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Quest Database

ZC Version: All | 2.55 | 2.53 | 2.50 | 2.10 | 1.92 | 1.90 |

The Realm of Shamanock by Joe_Cracker
Genre: Dungeon Romper Updated: 27 Jul 2013 Posted: 12 May 2004 ZC Version: ZC 1.90 Rating[?]: Rating: 1.3/5 (9 ratings) Information:
Posted Image This quest will blow your mind.
14 Dungeons
2 Overworlds
And one, Castle in the Sky.
Posted Image Password protected. :-) This is my first quest, and I would love to here some feadback
The Revenge by PrinceMSC
Genre: Dungeon Romper Updated: 12 Sep 2002 Posted: 12 Sep 2002 ZC Version: ZC 1.90 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.06/5 (17 ratings) Information:
A fun game with a big overworld with lots of secrets and nine levels for you to enjoy. If you are looking for a fun game thats not super hard but alot of fun, then you found the right game.
The Revenge 2nd Quest by PrinceMSC
Genre: Dungeon Romper Updated: 12 Sep 2002 Posted: 12 Sep 2002 ZC Version: ZC 1.90 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.45/5 (39 ratings) Information:
A fun game with a big overworld with lots of secrets and nine levels for you to enjoy. If you are looking for a fun game thats not super hard but alot of fun, then you found the right game.
Triforce of Courage by Sir Anthony
Genre: Dungeon Romper Updated: 12 Oct 2002 Posted: 12 Oct 2002 ZC Version: ZC 1.90 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.43/5 (6 ratings) Information:
This quest was intended to be about as hard as the second quest, but turned out to be a bit harder so I'm told. It is just a standard Zelda Quest made with version 1.90.
Unification by Kite
Genre: Dungeon Romper Updated: 29 Jul 2014 Posted: 12 Sep 2002 ZC Version: ZC 1.90 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.6/5 (9 ratings) Information:
Dragon Legend of Zelda: Unification is a quest full of puzzles and secrets that will take some thinking to get through. Features that are usually not in BS Quests have shown up in here including a hookshot, Lens of Truth, Golden Arrows, and more! Also, a warning to beginners. It's recommended you play a few other quests to learn the feel of ZC before playing this quest, as it does assume you have experience.
Zelda 3000 by jimbob
Genre: Dungeon Romper Updated: 02 Jan 2004 Posted: 25 Mar 2003 ZC Version: ZC 1.90 Rating[?]: Rating: 1.75/5 (11 ratings) Information:
It's Zelda, but set in the future.

People are reporting a bug in Level 4 - this was updated previously I thought, but I have just uploaded an update (28/12/03) that should fix this. And STOP copmlaining - my computer's been ill recently and has only just been fixed.

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