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Umbral Cloud

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NJF Plays Umbral Cloud (*-*Completed*-*)

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#16 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 19 August 2016 - 09:58 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (01 - Nightwood Grove)


(Duration 26:00)


Long ago, a race called the solots and the great spirits of the world lived in complete harmony. However, one day a dark miasma erupted from the earth and brought fort darkness in the skies. 
The miasma corrupted the land and killed off most of the solots. Those that did survive ended up becoming shades. These shades became beings of darkness, though fortunately retaining their original personalities. 
The shades became content at living out their lives as they became until one day light started peering through the clouds. Most of the shades burnt up in the sunlight. Those who survived escaped and hidden inside caves until eventually the sunlight ceased. The clouds grew thick once again. 
Decades later, the clouds are once again showing weakness which is now an obvious threat to the shades. A small family of shades lead by a man named Olsov aims to find a cause to this phenomenon. Olsov is certain that these fluctuations could be related to the sun spirit.
With his oldest son falling ill, Olsov tasks his younger adopted son Sasic on a quest to get into the Sun Tower. As Sasic begins his journey, he recieves encouraging words from his sister, Saiya. 
Before speaking to Olsov, Sasic finds a weapon and challenges his brother, Gaius to a friendly duel before his adventure. After defeating Gaius in his sickened but still powerful state. He is commended by Gaius and their sister for his improved abilities in strength and performance. Sasic is rewarded the Quake Tablet which Gaius instructed Saiya to give Sasic if he's ever able to defeat Gaius in a duel. 
Sasic continues exploring around Nightwood Grove searching for his father Olsov. Sasic appears enthusiastic to help his father opened the sealed door to the Sun Tower. He explains that 4 Sun Tower keys is needed to open the tower. Fortunately one has already been open by Sasic's brother before he fell ill. Sasic is now sent on a quest by his father to find the remaining 3 keys. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image. 
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#17 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 21 August 2016 - 10:55 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (02 - Miasma Keep)


(Duration 16:58)


Sasic discovers and explores Miasma Keep. This heavily guarded place appears to a fortified tower designed to either hold, keep back, or respect the miasma that created the Shades in the first place. This keep while surrounded and protected by Shades seems infested with monsters. Sasic explores what appears to be the mostly abandoned keep to find that what his dad seeks. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#18 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 23 August 2016 - 12:47 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (03 - Chilled Caves)


(Duration 15:37)


After some exploration, Sasic discovers the Chilled Caves at the foot of Hillside. Inside the Chilled Caves Sasic uses the orb he found in Hillside to unlock the seal to one of the guardians that his father mentioned. Upon defeating the guardian Kholdstare, Sasic earns his first key. Sasic brings the key to his father who warns Sasic that the other guardians will be much tougher and asks him if he still wants to take his journey. Sasic delivers a confident affirmation of his desire to continue his quest. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#19 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 25 August 2016 - 04:29 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (04 - Hillside)


(Duration 24:49)


Sasic returns to the frozen region of Hillside with his new hammer to discover new terrain. This brings him into confrontation with a Patra, and later Kotake inside the chilled caves. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#20 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 27 August 2016 - 12:20 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (05 - Lavaflow part 1)




Sasic returns to Lava Flow which takes him to the back entrance of Miasma Keep. This return to Miasma Keep offers Sasic some new interesting puzzles to complete before he's able to explore the true depths of Lavaflow.
Lavaflow is a fiery region partly basked in sunlight. Nearly everything here is a potential danger for Sasic. Yet after fighting two fire witches, he manages to reach the other side. But he must travel elsewhere to get the crystal orb.
With no clear direction to go, Sasic heads east to the Desert Wasteland.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#21 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 29 August 2016 - 12:26 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (06 - Lavaflow part 2)




Sasic finds a hermit in the Sandy Wastes. The hermit reveals that Sasic's quest to awaken Horizon would surely cause all the clouds to part and end the life of the shades. This makes Sasic feel very conflicted and presents a need to confront and speak to Olsov about the nature of his plans.
The hermit gives Sasic the orb he was looking for. Sasic returns to Lavaflow with the orb and uses it to open the gate to the next guardian. This guardian, the Trinexx soon meets his defeat by Sasic, earning him his 3rd key to the Sun Tower.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#22 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 01 September 2016 - 10:15 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (07 - Earth Guardian Seism)




