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Tabula Rasa

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Jamian Genre: Miniquest Added: 17 Jul 2017 Updated: 05 Aug 2017 ZC Version: 2.50.2 Downloads: 544 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.27/5 (10 ratings) Download Quest
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Rating: 4/5

Posted 12 August 2018 - 07:56 PM
The wind labyrinth was awful but the rest was pretty great.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 25 July 2017 - 06:18 AM
A fairly fun and unique quest! I actually found a lot of it to be pretty funny but also really creative. It'd be cool to see such a concept expanded upon, but this quest utilized it fairly well. The wind maze while evil, was forgivable enough for me. The Death Knight projectile dodging was my least favorite part of the quest. Overall, good job!

Rating: 4/5

Edited 18 July 2017 - 02:23 PM
A lot of my points were already covered by others, so I'll keep this review fairly short.

On the plus side: Your humor is top notch, as always. The quest itself is overall fun, and the central gimmick is incredibly amusing. The one boss was pretty cool, and there were lots of creative ideas.

On the minus side: The wind maze was incredibly tedious and pushed the limits of my patience. A final boss fight would've been nice. The first dungeon suffered from the same problem Forbidden City did with navigation puzzles (like the flower rooms) on through rooms, so it go pretty tedious doing them again and again. Finding the rupee drops in the grass was pretty annoying.

Overall: It was fun. Not perfect, but a nice waste of an hour and a half.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 17 July 2017 - 03:45 PM
I had fun and I loved the ideas with this quest, but I want to address some things I had some issues with:

Making the player do the same screen over again, particularly the following the flower paths... And those death knights... It got kind of annoying...

The wind maze was annoying. I like the idea but it was kind of big.

Things I liked about the quest:

Great ideas with unlocking new stuff.

The game felt super odd and I liked that.
  • lincolnpepper likes this

Rating: 4/5

Posted 17 July 2017 - 01:36 PM
This was a pretty fun miniquest that I enjoyed quite a bit. I definitely love how the quest starts out where you need to slowly upgrade as you go along. It definitely reminds me of those old flash games I used to play where the main objective was to upgrade everything as you went along. It was quite humourous and definitely got me tricked with that Magic Jar. I actually ended up posted that as a bug in the official thread until I realised it was intentional and even the description of this quest mentions things like that would pop up. Good job me :P

The difficulty of the quest kinda felt a bit all over the place with some parts feeling too easy and others feeling too hard, but nothing too unbearable I guess. Death Knights were evil though, a lot of my deaths came from how unpredictable those sword beams are, but again, I managed to get through them eventually and things kinda became a breeze from there. The Wind Labyrinth area is a really cool concept, but incredibly frustrating to get through. I think most of my time spent was in that maze lol. I can tell that attention to screen design and stuff wasn't the main goal with this quest, so the screen design isn't too amazing in most places, but it's decent enough and generally looks nice.

Overall, this was a pretty good miniquest. The Wind Labyrinth and some other things were slightly annoying, but it was generally good. I'd probably give this one a solid 4/5. Very nice experimental quest I'd say.

Also, I managed to get 97% item completion. I couldn't find the story sequence anywhere and I dunno if the Red Potion counts towards the item completion (went for the heart of course :P)