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Deathl Sprites (LA Final Boss)

Creator: Ricky of Kokiri Added: 01 May 2009 Downloads: 34
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.6/5 (4 ratings)
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(6.4 KB)
Tags: Edited, Enemy, Ripped, Sprite

About Reviews

theZCking asked for these and I volunteered, thinking it wouldn't be too hard to rearrange and rotate the circles to make the arms in the requested eight compass directions. It turned out to be a lot more difficult in practice than in theory, and it took me about four or five hours of moving things around to make something usable in ZQuest.

From my observations, to truly recreate Deathl you would need the main body, and then a script that rotates the arms (or arm pieces) around the body. (I've seen this script used in Lost Isle, so I know it can be done). For those who want to give that a shot, or use Deathl as a multiple screen custom boss, here are the graphics for it. Everything needed to create Deathl is included in the zip file.
- theZCking for asking for the tiles and thus prompting me to make them.
- Ryan914 for creating the spritesheet I used.
- creatorofchaos for providing the spritesheet.
- Nintendo for making Deathl in the first place.