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DoR Update Tile Pack By Linkus

Creator: Linkus Added: 01 May 2009 Downloads: 105
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.75/5 (7 ratings)
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(21.6 KB)
Tags: Overworld, Collection, Decoration, Original, Structure, Walls

About Reviews

Basically a compilation of tiles made for DoR.

Most explain themselves; however, a few don't. So, I'll explain certain ones:

First the canopy is for attaching to a large wall. Trying to have it stand alone will need some editing.

Second, the two small signs you see are actually for two different things - The larger is for a wall that's more than 16 pixels high, while the smaller is for walls that are at or slightly less than 16 pixels.

As for everything else, it should be obvious what it's for.
Myself. Radien also gets a little credit, mainly for the creation of the DoR set.