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True BS Link

Creator: Radien Updated: 09 Feb 2009 Downloads: 124
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.82/5 (10 ratings)
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(20.12 KB)
Tags: 16-color, Character, Original, Player, Sprite

About Reviews

The original BS Link was a thrown-together resizing of the Link sprites from A Link to the Past. That rushed version of Link has been perpetuated throughout the years in ZC, despite how obviously it does not fit into the BS tileset when you compare it to the BS Mascots that appeared in the original BS Legend of Zelda game.

Recently, Dart Zaidyer sought to remedy this by redrawing BS Link from scratch, this time abandoning the Link to the Past sprites and instead modeling it off of the original Classic Link AND both BS Mascot animations, to provide the truest representation of a "BS Link" that could be produced.

He never finished the sprites, so I decided to make my own contributions to the tiles (mainly the north-facing ones) and release it to the public. This Link tile collection is meant to replace the Link tiles found in any of the BS tilesets. I've titled them "True BS Link" to reflect that they are much, MUCH truer to the BS Mascot style than the original Link tiles produced for the BS tileset.

- - - INSTRUCTIONS: - - -

Please use the zip file to make sure you are ripping the right stuff. Only one version of the Link tiles is necessary; the other colors are just examples of the alternate Ring CSets.

These tiles also replace the crappy Mirror Shield tiles you'll find in most BS tilesets. A new mirror shield item sprite is included to complete the update.

Rip the Link tiles directly into any BS tileset over the existing Link tiles. The mirror shield item sprite uses BS CSet 0. The item sheet includes an optional Purple Ring (CSet 10), and slightly adjusted Hookshot and Hammer sprites to fit the new Link tiles.

You may use the original BS tileset Link CSets if you wish, but I've included an adjusted version which makes Link's hair and the arms of his tunic look slightly more brown, as they're supposed to. This will not noticeably affect any of the other tiles in the BS tileset, so rip over the old CSets without worry.

Additionally, I've included a purple Link ring CSet for those of you who prefer it over gold. Naturally, if you use it, you will probably also prefer to use the Purple Ring sprite I mentioned above.

Update 2/4/09:

I was looking back at my "Two-Tone BS Link" submission for the original BS Link, and thought it'd be neat to have something similar, but with color-changing sleeves instead of a color-changing hat. So I created an alternate set of tiles where the sleeves use a different color from Link's hair, and edited the palettes to match. There's also a brown-sleeved version of each new CSet if you like the old-school look. Check it all out in preview shot 7.

By the way, the Gold Ring palette is inspired by the gold Link color scheme in Smash Bros Brawl. As an added bonus, I also decided to make a light blue tunic for those of you who liked Blue Ring Link's appearance on the NES. The new light blue palette is available for the original True BS Link tiles, too (rip it from the main file).


Here's a quick unofficial update to correct an oversight: the download now has shieldless tiles, for both color layouts. I also moved around a few images.
Dart Zaidyer produced the original tiles, which I expanded upon and edited slightly.

This version of BS Link is identical to the version included in my newest quest remake: Master Quest, New BS Edition. Check it out if you like old school gameplay.