New features
- Classy Link now has sideview swimming and bunny tiles, making him 2.55 complete!
- More miscellaneous assets for both overworld and dungeon, some reminiscent of other tilesets.
- Stairways and crumbling walls for each dungeon set.
- Blow those walls up with the new Bomb Flowers!
- A variety of locks for overworld barriers, covering every niche.
- A huge water expansion; ice borders, floating boards, reworked docks and more!
- Perfectly timed with the addition of sideview swimming, the sideview section has been expanded!
- More NPCs and expanded tile bank to wrap things up!
To reiterate credit where credit is due, here is the list of people who made this tileset possible:
- Lead Developers: Shane, Matthew, P-Tux7 and Jenny.
- Tile Contributors: 4matsy, Alucard648, Anthus, Coolgamer, Geoffrey, Jared, Joelmacool, Mitchfork, Mitsukara, Moosh, NightmareJames, Orithan, Random Talking Bush, Runa, TheStalfosKing, elektriktoad, vlamart, Mister Mike, Jambu, xmuppetsb.
- Palettes: Shane and xanadude.
- Setup Assistance: Moosh.
- Example Screens: Jenny, Matthew, Shane and xanadude.
Download Here!
Expect a finalised database update sometime soon, mostly with any potential bug fixes that occur during the expo showcase.
And now... Collabria!
Ambient Silence, with the completion of Cambria, has started a new collaboration. Some new and familiar faces make up the development team:
- Anthus
- Haylee
- Jenny
- Joelmacool
- Matthew
- Professor Bedwetter
- Shane
- xanadude