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Remembrance of Shadows

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Remembrance of Shadows LP- By SCKnuckles

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#16 ywkls



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Posted 27 December 2021 - 12:36 AM

Part 17


In case it isn't obvious, the enemies in the Dream Sequences are much harder than those in the regular world.

Many of these are used in later levels.


The use of the hookshot targets was due to a desire to keep close to the original layout in Link's Awakening.

I took more liberties with Dream Sequences naturally.


Some areas are just lazily copy-pasted.

I blame that Moosh fellow for teaching me the art.


I chose to have a small number of houses in the Dream Sequences.

None of them have enemies.


The Song of Storms was a choice made out of a lack of other ideas.

It has a few uses in the quest.


Swimming opens a lot of content.

You can't lock yourself out of it by using blue keys early.

#17 ywkls



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Posted 27 December 2021 - 04:45 PM

Part 18


There are a lot of different ways to go around the world. 

And many of those have optional bosses.

The Parakoopa is one of the harder ones.


Those fairy encounters are part of the requirement for the post-game.

Each one has a separate item that you must collect to gain their aid.


The raft maze holds many secrets.

They say there's even a secret room which opens after you beat the true ending of the game.

Fortunately the raft lasts forever.


Some phantom npcs show on the world map before you can access them.

You have to activate the associated sidequest to make them appear.

#18 ywkls



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Posted 29 December 2021 - 12:40 PM

Part 19


That shortcut on the way to the old Eagle's Tower region was added to make getting back much easier.

Indeed, there are quite a few places where I did something similar.

You will have to visit that fairy again much later to reach the post-game final dungeon.


The sideview swimming speed was a compromise which let you move at a reasonable pace.

The Sleepy Thwomp was originally later but I moved him here since he made more sense underwater.


Visiting the Wind Fish after every song upgrade is part of the plot.

I guess I should have mentioned it again rather than hoping you would remember a cutscene you can't repeat?

Good instincts on using the Song of Storms!

I suppose it would have made more sense if you knew how to reach it.

#19 ywkls



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Posted 31 December 2021 - 12:24 PM

Part 20


Somehow I didn't expect anyone to get stuck at this point.

There's one screen which appears on your map before you can access it.

This is due to the way ZC handles continue points.

There's not really any method I can use to prevent this.


I sometimes wish I could provide hints in real time whenever something like this happens.

Locating the right point to guide progress in a previous LP isn't always easy.

I will try and see if there's any way to make things easier.


Not much happened today.

You got some Heart Pieces?

I guess that's progress.

#20 ywkls



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Posted 02 January 2022 - 01:18 PM

Part 21


The path that opened was a solid wall previously.

The way to use the Spin Attack is by opening the subscreen and selecting it.

This is similar to how the various item upgrades worked in Destiny of the Oracles.


Level 5 was originally going to be all sideview.

However, I decided to change that and make part of it top-down.

From your previous videos, I think you might have mistakenly believed that level 6 is next.


I tried to make the progression of item upgrades and difficulty match your how far you had gotten in the quest.

This included the various shops you can reach.

Did you know? There are various rings which can make purchasing items easier.

At this point you could have had both of them.

#21 ywkls



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Posted 04 January 2022 - 12:57 PM

Part 22


This dungeon sees the return of several puzzles from Destiny of the Oracles.

Included are the puzzles where you have to follow the target.

Also, push blocks that change direction make a return.


I had a lot of fun making the underwater sections.

The Water Robes actually first showed up in level 6 of Destiny.


I don't know why you seemed to drift into the wall.

It is a mystery.


I really like the upgrade I came up with here.

Link's Awakening always had the level 2 bracelet.

This was the best way I could devise to include that sort of thing.

While you are gripping the Metal Spheres you've seen, you can damage enemies.

#22 ywkls



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Posted 06 January 2022 - 12:40 PM

Part 23


When creating the Magnetic Gloves, I contemplated having it use both polarities.

However, having it be only one was simpler.

The magnet spots seen here actually show up officially for the first time in the next dungeon.

Getting the behavior of the gloves and the metal ball right took a bit of doing.

The metal ball is always attracted because that was easier to do.

The hardest part was having it react to walls correctly.


The top half of the dungeon corresponds to the bottom half, if it is flipped.

The ease of using the hookshot to overwhelm enemies is why it is slow.


The boss here is one of favorites.

The way it was designed worked perfectly for the dungeon and the item.

It's also both hard and deceptively easy.

#23 ywkls



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Posted 09 January 2022 - 01:07 AM

Part 24


I really like how the sideview push blocks worked out.

Limitations in my coding prevented using them close together.

But I think they worked well.


Giving you multiple metal spheres in sideview was the natural continuation of having one.

Some of those worked better than others.

These keeps tend to be an extended key hunt so I can have as many puzzles as possible.


As far as I can tell, you handled the metal sphere exactly as intended.

The behavior isn't exactly consistent with other Zelda titles but fit my design choices.

#24 ywkls



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Posted 10 January 2022 - 12:58 PM

Part 25


The events for the Ring quests are all controlled via special scripts which allow access to the cutscenes.

These are all one time so if you forget what to do, refer to the secret list.

The invisible npcs who show up for them are set up in the same way.


You can only equip one ring at at a time.

I wanted to have more ring box spots but I wasn't able to figure out how.

Turns out I forgot to set a price for the reduced cost of the Secret Ring.


I did a lot of work to make all of the various rings work.

