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What media player software do you use?

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#16 LTTP



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Posted 23 June 2013 - 06:15 PM

Winamp is my media player of choice. I've got several plug ins for old game music formats, so I can listen to a bunch in one player. Though for some videos, I'll run it through VLC instead.

what u mean by old game music format?
so far 100% music formats works.
midi's give me a hard time but still work....

#17 skateboarder11



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Posted 27 June 2013 - 08:45 PM

Depends on OS and what I'm playing.


My primary Windows music player (I mainly use the mp3 format) is mpxplay. Very off the wall choice, I know: it's a console player, and it fortunately has a Win32 build. (Fun fact: this is mainly a DOS player!) I will use Winamp for formats that require plugins (SID, NSF, VGZ, SAP, IT, MOD, XM, S3M, etc...) however. As for video... VLC all the way.


On Linux, I tend to use moc (another console player) for music, and Audacious for what that doesn't support. Again, VLC gets video duty.


On OS X, it's complicated. MP3s and such get dropped into iTunes, trackers get played in CocoModX (...which means I CAN'T play trackers beyond Snow Leopard, being a PPC-only application), SIDPLAY for SIDs, and a few other specialized applications. VLC gets video here as well, though, and I use Mactubes for YT playback (because Flash). I don't remember everything, though: beyond a hackintosh netbook, I haven't seriously run OS X for quite a while, and have thus forgotten a ton of things I used on it!


Thanks for mentioning SMPlayer, though! I'd like to give it a shot. Mactubes is one major reason I feel the absolute need to have at least one OS X machine up, and it'd be nice to have another task I could do regardless of what OS I happen to be running at the time.

#18 Magi_Hero



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Posted 27 June 2013 - 11:50 PM

I don't really use anything other then Spotify when I listen to music anymore, so for music I just use that. I'm still partial to VLC for videos that I used to download to watch anime.

#19 Kite


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:08 AM

Thanks for mentioning SMPlayer, though! I'd like to give it a shot. Mactubes is one major reason I feel the absolute need to have at least one OS X machine up, and it'd be nice to have another task I could do regardless of what OS I happen to be running at the time.


If you feed VLC a Youtube video URL, it should stream and play it unless a Youtube update has happened since the version of VLC you are using. I used VLC for that before I switched to SMPlayer. The downside is that you can't save Youtube video playlists with VLC since it rewrites the URL to a temporary URL VLC can play.

#20 DCEnygma


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:28 AM

I'm actually very standard issue on this. I use Windows Media Player for all videos and I use iTunes for all music. I really don't have any reason to use anything else. I do use ArcSoft's software for my PVR recordings, but I still play the videos on WMP.

#21 skateboarder11



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:37 AM

If you feed VLC a Youtube video URL, it should stream and play it unless a Youtube update has happened since the version of VLC you are using. I used VLC for that before I switched to SMPlayer. The downside is that you can't save Youtube video playlists with VLC since it rewrites the URL to a temporary URL VLC can play.


I've fed VLC URLs before. Works, but kind of weird. I'm really after some more of SMPlayer's features such as downloading videos - I like being able to download them for use later when I need them. (This recently came in very handy for some GB/GBC repair videos... download them while I'm away, and watch them when I'm ready to work, for example.)

#22 Kite


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:23 AM

Fair enough. I wasn't sure if you were aware of that feature or not since I don't think VLC advertises it that well. :shrug: I think SMPlayer handles it better anyway (hence why I use it :P ).

#23 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:16 PM

I am shocked no one uses Winamp o.0


I used to use it for music because of the beautiful background visuals (what were they called?) it had, but I just find iTunes more convenient for music. I used to use Windows Media Player for everything (with K-Lite), but now, considering i do own an iPhone and all, I am just generally more comfortable using iTunes for my music. 

#24 Nicholas Steel

Nicholas Steel

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:29 PM

What media players feature a Frame Step feature both for stepping forward a single frame and also for stepping back a single frame? Media Player Classic Home Cinema has a Frame Step and Frame Step Back feature but they don't step a single frame, instead stepping a chunk of frames... and the video output doesn't update (99% of the time) when Frame Step Back'ing and occasionally also not when Frame Step'ing forward (5-10%of the time).


If you instead configure the Jump Forward and Jump Backward functions to use really small values and try to use them, it breaks playback entirely (I believe it corrupts the video buffer as even simply trying to play back the video like normal, after the problem occurs, won't work too well.).


Edit: I asked elsewhere and got an awesome explanation on this subject.

Edited by franpa, 01 July 2013 - 02:15 AM.

#25 Ventus



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Posted 30 June 2013 - 03:11 PM

I did pick up clementine and I have to say it is quite nice. And I also picked Winamp but it wouldn't stop crashing when I was trying to add music to the library of the player, maybe it doesn't like windows seven or something?

Edited by Ventus, 30 June 2013 - 03:11 PM.

#26 LTTP



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Posted 30 June 2013 - 07:15 PM

I did pick up clementine and I have to say it is quite nice. And I also picked Winamp but it wouldn't stop crashing when I was trying to add music to the library of the player, maybe it doesn't like windows seven or something?

Winamp works perfectly for every windows o.0
Re install?

#27 Ventus



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Posted 30 June 2013 - 08:02 PM

Winamp works perfectly for every windows o.0
Re install?

I've tried re-installing it but it still crashed... Not a good start for me with Winamp for sure. <.<

#28 LTTP



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Posted 30 June 2013 - 08:25 PM


try looking here for a solution 

#29 Ventus



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Posted 30 June 2013 - 08:57 PM


try looking here for a solution 

Thanks I'll take a look there and see what I can do. :)

#30 Orithan


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Posted 01 July 2013 - 03:56 PM

The only thing I use to play music on my laptop with is Youtube. Only because I don't know how to download music and because that music isn't on my Iriver. I use my Iriver for everything else, mainly playing music.
I used to use Winamp and Windows Media player, but I shifted everything to my old DS1 when I begun using it for that purpose and then to my Iriver when I got that.
When I was younger, I used to have a Zelda skin for Winamp and used to play primarily Zelda music.

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