After defeating Trinexx and obtaining his 3rd key, Sasic conveniently finds a pair of flippers before deciding to fight the Earth Guardian to receive his ability. Sasic earns the guardian's respect and heads east to the Sandy Wastes with his new ability. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#23 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 05 September 2016 - 01:55 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (08 - Sandy Wastes & Eastern Valley part 1)




"She's the Old Woman Who Knows Everything." - LejesR @ 22:47
"If the Mayor of the World shows up in this quest I'm going to be a little concerned" - LejesR @ 25:14
Sasic's journey takes him to the Sandy Wastes and the underground chambers of Solot Necropolis. While this eastern region is technically a living hell for the life of a Sasic, the underground which seemingly would be better for a Shade is however filled with the monstrous undead and is therefore probably even more treacherous than the land above. 
As Sasic finds the surface again, he reaches the Eastern Valley, a village of Solots who are surprised to find a Shade in their village during the time when bright sunlight shines over their region. 
Sasic speaks to a Shaman and reveals his plan to collect the keys and confront Olsov about his plans. The Shaman, who reveals that she's an old friend of Olsov's and states that this isn't the first time Olsov attempted to enter the Sun Tower, stating he has entered there once before but has failed his mission. The Shaman also reveals that she knows of his brother's sickness and offers to help.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#24 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 09 September 2016 - 09:22 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (09 - Sandy Wastes & Eastern Valley part 2)




"NJF is the guy who takes those Nintendo game warnings seriously." - LejesR @ 1:03

"Who on earth is buried here?!?! Why would you bury someone here?! What are they buried under? Concrete?!?! With spikes coming out of the concrete?! How would you pay tribute to these people?! Why would you bury people like that?! This is like the burial of the hatred!! These people were hated! Nobody wanted to see these people again!!" - NJF 19:46 
Now with more confirmation that his journey could potentially lead to the demise of his race. Sasic is further motivated to seek out the keys, even if that means he has to keep the keys out of his father's reach. 
Sasic continues to explore the eastern region of the wastes and the necropolis in search of the final guardian who is guarding the last and final key to the Sun Tower. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#25 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 11 September 2016 - 09:18 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (10 - Sandy Wastes & Eastern Valley part 3)




"Cloudy, with a chance of boulders." - LejesR @ 2:57
".... That puzzle. Jeezus." - Rondorix @ 25:44
Sasic continues to find himself lost within the Solot Necropolis looking for the final guardian. Though seemingly walking in circles, Sasic finally discovers a puzzle that earns him the ability to use arrows. With the arrow, Sasic can now unlock the secrets of the Necropolis to find a hidden section of the Sandy Wastes where the final guardian dwell. 
However, this guardian proves to be tougher than even Trinexx and will be Sasic's most difficult fight yet. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

#26 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 13 September 2016 - 06:11 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (11 - Sandy Wastes & Eastern Valley part 4)




"Boss defeated, time to uncap through whatever the next room is!" - LejesR @ 9:12
"You buddy! You looks fuckin' stoned man! You looks high as a kite, look at you for fuck sakes! Get off the fuckin' weed for fuck sakes man.. The fuckin' face on ya is unfuckin' real." - NJF @ 16:56
Sasic has a difficult time taking out this guardian, but he finally gets his moment of relief when he destroys its arms and in a desperate move to try and crush Sasic, it crushes itself through the floor to its death. Below however, the true nightmare begins.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 24 December 2016 - 04:08 PM.

#27 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 15 September 2016 - 10:09 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (12 - Sandy Wastes & Eastern Valley part 5)




