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Minish Cap Enemies: MC Enemy Tile Pack for DoR

Creator: Radien Added: 19 Nov 2011 Downloads: 274
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.82/5 (16 ratings)
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(224.28 KB)
Tags: Edited, Enemy, Ripped, Sprite

About Reviews

Many of you have been wanting Minish Cap tiles in ZC, such as Minish Cap enemies, but size has always been a problem. They're just too large to fit into ZC.

Awhile ago I thought "hey, I bet I could fit Leevers into 16x16 tiles." I did, but by the time I was finished I was on a roll.

So how many Minish Cap enemies would you like?
A couple?
A dozen?
TWO dozen?

...How about THIRTY. Yes, that's right, a whopping 30 Minish Cap enemies resized for ZC, and that's not including recolors and palette swaps. All of them are in the animation to the right, except for the Boulder, which is in the tile pack but didn't make it into the preview.

Not all of the Minish Cap enemies are included here, but most of the not-huge ones are (and a few of the huge ones, too). It is very difficult to check such a large tilesheet for problems, so if you have any trouble ripping, I'd appreciate it if you'd PM me before leaving a review. I will try to fix it as best I can.
Yoshimi (credited as "Sheik" in the tiles) allowed me to include his MC Moblins and Armos statues. I left them mostly unaltered, except that I recolored the Armos for DoR.

All of the other sprites were converted/drawn by me. I rescaled the tiles by manually dragging around the pixels until they fit, and in some case redrew tiles by hand.

Credit to the fine folks at Nintendo and Capcom for the original game graphics.
