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Report The Crystal Heart

Creator: Ica Status: Active Genre: Story-driven ZC Version: 2.55 Project Started: 10 Apr 2014 Project Opened: 18 Apr 2021

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This project is the continuation and rebranding of my first (uncompleted) quest, The Great Fairy Plea. As such, it has technically been in development for at least ten years. Through the years, it underwent several changes and various adjustments, from very minor things to major ones, finally turning into this quest that now is called The Crystal Heart. As such, many story elements have been changed, but the main structure of the quest continues the same.

What's it all about, after all?

The main focus of the game is exploration, with a story as to drive it. The main idea behind the game is to make it a fun adventure, with lots of different areas to explore, many different characters (with the aim of creating a living and inhabited world) and secrets galore.

There are 8 main dungeons and a few secret ones;
Many many different and diverse areas, including familiar ones like Kokiri Village, the Lost Woods and Gerudo's Valley, all reinterpreted and made to be interesting and fun to explore, as well as many new areas.
There's a bunch of itens, no scripted ones, though.
Custom bosses in the old style (not done through scripting).
A mixed graphical composition, using the NES set as a base, with lots of additions from different sets and of my own creation, with a desire to keep it mostly cohesive.
And much more!

Since it was started in 2.10, the quest does not involve too much scripting. I do try to take advantage of the many benefits of 2.50, but I like the simplicity of it as well. Not everything in the quest will be 100% optimized, but I will do my best to make it a fun and interesting game to play.
Hopefully you will think so too!