LejesR: bring up the Hauntrock video (11:45)
LejesR: zoom (11:46)
LejesR: ENHANCE (11:47)
Sasic finally defeats the final guardian only to discover that Olsov is trying to capture Saiya. Before Sasic is able to appropriately respond, Olsov appears and captures Saiya. He demands Sasic to hand over the keys to which Sasic refuses. 
Olsov explains that Saiya is unharmed, but Sasic feels deceived and manipulated by Olsov. Sasic explains that Horizon's awakening will mean that all Shades will die and that he plans to prevent it. Olsov confirms this to be true and apologizes for the lack of transparency in Sasic's journey. 
Despite Sasic knowing the truth of Olsov's plan, Olsov refuses to let this deter him from entering Sun Keep. He decides to take the keys from Sasic by force. 
After defeating Sasic, Olsov takes the keys and heads to the Sun Tower, telling Sasic to stay away from the tower at all costs to prevent him from seeing what he has to do inside Sun Tower. Before Olsov departs, he reveals the news that Gaius has passed away due to his illness. Sasic feels tremendous grief after losing his entire family. 
In despite of Olsov's warnings, Sasic immediately chases him to the Sun Tower to confront Olsov and maybe even Horizon to a final battle. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

Edited by NewJourneysFire, 24 December 2016 - 04:08 PM.

#28 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 18 September 2016 - 09:53 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (13 - Sun Tower & Ending A)




"Final boss time! Oh nevermind, you got incinerated." - LejesR @ 30:22
Inside the Sun Tower, Sasic confronts Olsov about his attempts to awaken Horizon. Here, Olsov reveals his plan to prevent Horizon's rebirth. Olsov explains that a vessel is needed for Horizon's revival and her chosen vessel is Saiya. Olsov plan is to perform a ritual during Horizon's revival which will end the process. However, this ritual will also kill Saiya which is the underlying reason for Olsov's secrecy during this journey. 
Sasic refuses to let Olsov kill Saiya insisting there must be another way. Unfortunately, despite Sasic's wishes, there is no other way. When Olsov first discovered that Saiya was Horizon's vessel he immediately adopted Sasic and his family as part of the plan to prevent Horizon from destroying all the shades.
This confession made Sasic doubt Olsov's love for the family despite Olsov continuing to claim that he's dreaded this day the entire time. Completely disgusted by everything he's heard from his father Sasic aims to stop his father at all costs which leads them to fight. Olsov, while initially holding back ends up fighting Sasic with all his might and loses not only the battle, but his life. 
Olsov tells Sasic to tell Saiya that he is sorry, unknowing to Sasic that he's drawn his final breath. Sasic, given no time to grieve enters the chamber that Saiya is held only to discover that Horizon has been reborn.
Horizon explains to Sasic that the Miasma that keeps the Shades alive is slowly consuming the planet. The biggest most horrifying reveal is that the Shades are at odds with the survival with the planet and must be eliminated thus preventing apocalypse. Sasic insists that this is not right and there must be another way to which Horizon responds with incinerating Sasic.
Now Sasic and his entire family is dead. However, the community of shades are given no time to mourn as they soon after meet their end due to Horizon's promise of eliminating all the shades and thus saving the world. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

#29 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 20 September 2016 - 12:32 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (14 - Nature Guardian Ferox)




"Synapse on Swindle is magical. And by magical, I mean a root canal without anesthetic." Evan20000 @ 22:33
LejesR: BEEEEEEEES (27:14)
Evan20000: BEEEEEEEEEES? (27:20)
Levi: Is bees coming tonight? (27:23)
In the previous video, Sasic's quest ended in tragedy. Now we follow the story of Sasic's journey during events before fighting Hauntrock. In this alternate tale, Sasic will make different choices leading to an alternate ending.
However, before making any decisions, Sasic fights the Nature Guardian Ferox. This guardian proves difficult to defeat, but not really much harder than anything else Sasic has fought so far. Sasic defeats Ferox earning his ability to summon bees.
After defeating Ferox, Sasic defeats finally collects 10 mushrooms and decides to immediately head east to brew up a potion to cure his brother's illness.
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

#30 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 24 September 2016 - 10:29 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (15 - Healing Gaius)




"Yeah, ending A's boss was real though." - LejesR @ 7:42
"You think he's going to tell you something useful, sitting in that little nook, but then he takes your sister's ice. Rude." - LejesR @ 28:11
Sasic brings 10 mushrooms to the Shaman and she brews up a potion for Gaius as promised. Sasic immediately brings the potion to his brother which starts to take effect immediately. Sasic insists that Gaius rest for awhile. Sasic tells Gaius not to worry about the final key as he himself will obtain complete his journey. Gaius decides to look for Olsov since Olsov appears to be missing. 
Before Sasic fights the next key guardian however he decides to do some adventuring looking for treasures that could aid him in his quest. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

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