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Zelda: Downfall (new project forum)

Latest Beta

(0.96 MB)
Genre: Story-driven Added: 01 Sep 2021 Downloads: 16 Rating[?]:
This is the latest beta for evaluation purposes. Kinda stalled project at the moment. Leave feedback, expecting mostly negative, especially in difficulty.



Posted 02 September 2021 - 09:03 PM
Leaving my thoughts here so far up through level 5. The quest is pretty solid and despite your concerns about the difficulty, I don't think that's been an issue so far. Most of my major concerns are to do with telegraphing and your long standing quest continuity when I believe you should restart for the convenience of new players. Here's my list of assorted nitpicks, should you choose to address them:
  • The bomb pickup string always replaying after death is rather annoying. If possible it should only play once, if not, maybe bombs don't need a string.
  • The music resetting on picking up item cellar items and passing through passageways seems odd. The quest has a lot more modern features and isn't being made for a Zelda 1 quest contest anymore, so I question the purpose of that rule being on.
  • While I believe most of the dungeon entrances have been hinted at so far, I was not able to decipher the hints prior to finding them and the cost of those hints was prohibitively expensive. The one pointing to level 4 in particular seemed rather vague if it's the one I'm thinking of (referred to trees and a whistle leading to something?)
  • I would appreciate the ability to swap items with L/R and Ex buttons. I believe 2.55 can do this but if not I can supply a script easily enough.
  • The wallet upgrade looking like a rupee almost tricked me into walking past it. I'd just make it a wallet.