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DoR Mts. for Pure (Lite ver.)

Creator: Radien Added: 18 Jul 2004 Downloads: 44
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.73/5 (10 ratings)
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Tags: 16-color, Mountains, Original, Overworld

About Reviews

Well, here they are... the first two pages I'm releasing from Dance of Remembrance's mountain tiles. A long time ago, these were Sludge's Z3-style small mountains. I started editing them to look a little more like LTTP, but they ending up diverging into something rather different.

Several weeks later, the result is an absolutely huge set of multi-purpose mountain tiles. The tiles range on varying levels of difficulty of use.

The portion you see here is the easiest to use. They work like Pure's cake layer mountains. They don't function exactly like Pure, but they're close enough to figure out without difficulty.


These tiles use the Pure palette, but only in CSet 3. They work in most of the pure palettes, but not all. They'll need recoloring for certain palettes which make drastic changes, such as the winter palette. They should be fine for "light source" palettes, i.e. night and day.

Also, they can't be used with the Pure water Cset (Cset 4), which means that you'll need to use layering in certain circumstances if you have them bordering water. As an example, though, the preview shot required no layers to make.

These mountains are diagonal-capable. Remember that the diagonal tiles require different corners. Other than that, you're good to go. These may require some minor edits for different terrain combinations, but they should be simple to make with the overlay command and/or use of layers.

I have over 80 edited tiles for these mountains, and they'll be released over time, according to demand and how far I am in my quest, come time. Have fun with these. I hoped you'd enjoy another divergence from cake layers.
Sludge for the tiles which worked as the original bare skeleton of these mountains.

Members of the PureZC forums for being so supportive and helpful.