Some required more setup than others.

All of these ring sidequests are optional.

There are extra scenes if you visit the people who requested your aid after the quest ends.


I thought of having the various items you obtain appear on the subscreen.

However, I couldn't decide on a practical way to do that.

#25 ywkls



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Posted 12 January 2022 - 12:50 PM

Part 26


The Charge Ring is an excellent way to make mincemeat out of foes.

I really like the Dream Sequence before level 6 for some reason.

The Dash Attack originally allowed you to go over pits but I found out that can cause problems.

It is also very finicky for reasons that escape me.

The script was made using code from Destiny of the Oracles.

It works basically the same way as the 3rd rod power for Din.


The best way to use the secret hints is like a checklist.

As you obtain them, just mark it off to determine what is next.


I guess counting on someone to remember the locations in Link's Awakening perfectly was too much?

Fortunately online guides exist, I guess.


Great progress on the sidequest front. 

This will go a long ways towards reaching the true conclusion of the story.


The Southern Sanctum was originally the Southern Shrine.

However, I try to keep all of my dungeon names distinct and I'd already had a similarly named area in Balance of Nature.

It is intended to have an ice theme if that's not obvious.

#26 ywkls



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Posted 14 January 2022 - 12:56 PM

Part 27


Level 6 is the first dungeon in this quest with two floors.

Though I've had a lot of those in other quests, I decided to hold off until now for this one.

It uses my old standard of over-under design profusely.


This area introduces ice puzzles, which I'm still not particularly good at making.

My second of those actually became hard by accident.

I had puzzles that involved Marin sliding on ice but they were incredibly broken and eventually removed.

So I just added a new ice block puzzle.

Having them here fits the dungeon theme, as do the ice robes.


It also has the official introduction of two other puzzles you've only seen in keeps.

These include the carry the flame and push off magnetic spots puzzles.


I tried to keep the music to Link's Awakening when I could.

I am open to suggestions on replacements.


Tricky jumps abound in this quest for various reasons.

It isn't really possible to fix them without completely reworking the quest.


The mini-boss here was a script from Destiny of the Oracles which was reused.

The shovel itself was also used as a Farore ability there.

#27 ywkls



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Posted 16 January 2022 - 09:15 PM

Part 28


New features added to the shovel with this version!

Destroying solid combos is now permitted.

Returning features include hiding items underground.

Also, revealing stairs is now possible.


A few of the rooms and puzzles in this part of the dungeon had to be redesigned.

This was because they couldn't be solved as originally made.


If you're wondering why some of the Zol Fragments are in chests and some out in the open, here's the answer.

The Secret Ring depends upon room states to work.

Since there's a chest in the adjacent chamber of level 6, I had to place it on the screen itself.


Making the giant tiger the boss here was something of a joke on my part. 

I couldn't resist the idea of a giant monster being weak to a puny shovel.


One of the primary reasons for placing the shovel so late in the quest was the sheer number of secrets I had attached to it.

I reduced them somewhat but even so, they're everywhere.


Somehow I made the hardest ice puzzle ever in the Keep of the Past.

It's counter-intuitive and I love it!

#28 ywkls



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Posted 18 January 2022 - 01:03 PM

Part 29


There are a few more new things included with the latter half of this keep.

One of those is the ability to hide items in dig spots.

The marking of the location by the torches is only used here sadly.


Another thing I managed to do was figure out how to do combo cycling.

That's how the room with the moving pits works.

I didn't use it again, mostly because the setup is so hard.


That one room with the turnstiles, crystals, hookshot points, pits and switches is a favorite of mine.

It requires precise maneuvering to work out and requires multiple visits to complete.

Not to mention how it combines with the room above for even more complexity.

#29 ywkls



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Posted 20 January 2022 - 01:37 PM

Part 30


The dream portals continue to grow more difficult. 

In many cases, the enemies which show up are previews of those which appear in later dungeons.

I can see that you have learned to properly use the power of the hookshot.

The spin attack can interfere with regular attacks if it isn't fully charged.

I'm not entirely sure why.


Your LP is actually helping to improve the quest!

While I was watching I realized that there was a chance of having a player enter a softlock requiring a reset.

So I am currently working to fix this issue.

Until then, don't use the hookshot or Song of Soaring anywhere you see a Like Like.


Many of the secret locations are reflective of the ones in Link's Awakening.

They were formerly used to hide Heart Pieces, Secret Seashells or photos in the DX version.


The end of the trading sequence is actually only available after you progress further in the story.

You'll know when it becomes available.

#30 ywkls



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Posted 22 January 2022 - 02:27 PM

Part 31


The cucco swarm boss was made as part of a running gag between me and my testers.

Since attacking cuccos always called down a swarm of them on you, this is how imagined it might be to try and win that fight.

This optional boss is part of the sidequest for a ring.

It is explicitly designed to be confusing and hard.

The enemy has no specific weakness, though there are ways to make it easier.

You found a few of the possible strategies which can be used.

It is possible to challenge this boss at any point after it becomes available.


The sequence involving Marin and Farore can have a different cutscene depending on the order in which you have events takes place.

If you visit the Wind Fish immediately after rescuing her there's a different quest to obtain a rare ring.

However, if you go to Marin's house first; Zelda and Farore will meet.

Afterwards you can get the same ring.


The design of level 7 was switched dramatically during the course of the quest's development.

I am quite fond of how the new concept worked out.

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