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Locked Dungeon Entrance

Creator: LinktheMaster Added: 30 Apr 2014 Tags: FFC
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1. Create two combos for the dungeon entrance. The locked combo, then the open combo to its right (like you would setup a locked block). Do not set the locked version to a "lock block" combo type!
2. Put this FFC over the locked combo on the screen with this script attached, and the following variables set:

d0: The combo number of the locked combo
d1: The item required to open the lock block
d2: The message that is displayed if you do not have a lock block (leave as 0 if not desired)
d3: The sound effect played when opening the lock block (leave as 0 to use the shutter SFX)
d4: Set as 1 if you want the item to be removed from Link's inventory

3. If you wish the change to span across multiple combos, follow steps 1 & 2 for all other combos on the screen. If one of these is setup and triggered, they are all simultaneously triggered.

Note: Do not have a normal lock block on the screen!

Requires std.zh.