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DoR Jumping Bonefish

Creator: CastChaos Added: 11 Nov 2007 Downloads: 38
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (5 ratings)
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Tags: Decoration, Edited, Misc, Sprite, Water

About Reviews

These are some jumping fishes in DoR, so I thought I might make a jumping bonefish, just as there are some in LttP. All I made is that I removed the flesh from the DoR fish. Use CSet4 of the overworld palettes if you want it to be white. Also, what you see in the screenshot is one of my custom palettes, it will be brighter in the main overworld palette. (However, it is meant for dark palettes...)


EDIT 1: Just credits fix.
PrinceMSC for original fish
Radien for DoR
Nintendo for the idea