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The Realm of Shamanock

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Joe_Cracker Genre: Dungeon Romper Added: 12 May 2004 Updated: 27 Jul 2013 ZC Version: 1.90 Downloads: 218 Rating[?]: Rating: 1.3/5 (9 ratings) Download Quest
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This quest is an attempt at something different and doesn't follow the standard of most quests at the point it was submitted.
In a paralel world known as Shamanock, a great king rules his kingdom high in the sky. One day the evil wizard Gannon appeared and stole the kingdoms most valuable treasure, the tri-coins. The Bellthanar, the ruler of this great kingdom sets out to find a hero that will help him regain his kingdom. He soon arives in Hyrule where he meets princess Zelda and the great hero Link. King Belthanar tells Link and Zelda that Gannon has taken over his kingdom. Link must now wonder the lost wilderness known as "the land of Shakara" for the first four tri-coins that Gannon did not find. Then enter the gateway to the paralel world of Shamanock and recover the other four stolen tri-coins. Then defeat Gannon at Belthanar's "Castle in the Sky."
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UPDATE: The game tip has been edited at your convenience
I made this quest myself.


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