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(Minish Cap Collection) Full Lava Tiles by Anthus
Updated: 15 Jan 2016 Posted: 15 Jan 2016 Tags: 16-color, Collection, and 6 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings) Information:
Finally, finally, FINALLY I got around to ripping these. For years I've wanted these lava tiles. I just never got around to ripping them. I hope you guys like these. They use one c-set, and 15 colors. There are detailed setup instructions in the .zip.
"Functional" Compass by ShadowTiger
Updated: 18 Oct 2004 Posted: 18 Oct 2004 Tags: 16-color, Dungeon, and 4 more Rating[?]: Rating: 4.06/5 (16 ratings) Information:
This is the normal, blue compass, but I've changed the white and red bit in the center to look like it's really moving around. It looks really nice, actually. You can set its speed to whatever you'd like. I think the frame count is 69, or 68, ... something like that. The speed can be anything you'd like, naturally. :P Enjoy them.

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