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The Waves of Penthos (world building game)


v0.2 Released

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#1 notmichaeljfox



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  • Real Name:Michael

Posted 07 September 2024 - 11:55 AM

Well... this took longer than expected. Since it's been a while, let me explain what the game is about.

You are Rami, who washes ashore after a cataclysmic flood. Most of the world's people have died, but you are focussed on the memory of what happened to your family, which will set you on a journey to save the world.

The game is a mix of two ideas I had in my head:

  • Sailing - sail anywhere, without raft paths. When finished, there will be a 16*16 map that you can travel like in Wind Waker.
  • World building, with consequences - you can rebuild the world around you by collecting resources and interacting with building markers, but you'll rarely have enough to help everyone.

I described the first version as proof of concept to see if my idea would work. I learnt that I can make the idea work, and spent time making the game better and polishing the world-building concept:

  • So many bug fixes
  • Upped the level of detail to the playing areas, and have now mostly redone all the tiles (from Pure) to match this game's style
  • Added two new islands
  • Added the first 'tough' decision (it's not that tough, unless you like 100% completion...)
  • Added the first dungeon
  • Added lots of lore - you'll know who the villain is and why they are causing problems
  • Built subscreens
  • Rewrote most of the strings

What's next:

  • Opening up more of the ocean maps (only 10% available at the moment)
  • Building a handful of minor islands, a major island, a couple of tougher decisions
  • Watching the development of Z3 scrolling

Edited by notmichaeljfox, 07 September 2024 - 11:56 AM.

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