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Animated OoT Spiritual Stones for DoR

Creator: CastChaos Added: 03 Jul 2007 Downloads: 43
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.17/5 (5 ratings)
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Tags: Edited, Item, Sprite

About Reviews

I need the Spiritual Stones in my quest, but DoR has quite lousy ones, so I redraw and animated NoeL's BS stones and decided to submit them as well, for they are very useful in Zelda games.

First row: Sapphire of Zoras. CSet: 7. Speed: 5.
Second row: Ruby of Gorons. CSet: 8. Speed: 10.
Third row: Emerald of the Kokiri. CSet: 9. Speed: 7.

Good for decoration or even for reward from dungeons, as well as you can use them for the three Goddess Magic.

Nintendo for making Ocarina of Time
NoeL for the original tiles
Radien for the DoR tileset
PureZC Site Staff for storing them here at PureZC