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Screenshot of the Week 436

Sheik Jared Mudkipz EddyTheOliveira Volgia NewJourneysFire Avataro Demonlink

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Poll: Screenshot of the Week 436 (50 member(s) have cast votes)


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#31 Volgia


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Posted 04 January 2014 - 02:40 PM

Volgia, just as last time, I have to say that I absolutely love the smoothness of the graphics you used. And the subscreen is phenomenal! But why do you enter with the same screen twice?

Thanks! I thought I had a better chance with the subscreen :)

#32 Eddy



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Posted 04 January 2014 - 02:50 PM

My god, I'm tied 2nd place XD I wonder how this is going to end up by tomorrow?

#33 nicklegends


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Posted 04 January 2014 - 03:34 PM

Yeah, this poll is insanely close. If it ends in a tie, it would be the first since SotW 58. I think it's testament to the especially high quality of everybody's shots this week. :)
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#34 sutibu



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Posted 04 January 2014 - 09:41 PM

Been awhile since I did a write up so here goes:


Eddy de Oliveira - Looks like a nice GB screen. I have no problems with it and I like the partially frozen layout. Nice job.


Volgia - This for me was by the slightest of margins second place. I love this screen. It looks fantastic. The palette is spot on, I love the look of the subscreen and the corridors look fantastic. This screen is near flawless.


NJF - It looks sharp. I like this screen. The one minor complaint is the rock piles by the large cliff. They have a funny perspective for me but that could just be me. I like the atmosphere of the shot.


Avataro - It looks like a fire temple that's for sure. But I must say I haven't seen too many fire temples in NES tileset so I think you did a good job.


Demonlink - This screen is really well constructed but my one piece of advice is to tone down a bit on the variety of tree you use. The screen itself is very sharp but it looks a little forced with the five different tree varieties. Otherwise nice job and great atmosphere.


Sheik - My vote went here. I'm really digging the palette, and that subscreen is amazing. The moblins look really sharp and the overall screen design ain't too shabby either. I like the way your Link sprite looks too. Is this for a project or just tileset work? *EDIT* Just read over the posts and saw this was for a tileset. My bad for not reading things over first. Looks real sharp and hope it gets put to use soon after its completion


Jared - I like the layout of the shot. The walkways still look a little funny for me. I like that kind of warm, pale palette you got going and the staircase in the corner gives that classic Zelda feel of something you can't quite reach but will be able to later in the game. That sense of mystery which is great. Would like to see the subscreen to put it more in perspective though.


Mudkipz - I was waiting for a Christmas / Holiday themed shot like this. I enjoy it and it's fun. Nice job and thanks : )


Great turnout this week. Nice job everyone,



Edited by sutibu, 04 January 2014 - 09:45 PM.

#35 Hergiswi


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Posted 04 January 2014 - 10:59 PM

EddyTheOliveira: Really diggin' it, man. This looks like a legitimate GBC shot, and I love me some GBC.

Volgia: Also a nice shot. It really has a LTTP vibe to it, which I assume is what you're going for.

NewJourneysFire: This is a great shot, and it's not often at all that I say that about the Pure set. Nice job.

Avataro: This is a great use of the classic set. It still has the classic vibe but with some flavor added to it.

Demonlink: It's hard to look at this tileset and feel anything but happiness. It looks great, though I wish Link were in it, and preferably a subscreen.

Sheik: I've probably said this before, but your work is fantastic. I mean, this is really just a beautiful set you're working with. The shot feels really natural, too.

Jared: This is wonderful, and I love seeing some deviation from your usual style. I only wish there were a subscreen in the shot.

Mudkipz: I love it. There's some real life to this shot.

This was an extremely difficult decision for me. In the end, I wound up voting for Sheik, but I think everyone should be proud of the work they put into these shots.

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#36 Eddy



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Posted 05 January 2014 - 06:05 AM

Eddy de Oliveira

I see what you did thar... XD


EddyTheOliveira: Really diggin' it, man. This looks like a legitimate GBC shot, and I love me some GBC.

Thanks! It seems GBC styled screens are the type for me. I could probably continue working with this tileset for the longest time :D

#37 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 05 January 2014 - 05:12 PM

How do you guys decide a winner when there's a tie?

#38 The Satellite

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Posted 05 January 2014 - 11:57 PM

With 19.51% of the vote, the winner of Screenshot of the Week 436 is Sheik!





Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Sheik, Jared, Mudkipz, EddyTheOliveira, Volgia, NewJourneysFire, Avataro, Demonlink

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