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Trees... in Sideview!

Creator: eNJuR Added: 13 Jun 2010 Downloads: 40
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.25/5 (3 ratings)
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(4.66 KB)
Tags: 16-color, Background, Collection, Greenery, Original, Overworld, Sideview

About Reviews

Wow, it's been forever since i submitted any tiles; odd considering how many i have laying around...
Anyway, for this week: some trees i drew! As a promotional bonus, you get a couple other random related tiles too!

Top two rows are the original, bottom three rows are recolored for DoR
utility: tileset maker
actually drawing them: me. (yes, i know it says raiu, but that's my username on all the other internet based thingies, so i use it to sign my tiles)