional Warp Trigger. Also for 2.55, this simple script provides a nifty way of changing a screen's warps based on a certain condition. You can choose to use this for plot-based events or for areas with multi-states. Sounds really useful!

Now it's that time again to look at who has won our contests. A big congratulations to: That's all for this month! Not a lot to highlight in terms of new quests, and so if you have anything to showcase, remember to submit your quests to the database! With that said, we’ll see you next time!

March Monthly Feature

Posted by Taco Chopper , 01 Apr 2024
Welcome to the next instalment of the Monthly Feature! There’s a few things to highlight for March, so let’s just get straight to it!

First up, there's a huge new script in-bound! Ever wanted something big, girthy, thick, heavy, and rough to play with? Well, Moosh has got you covered. In fact, he's heard so many of your requests that he's made a big sword completely functional with custom sprites provided! Check it out here.

In other news... the Official 2.55 Contest came to a close earlier in the month, and so we’d like to give a special shout out to the winner of that contest:

The Deep by Joaish (RedTribeLink)!

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Built specifically to showcase all the new features available in 2.55, this quest uses no scripts at all! That’s right, not one script used in the quest. This means all the unique aspects felt in this quest can be replicated by using the in-engine features. If you’re looking for a polished, modern, unique take on an in-engine ZC quest, then The Deep is for you!

Also, let’s give a round of applause to the other two entries - Face Hunt by Mr. ReDead and Journey Into the Novel Ruins by Kifstopher - for making two wonderful quests as well!

So, any other quests released this month? Well… We have 0th Quest by zcfan27330!

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If you’re looking to play through the original Zelda 1 once more, but find that you’re looking for less of a challenge and more of a relaxing experience, then this quest is for you!

Now, there has been some discussion regarding the future of Site Events, and we’d like as much feedback as possible to understand what the best direction is for this community. If you want to share your thoughts, do share your thoughts here.

Further, Quest Club is looking to pivot away from the current format, but is looking for some feedback before any plans are set in stone. As before, if you have anything to share, do so in the thread here.

And now… for the contest winners: That’s it for this month! If you have anything to showcase, remember to submit your quests to the database! With that said, we’ll see you next time!

2.55 Official Release + February Monthly Feature

Posted by Russ , 25 Feb 2024
Big news for both PureZC and ZC in general! After quite a long time in development, 2.55 has officially been released! You can download it from the new ZC Official Website here. For those who haven't played around with the alphas and need a quick recap of what's new, the devs have graciously provided a basic overview of new features here. Additionally, the official 2.55 Quest Contest is now underway, so head here to download the entries and vote for your favorite!

The development of 2.55 has been a massive undertaking over a decade in the making, and has seen the loss of a lead dev, the upgrading of the engine to Allegro 5, a massive rewrite of the GUI, and a plethora of features previously considered impossible. We'd like to extend our appreciation to the current dev team: Emily, Connor, Deedee, and Moosh. All four of them - and Emily and Connor especially - have been instrumental in making this happen. Give them all a (virtual) round of applause!

This year also marks the 25th anniversary of ZC. We've come a whole long way since that initial 1.0 release, and it's been incredible watching a lot of that history unfold. Here's to another 25 years!

Now to segue, we're going to being using the site news to post a Monthly Feature newsletter, recapping the new quests and events of the past month. This will usually be posted on the first of each month, but given the magnitude of this announcement, we didn't want to quickly bury it, so we'll posting the first monthly feature a little early. So with that said, Site News is out… Monthly Feature is here!

So… February, any new quests? …Yes! But, since we missed January, we’ll also give the featured quest from that month here.

First, up we have Dreams Realm, by Sans and The Rock.

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So, this quest came out in December… but we’ll ignore that for a second, since this quest is quite grand! So far, it’s gotten four reviews, with all of them being pretty positive! Maybe you’d enjoy it too, so give it a try…

Next up, the January feature - Link’s Adventure in the Future!

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Made by IceDancer, get ready to be tested and challenged by the might of Ganon! With eight Triforce dungeons and an abundance of things to collect, there’s a lot to do - there are no reviews or ratings as of yet, so give it a try and leave a review!

Finally, catching up to February, we have The Enigma of Basilischi Island!

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Originally created for the alsoLIONS 1 Week and 1 Day contest, Taco Chopper and Rambly have cooked up a unique quest! Exploration is key for this adventure, so don’t be afraid to test the limits of the island - go give it a try!

Do note these were not the only quests released in these months, so check out the Quests page to see them all for yourself!

In other news, the Quest Club continues to chug along - the current quest to play and discuss is The Bounds of Waterford, so go and play it now! You can find the current discussion thread here.

For contest winners, big congratulations to the following members for beating their contestants in the following events:

- Twilight Knight, victor of Screenshot of the Week 807
- Joelmacool, victor of Screenshot of the Month 199
- Sheik, victor of Screenshot of the Year 2023
- Twilight Knight (again), victor of Map of the Month 148

Map of the Month has recently returned as a regular feature, and after some hiatuses, Enemy of the Month and Screen Rebirth have both resumed with a regular schedule, so be sure to check them out!

That’s a wrap for this installment of the Monthly Feature! Next month we’ll have some more stuff to showcase, and so if *you* want to be featured… don’t be afraid to submit to the database!