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Assortment of Instrument Tiles

Creator: Siguy Added: 16 Mar 2006 Downloads: 33
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.64/5 (10 ratings)
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Tags: Decoration, Interior, Misc, Original, Structure

About Reviews

I hand drew these to go with the pure house pallete. They are mostly pianos. They include one grand piano, one upright grand piano, one console grand piano, one harpsichord, one violin, one cello, a music book, a sheet of music and a stool. I may update this later. I tried and tried to make a rippable image but ZC and irfanview just werent cooperating. I instead made a copy of PTUX for 2.10 with the tiles (The blue color was originally so the background wouldn't get messed up in gif conversion. I'm sure anyone who can use ZC can recolor the BG)

Recommended usage:
1. Place the instrument on layer one
2. Create a warp combo in front of the instrument
3. Make the warp a insta warp to another dmap with an identical screen
4. Check "no subscreen" on the second screen
5. Assign your favorite MIDI file to that dmap

That way, if link steps on it, it will seem like he is playing the instrument.
Irfanview and MS paint (Just for the screenshot)