Edit: Staff contacted me an basically told me that I'd have to bump up my rating for all quests I have ever reviewed by one star. Note that this does not reflect my own opinion on the matter, or the quest, but just that it was something I was made required to do.
Probably the best randomizer avalible for ZC so far, in my honest opinion. Replay value is really high in this one since it's not insanely long, and there are a lot of randomized aspects that will make for a new experience every run. Other than that you have a nice mix of Zelda 1 style gameplay with more modern conveniences (though no space map in dungeons). I enjoyed my two playthroughs so far and I think I have gotten a good enough grasp of the quest structure to say that I like it.
That being said, the quest does have some flaws: The full-sized overworld does not work in the quest's favour. I completely understand why the Zelda 1 overworld was used, since that's where the expectation is. But I think a smaller overworld map around the size of a single BS map would be better size. Mainly since there is a secret on every single screen, the quest is completely flooded with useless secrets. Now, in one way it's nice to know that there is always one secret per screen, that way you can know for sure if you can cross a screen off the list or not. On the otherhand, this means finding what you need (dungeons) becomes a bit of a pain, especially if you find late-game dungeons early, because when you can do them later on you just don't remember where they are. I guess that's a minor nitpick, but it's certainly an area that could looked over on for future projects, or an alternate map for this very same quest? (hrm)
Another complaint I have is the visuals. Firstly, I will say that the visuals work way better in-game than what it seemed like from the screenshots, so that was nice. But I'm not entirely sold on it to be honest. It's mostly the overworld palettes that bother me, I guess. Like, the sand on the beach looks way too dark and muddy (but the mountains there look good), while the green grass looks... off. I think my problem with the grass is that it's either too bright or not bright enough.

But yeah, I'll play more of this in the future, great randomizer, can't wait for the updates!