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Three-Color Rotating Recovery Heart by Anthus
Updated: 08 Aug 2005 Posted: 08 Aug 2005 Tags: 16-color, Item, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.71/5 (6 ratings) Information:
Plain and simple... These two-three-color (red and white AND BLACK) recovery hearts take the place of the "heart" sprite... They also come with some sparklies :D
Yay for sparklies...
Tile Contest #1-5 Entries by IaN
Updated: 08 Sep 2003 Posted: 08 Sep 2003 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 5 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.71/5 (6 ratings) Information:
I have been running a Tile Contest over at AGN. These are most of the tiles submitted throughout the first 5 contests. Some authors have requested their tile not be submtted, so they were not included in the zip file.
Tile Contest #10 by IaN
Updated: 10 Oct 2003 Posted: 10 Oct 2003 Tags: 16-color, Collection, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.56/5 (8 ratings) Information:
All the tiles from the Tile Contest #9, enjoy!
Tile Contest #10-2 by IaN
Updated: 04 Nov 2003 Posted: 04 Nov 2003 Tags: 16-color, Collection, and 4 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings) Information:
Topic: Wand
Entries: 3 (including my own)
Tile Contest #11 by IaN
Updated: 09 Nov 2003 Posted: 09 Nov 2003 Tags: 16-color, Item, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating) Information:
Topic: Triforce Replacements
Entries: 2 (including mine)
Tile Contest #12 by IaN
Updated: 08 Dec 2003 Posted: 08 Dec 2003 Tags: 16-color, Item, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.67/5 (2 ratings) Information:
Topic: Shieilds
Winner:*b* (Link3505)
Tile Contest #13 by IaN
Updated: 07 Jan 2004 Posted: 07 Jan 2004 Tags: 16-color, Collection, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.67/5 (2 ratings) Information:
Topic: Trees
Entries: Not enough ;) (4)
Tile Contest #14 by IaN
Updated: 18 Jan 2004 Posted: 18 Jan 2004 Tags: 16-color, Item, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating) Information:
Topic: Hook Shot
Entries: 3
Tile Contest #6-8 Entries by IaN
Updated: 26 Sep 2003 Posted: 26 Sep 2003 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 7 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.25/5 (3 ratings) Information:
I figured I'd start doing this after every contest, so after these, I'll submit the tiles from each contest. Anyways, These are all the entries, enjoy! :)
Tile of the Week #2 by Sephiroth
Updated: 16 Oct 2005 Posted: 16 Oct 2005 Tags: Interior, Misc, and 1 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating) Information:
Hello everybody!!! As I had said when I started TotW, I would be submitting all entrants unless they requests not to. For the week of October 2nd, 2005, one person has requested to keep their tiles private so their tiles is not in this submission. Also, Another entry was already released here at PureZC. So I only have 1 set of tiles for you. :) Remember: I did not make any of these tiles, for they are the creation of the original submittor.

The theme for TotW #2 was Landscape, Anyone [View Full Description]
Tiles and Sprites By Nuvo by Colin
Updated: 13 Jun 2007 Posted: 13 Jun 2007 Tags: 16-color, Collection, and 6 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.75/5 (7 ratings) Information:
These are some tiles that I have been making for my quests for a while. A few from the old Lock of the Spirits, a few for the new one, and some for my Palace of Ordeal Quest.

This includes:

Explosion tiles: 16 frames at a 1 speed CUSTOM
Robotic Armos Knight EDIT
Three quivers CUSTOM
Bomb ammunition sprites EDIT
[View Full Description]
Tingle and Brothers (Classic) by Ica
Updated: 07 Dec 2011 Posted: 30 Jul 2011 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating) Information:
These are tiles for tingle and too of his brothers designed for Classic Tileset.
They work with almost completely custom palette, using:
*Tingle - Green, Dark Green, Red, Skin Color and Black
*1° Brother - White, Red, Skin Color and Black
*2º Brother - Blue, Dark Blue, Red, Skin Color and Black
Supposed to be used in layers 1 or 2 for proper sense.

EDIT: Now, added speaking sprites and classical style.
The new more classic sprites can be used in any pallet without problems, how [View Full Description]
Title Screen by Mr. Pimpy
Updated: 28 Oct 2006 Posted: 08 Oct 2006 Tags: 256-color, Misc, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.3/5 (19 ratings) Information:
My first submission, a simple title screen.
TLoZ Portraits by Zemious
Updated: 08 Mar 2008 Posted: 08 Mar 2008 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 4 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.33/5 (2 ratings) Information:
I've been working on a sprite project for the last (it seems like..) five weeks. Its a set of fifteen facial sprites which come from all the "TLoZ" games.
These sprites have a lot of colors, keep that in mind.

Also keep in mind that when in ZC, you're going to see the pixels in more depth so the shading will be a lot more present.
With these sprites, you're going to have to either have the palette already in your tileset or make a tileset for the palettes.
So the current palette now doesn' [View Full Description]
TotW - Week of September 10th, 2006 by Sephiroth
Updated: 22 Sep 2006 Posted: 22 Sep 2006 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 7 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating) Information:
For the week of September 10th, 2006, you can see we had four entrants. You can see the poll at this post.


We had four entrants for the week of September 10th, 2006, and they are as follows, in Alphabetical order:

Linkus Mastii - Bridge
Master_of_Power - Misc. Sprites
[View Full Description]

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