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January Monthly Feature

Posted by Taco Chopper , 03 Feb 2025
New year, new Pure... ZC! The first month of the year has passed, and so now look at what the beginning of 2025 had to offer!

One New Quest!

Mr.ReDead brings another quest to the database in Face Hunt! First submitted as part of an earlier contest, this quest features the protagonist venturing the world in search of... a new face!

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Retro Quest Contest Entries!

Four unique quests appeared to give us the ultimate retro feel! If you're new to the database and want to know what old ZC had to offer (but with a modern day twist), then now's your time!

Check out all four entries here: Sword of Truth by JaydenPlaysStuff, Nestastic Gaiden by Mani Kanina, The Deku Within by Mr.ReDead, and Tales of Murdoch by Architect Abdiel!

Screenshot of the Year 2024 (and Screenshot of the Week 2025) is Upon Us!

Now is your opportunity to vote for the best-of-the-best! Two screenshots made their way to the Screenshot of the Year Finale, and so a big congratulations to Matthew and Moonlight!

Vote now to declare the ultimate Screenshot submitted in 2024! There can only be one winner...

On a side note, Screenshot of the Week 2025 kicks off today as well - SotW 829 is now live, and the contest returns to its true weekly format once more!

Contest Winners

For those who didn't quite make it to Screenshot of the Year 2024, you still won something. So for the last contests of Screenshot of the Week and Month, let's go ahead and congratulate...

- Cobgoblin, victor of Screenshot of the Week 828 and Screenshot of the Month 205!

The first month of the year may now be complete, but there are still eleven more months of goodies to come! See you next month!

December Monthly Feature

Posted by Russ , 08 Jan 2025
With the New Year upon us, we must reflect back on the final month of 2024...

Goodbye to the Substance... Again

With the 20th anniversary of Derisory Substance, we thought it great to celebrate it by opening a new - third - iteration of the Substance. And, with all its fun and... peculiar posts, it's now time to say goodbye once again.

With the turn of the new year, Derisory Substance III closes, and we can all reminisce at the beautiful posts that were made...

But now it's time to return to normalcy, and get back to questmaking!

...Or, you can visit the archive, and relive the experience from a distance!

New Quests!

Two quests were released in December, with both of them taking more of a retro approach to their designs...

Saint James Place by Joelmacool presents two unique quests within one - will you try the reimagined version, or face the challenge by taking on the original?

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Pacman by Captain Crispy brings the classic arcade game, Pacman, to ZQuest Classic! With ten unique mazes and a fully animated ending cutscene, will you be able to navigate the maze in this timeless classic?

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Quest Update Alert!

Russ and Aevin bring forth the final major update for Yuurand: Tales of the Labyrinth! Including several Fragmented areas and a bunch of new features, check out 'Yuurand 8.0: Final Fragmentation' today! Read all about the update here.

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In other news, the classic quest Zelda: Flow of Time by Obderhode receives a substantial update! This adds a new side quest spanning a large portion of the quest, the alteration of several dungeons, and the overworld seeing some visual changes! Read all about the update here.

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Quest Club Seeks the Courageous!

Quest Club returns with yet another quest, The Legend of Zelda Tower of Courage by Flying Fish and boltfox20!

Featuring nine overall dungeons with several mini-dungeons, explore this classic and give your thoughts in the Quest Club discussion thread!

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Contest Winners!

Now, we take a look at the contest results!

Congratulations to...

- Shane, victor of Screenshot of the Week 826,
- Twilight Knight, victor of Screenshot of the Week 827,
- Taco Chopper, victor of Screenshot of the Month 204!

And that was the last of 2024! Here's to another year of awesome quests being made, and many friendships too!

November Monthly Feature

Posted by Taco Chopper , 02 Dec 2024
November has come and gone, and so it's yet again time to look over the goodies the last month has brought us!

New Quests!

Haylee brings us Nostalrul Plus, a complete rebuild of her first quest Nostalrul!

Take control of a young boy named Tink who seeks to fulfill his grandfather's wish...

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Kirbsblue presents Kirbs's Castle Epic!

Waking up near a large and foreboding castle, a blue cat strives to explore the castle and make it their own...

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Quest Club Brings Something Awesome!

