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Script Database

Script Type: All | 2.55 | Enemy | FFC | Global | Weapon | Hero | NPC | Screen | DMap | Item | Combo | Library | Misc | Generic

Futhark Quest Items (Replace the Triforce!)
Created by: Timelord
Global, Item, Misc Edited 13 May 2014
Posted 28 Apr 2014
Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating)
GB Power Bracelet
Created by: Zepinho
FFC, Global, Item Edited 26 Apr 2014
Posted 26 Apr 2014
Rating: 4.5/5 (5 ratings)
GBZ Ledge Jumping + Startropics Grid Jumping
Created by: Alucard648
Global Edited 20 Feb 2023
Posted 20 Feb 2023
Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
Created by: Emily
Global, Library Edited 08 Jan 2020
Posted 16 Sep 2016
Rating: 4.77/5 (12 ratings)
Global Difficulty System
Created by: Moosh
FFC, Global Edited 26 Dec 2020
Posted 18 Jun 2020
Rating: 4.33/5 (2 ratings)
Grayswandir Sideview Engine
Created by: Alucard648
Enemy, FFC, Global, Item, Library Edited 26 May 2024
Posted 31 Oct 2021
Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
Hot Room
Created by: Mero
Global Edited 30 Apr 2014
Posted 30 Apr 2014
HurtEffects.zh - Link Knockback, Sound, etc.
Created by: Timelord
FFC, Global, Library Edited 09 Aug 2016
Posted 17 Apr 2016
Ice Combos
Created by: Mero
Global Edited 30 Apr 2014
Posted 30 Apr 2014
Rating: 3.4/5 (4 ratings)
Ice combos EX
Created by: Alucard648
Global Edited 23 Aug 2022
Posted 11 Mar 2022
Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings)
Ice Physics [2.53][2.55] [OLD]
Created by: Emily
2.55, Global Edited 31 May 2021
Posted 09 Oct 2019
Created by: Timelord
Global, Library Edited 11 May 2014
Posted 11 May 2014
Jinx Stuff
Created by: justin
Enemy, Global Edited 31 Dec 2015
Posted 31 Dec 2015
Jump Button
Created by: Moosh
Global Edited 24 Aug 2019
Posted 24 Aug 2019
Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings)
Jump-Drown Spawn
Created by: justin
Global Edited 06 Jan 2015
Posted 06 Jan 2015

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