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Prototype BS Link

Creator: Dart Zaidyer Added: 05 Aug 2020 Downloads: 28
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.33/5 (2 ratings)
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Tags: Player, BS_Tileset, Sprite

About Reviews

This release covers the baseline graphics only, with no alterations or additions for ZC-specific features. After so many years of guesswork by various people trying to create BS Link sprites, I feel it is important to offer an unaltered version of the real thing.

This release includes the official palettes as well. Nintendo created palettes for the default green tunic, the Blue Ring, and the Red Ring. These palettes are different from what was eventually used in the final broadcast version of the game. To get these palettes working in your quest, please remember to use the Grab tool in ZQuest's palette editor. (The specific palettes you want to grab for Link will be the equivalent of CSet 6 in each spritesheet.)

Interestingly, it appears the Red Ring changes the color of Link's shield from red to blue. This change seems to be intentional.

Also included are sprites for the Merchant NPC and Princess Zelda. They use Link's palette as well, and unlike the final game, these versions were meant to have Link's hair color.
BS The Legend of Zelda prototype