Quest Club returns with another quest: Oracle of Awesomeness by MonopolyRubix!

Featuring eight different dungeons, each with unique themes, explore the world to rescue the Oracle of Awesomeness from the fearsome Ganon!

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Contest Winners!

Now, we take a look at the contest results!

Congratulations to...

- Orithan, victor of Screenshot of the Week 825!

And that's it! As always, if you have anything to showcase, be sure to submit to the database. See you again next month!

October Monthly Feature

Posted by Matthew , 11 Nov 2024
Halloween proved to be so scary that the Monthly Feature went missing for a straight week! With the Feature now fully recovered from the frightful month that was October, let's see what we have to cover!

Two New Quests!

Coming in hot, we have our first quest for October: 'Iridium OFFENSIVE' by Naldrag!

This quest features Link venturing through the land of Iridium, but things are not as they seem... the Tower of 0 beckons him, and a mystery needs to be solved!

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Next up comes 'Hyrule Fantasy Gaiden: Spell of Mudora' by runa!

With the fall of Link and the resurrection of the Prince of Darkness, Zelda takes it upon herself to seek the 8 Pages of Mudora and put an end to the evil Gannon's reign!

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A New Hero Spritesheet Calls to Questmakers...

Are you a questmaker looking for something more unique than the standard Link spritesheet? Perhaps you want to make a quest without Link, or you want to simply spruce up his design!

Well, allow me to introduce you to: 'Hero (GBC spritesheet)' by Ether!

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Providing the standard slash, swim, and shield sprites, this spritesheet even comes with various portraits for your text-box needs!

Quest Club Sings a Medley of a Verdant Nature...

Quest Club returns with another quest to sink your teeth into!

This time around, we have the honour of showing: 'Medly of the Grass Bow' by Tabletpillow!

Around five hours long, with three different endings, this quest will give you a rich metroidvania experience! If you've been looking for a quest to play, but don't have the time to play those longer-form quests, look no further!

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Enemy of the Month is Looking for Entries!

If you love creating unique enemies for your quests, and want to show them off, then Enemy of the Month has you covered!

This month, the theme is focused on segmented enemies, like your Moldorms and Lanmolas. As with any other month, feel free to be as creative and liberal as you want with this theme!

Submissions close November 19th 2024, so if you have something in mind... submit as soon as possible!

Submit your entries here!
Permalink: https://www.purezc.n...showtopic=79023

Contest Winners!

Now, we take another look at the contest results!

Congratulations to...

Jenny, victor of Screenshot of the Week 823,
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Taco Chopper, victor of Screenshot of the Week 824,
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Jenny, victor of Screenshot of the Month 203!
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And that's it! As always, if you have anything to showcase, be sure to submit to the database. See you again next month!

September Monthly Feature

Posted by Taco Chopper , 05 Oct 2024
September has passed, and with it came several new quests, so let's get right into it!

New Quests!

Four quests have been released over the past month, with the first two coming from Mani Kanina's Vintage Dreams 2 contest:

Lana Again Post Contest Version by Pjthehuman!

Waking up in a strange town, you and your partner Eevee set out to see what awaits you!

Novel Ruins Gaiden: The Selene Mountain by Kifstopher!

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Set one year after Journey into the Novel Ruins, you find yourself traveling to the Serene Mountain, where strange things are said to have been happening...

100 Rooms of Wisdom 3 by Alucard648 and SkyFlare!

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The final quest of the trilogy, test your thinking skills in this 100-room puzzle quest! Can you complete all the rooms?

Link's Rise 2 DX by Mr.ReDead

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If you're looking to play the remastered version of Link's Rise 2: The Re... Uh... Re-Rise!, then Mr.ReDead has you covered! Be warned though, it is a challenge!

The Fall 2024 Expo Continues!

With the Expo finally opening on the 22nd of September, you can now browse through all the entries! There were a lot of submissions, with many quest projects being revealed!

If you'd like to support your fellow questmakers, let them know what you think about their quests and entries in the Expo forum!

Contest Winners!

Now, we take a look at the past month's contest results!

Congratulations to...

- Haylee, victor of Screenshot of the Week 821,
- Rambly, victor of Screenshot of the Week 822!

That covers everything for the month! If you want to be in a future Monthly Feature, be sure to submit something to the database!