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'Lost Lands' Classic-styled Dungeon Tiles

Creator: Feenicks Added: 30 Mar 2013 Downloads: 143
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.17/5 (5 ratings)
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(6.4 KB)
Tags: Collection, Dungeon, Interior

About Reviews

About a year ago I decided to go back and actually continue work on a Classic tileset quest I had been working on a few months prior. Aside from doing a bunch of overworld stuff and finishing off Level 3, I also drew these two classic dungeon sets. As is often the case, I eventually just stopped working on the quest; since I have no idea whether I'm even going to really work on it again, putting at least the dungeon tiles up on here seemed like the best thing to do.

They're 3 colors plus black, so they should rip in really easily even if you're not using the classic tileset with these for whatever reason. Likewise, comboing them shouldn't be too difficult to figure out, since they're pretty much a variant of the classic dungeon tiles.