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Updated Pure Link by Jared
Updated: 26 Apr 2021 Posted: 25 Apr 2021 Tags: Pure_Tileset, Player, and 1 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.6/5 (4 ratings) Information:
An updated Pure/Pure Remembrance Link.
Updated Pure Link by Jared
Updated: 28 Jul 2021 Posted: 28 Jul 2021 Tags: Pure_Tileset, Player Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings) Information:
An updated Pure Link I created, with a custom palette.
Updated New Link (incomplete) by ElLibertador
Updated: 08 Jan 2006 Posted: 31 Jan 2005 Tags: 16-color, Original, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.71/5 (6 ratings) Information:
This is a link that was completely made by me.

Update: This is the same as the old ones, but I have edited some of the tiles. I made the hold item tiles way different.

Update:Yeah this was my first submission. I changed them completely, they are still the same link except completely edited. They are still incomplete for there are no swim tiles.
They aren't so great, but they are an improvement to the other ones I had.
Two-Tone Koten Link by FireSeraphim
Updated: 07 May 2015 Posted: 07 May 2015 Tags: Character, Player, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.4/5 (4 ratings) Information:
In a nutshell I basically editted DragonDePlatino's Koten Link tiles to make full use of Link's Palletes in the Koten Tileset. These Link Tiles use the BS Zelda Animation, just so you know.
Two-Tone BS Link by Radien
Updated: 24 Aug 2005 Posted: 24 Aug 2005 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 4 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.29/5 (6 ratings) Information:
I've heard multiple different people complaining that BS's Link is way too monochromatic, but until now I didn't try to do anything about it because I thought there wouldn't be any colors I could eliminate from CSet 6 in order to have separate colors for the hat and tunic.

However, after Skateboarder11 requested I try to make LTTP-style palettes for BS Link, I looked into it, and realized that BS CSet 6 has two extra greens that serve no purpose other than to remain as constant colors for spr [View Full Description]
True BS Link: Jump Tiles V2 by Koh
Updated: 09 Sep 2009 Posted: 09 Sep 2009 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 4 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (4 ratings) Information:
The submission Radien gave does look good, but the animation seemed a bit weird to me, so I edited my LTTP Link Jump tiles to fit the True BS Link to make it look better, and well here you go. TWO-TONE version included.

You will probably have to press R.
True BS Link Jump Tiles by Radien
Updated: 12 Mar 2009 Posted: 12 Mar 2009 Tags: 16-color, Player, and 1 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings) Information:
It was pointed out to me that these were overlooked. So for those troopers out there who are porting New BS into the later builds and betas, here you go! Roc's Feather goodness. :D

Most of you will want to use the file "True BS jump.gif". For those of you who have upgraded to Two-Tone True BS Link (a.k.a. "color-changing sleeves" Link), use "Two-Tone True BS jump.gif".
True BS Link by Radien
Updated: 09 Feb 2009 Posted: 13 Jun 2007 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.82/5 (10 ratings) Information:
The original BS Link was a thrown-together resizing of the Link sprites from A Link to the Past. That rushed version of Link has been perpetuated throughout the years in ZC, despite how obviously it does not fit into the BS tileset when you compare it to the BS Mascots that appeared in the original BS Legend of Zelda game.

Recently, Dart Zaidyer sought to remedy this by redrawing BS Link from scratch, this time abandoning the Link to the Past sprites and instead modeling it off of the origin [View Full Description]
TotW - Week of September 10th, 2006 by Sephiroth
Updated: 22 Sep 2006 Posted: 22 Sep 2006 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 7 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating) Information:
For the week of September 10th, 2006, you can see we had four entrants. You can see the poll at this post.


We had four entrants for the week of September 10th, 2006, and they are as follows, in Alphabetical order:

Linkus Mastii - Bridge
Master_of_Power - Misc. Sprites
[View Full Description]
Tile of the Week #1 by Sephiroth
Updated: 04 Oct 2005 Posted: 04 Oct 2005 Tags: Character, Decoration, and 4 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.33/5 (2 ratings) Information:
Hello everybody!!! As I had said when I started TotW, I would be submittine all entrants unless they requests not to. However, for the week of September 25th, 2005, no one has requested to keep their tiles private so all the tiles from TotW #1 is in this submission. I did not make any of these tiles, for they are the creation of the original submittor. :D

The theme for TotW #1 was a free for all, Anyone could submit anything they darn well pleased. :P

Here are the submissions.

Espila [View Full Description]
Tile Contest #6-8 Entries by IaN
Updated: 26 Sep 2003 Posted: 26 Sep 2003 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 7 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.25/5 (3 ratings) Information:
I figured I'd start doing this after every contest, so after these, I'll submit the tiles from each contest. Anyways, These are all the entries, enjoy! :)
The First Decent Link By Yours Truly by SpikeReynolds
Updated: 25 Feb 2007 Posted: 09 Feb 2007 Tags: 256-color, Original, and 2 more Rating[?]: Rating: 3.31/5 (12 ratings) Information:
Yup. This is my NEW NEW NEW Link I'm using in QftT.
I wanted to make a 2-tile tall guy but failed miserably. So here you go. bottom is norm (CS 10, not 6!) and the top is 8-bit(WHEE-CHUCK!!) The kit contains everything 'cept pounding. The jump is whee-style, not flip!
THB Link Recolored for Dor by Xenix
Updated: 02 Oct 2010 Posted: 15 Sep 2010 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (3 ratings) Information:
I had some free time on my hands and i was bored, so i started to rip these into my quest and recolor them, they turned out great! almost 0 color loss! i thought i'd release them for all you pure fans out there who are using dor but aren't good at recoloring sprites. i know it's a small submission but enjoy!

I didn't rip these from Shadows of Dawn. i don't submit tiles ripped from other quests, sorry if there was a misunderstanding. and also, i removed the wo [View Full Description]
Teen Link Tiles by System Error
Updated: 13 Jul 2003 Posted: 13 Jul 2003 Tags: 16-color, Character, and 3 more Rating[?]: Rating: 2.17/5 (11 ratings) Information:
If you get tired of those same old kiddy Link tiles, then use these instead!
Super Mario Bros: Hand-drawn Tiles by Old-Skool
Updated: 25 Apr 2009 Posted: 25 Apr 2009 Tags: 16-color, Background, and 6 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (5 ratings) Information:
A moderate handful of hand-drawn Super Mario Bros. tiles, for playing around with big mode and sideview gravity. please be aware that the small Mario should technically be set as an 8x16 sprite for this to work properly. (press x when selecting his tiles during Sprites -> Link). Then, you can work Link tile modifiers as long as he has certain items (aka Super Mushroom or fire flower.) I could have done a palette swap for his fire mario clothes, but I decided his old-schooled White pants/overal [View Full Description]

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