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[Koten] Water, Lava and Pits by DragonDePlatino
Updated: 21 Mar 2015 Posted: 21 Mar 2015 Tags: 16-color, Collection, and 5 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.4/5 (4 ratings) Information:
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[Koten] Koten Advanced Pack by DragonDePlatino
Updated: 21 Mar 2015 Posted: 21 Mar 2015 Tags: 16-color, Collection, and 12 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.6/5 (4 ratings) Information:
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ZTD - New Classic Grass, Sand, and Water Tiles by Anthus
Updated: 05 Sep 2005 Posted: 05 Sep 2005 Tags: 16-color, Edited, and 4 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.43/5 (6 ratings) Information:
This is my fifth entry from ZTD (=O

This is also probably the most usefull and practical one. Okay, For those of you that are using the classic set, you have obviously noticed that it lacks many overworld type tiles... Well I added new sand, water, and grass tiles.

Also, I included the .zpl (palette) for the entire set. This will not overwrite your existing three color palettes, infact it will add to them, but still keep the first three colors untouched. So, I would suggest that import the [View Full Description]
Updated: 13 Apr 2007 Posted: 15 Mar 2007 Tags: Character, Ground, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.42/5 (11 ratings) Information:
Penguin stuff, Terranigma, yet again.

Update: Added a few more tiles, out of boredom.
Zelda 2 Overworld Tiles by Anthus
Updated: 20 Oct 2012 Posted: 20 Oct 2012 Tags: Overworld, Ripped, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.43/5 (6 ratings) Information:
These are the twelve (count 'em!) overworld tiles found in Link's second NES outing. I also added an A thru D tile to use for making, and marking multiple warps per screen. Make these lettered combos the direct warp, or stairs with their respective letter, and then layer the overworld tiles over them. That's what I find easiest anyway, but you can combo them however you want.

This was a very simple rip, and they all use one c-set which can be grabbed from the image.

Enjoy :)
Various Plants for DoR by CastChaos
Updated: 19 Nov 2007 Posted: 19 Nov 2007 Tags: 16-color, Greenery, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (3 ratings) Information:
Here are many types of plants for DoR, made absolutely from scratch. It's a GIF, so you easily can rip it into other tilesets.

The image includes the following:
1. Tentacle pack: two frames of animation, suggested for "slash=>item" combo. Undercombo included.
2. Wild flowered tentacle: suggested for "slash=>item" combo. Undercombo with pellets included.
3. Tentacled ground: two frames of animation, suggested for "slash=>item" combo. The upper one have to be at the top always, while the low [View Full Description]
Underwater Big Coral by SkyLizardGirl
Updated: 07 Jun 2015 Posted: 07 Jun 2015 Tags: 16-color, Decoration, and 8 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating) Information:
Colorful Underwater Decorative - tiles that can also be also backdrop color transparent so your Hero Player Sprite can half-ways walk behind the corals structure.

They can also be stacked on one another as long as connecting the bottom halves of the coral and the top implemented in last.
TotW - Week of Sept. 3rd, 2006 by Sephiroth
Updated: 15 Sep 2006 Posted: 15 Sep 2006 Tags: 16-color, Edited, and 5 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.2/5 (4 ratings) Information:
Hmm, So this is the first TotW Submission in quite some time...

This time round, with the help of a friend, TotW has restarted and for the week of September 3rd, 2006, you can see we had three entrants. You can see the poll at this post.


We had three entrants for the week of September 3rd, 2006, and they are as follows, in Alphabetical order: [View Full Description]
Tons of Rocks by Mr. Z
Updated: 20 May 2013 Posted: 20 May 2013 Tags: 16-color, Collection, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings) Information:
Pun intended.
The Tiles of Rassilon by Timelord
Updated: 18 Nov 2018 Posted: 09 Dec 2016 Tags: 16-color, 256-color, and 8 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3/5 (1 rating) Information:
The Tiles of Rassilon is an 8-bit hand-made re-creation of The Great Seal of Rassilon, and character tiles, from 'Doctor Who', plus some other loose decoration tiles that I typically used as part of a set. The other tiles also make for good text box frames.
Switches and Dirt Patch by FlameArrowStar
Updated: 06 Jul 2003 Posted: 06 Jul 2003 Tags: 16-color, Ground, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.2/5 (4 ratings) Information:
These are a custom switch and a dirt patch I made to go in my quest.
Swamp Mud and Ice Borders by MoscowModder
Updated: 08 Apr 2011 Posted: 08 Oct 2009 Tags: 16-color, Edited, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3/5 (1 rating) Information:
I was trying to make a swamp, and saw that there were no transition tiles from mud to water, so I made them myself. Feel free to modify them to fit your needs, credit appreciated but not required, do not claim as own, etc.

These work well in the "Dark World 3" palette of PTUX.
Use in CSet 2 for plain water, or in CSet 3 for swamp scum-infested water.
I set all the borders as shallow water (the sprite of which appears mud-brown in the above palette), and the middle one as drown-able water.
[View Full Description]
Super Metroid Series: Norfair and Ridley's Hideout by Old-Skool
Updated: 14 Dec 2011 Posted: 14 Dec 2011 Tags: 16-color, Dungeon, and 5 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings) Information:
This concludes my Super Metroid tiles, for now. Anything else out there, I haven't even fully ripped. I told you it was a pain ripping from that game! Still, with these three submissions, you'll have a vast amount to work with anyways.

Norfair and Ridley's hideout actually use the same level palette, nothing is really split up there. However, The content provided is meant to be split into TWO LEVEL PALETTES:

Palette A: Norfair with brown-ish rock (seen in the screenshot with blue tiles i [View Full Description]
Super Metroid Series: Green and Red Brinstar by Old-Skool
Updated: 14 Dec 2011 Posted: 14 Dec 2011 Tags: 16-color, Background, and 9 more Rating[?]: No rating Information:
Continuing the VERY DIFFICULT TO RIP series, here are more convenient tiles. This time, Both sides of Brinstar. Not a whole lot to say, but again three csets for both of them.

Red and Green are different level palettes. They've been divided into subfolders in the zip so you can tell what goes where.
Super Metroid Series: Crateria Tiles by Old-Skool
Updated: 14 Dec 2011 Posted: 14 Dec 2011 Tags: 16-color, Collection, and 6 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating) Information:
Tiles used in Crateria in Super Metroid. There are three csets in total here, though one of them is really just a change for metal objects.

I'm doing this because ripping from Super Metroid is actually quite difficult. steps have to be taken before tiles will even match up with the garbled mess you at first attempt to "rip" as a cset, then realize you have to painstakingly recreate. :P

But enough about that. In case my quest never comes out, You guys will have this.

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