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Destiny of the Oracles

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Destiny of the Oracles LP- By Pen Adelie

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#16 ywkls



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Posted 02 February 2022 - 07:12 PM

Part 17


The Clue Revealer was a very late addition to the quest.

It was made so that people would be able to do the sidequests easier.

There are also 4 spots where you can get further assistance,

These are as follows:

  1. Labrynna Post Office north of the Black Tower.
  2. In hidden room in Farore's House.
  3. Behind a bookcase in the Korok's house in Forbidden Forest.
  4. Crystalline Flame in the clue house east of Veran's Castle.

The trading sequence switches worlds after every trade.

Your next one will be as Din.


I wanted Error to have dialogue but couldn't quite figure out how.

Also, I don't know why that clue glitch happens.

The code is really convoluted and prone to issues.

There is a specific level of progression to the optional bosses, with increasing difficulty at each one.


No, I haven't seen that glitch before.

Nor do I know what might have caused it.

By the way, that cave where you swim is not the end game.

It's the path to something else, which is required for the post-game.

#17 ywkls



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Posted 04 February 2022 - 12:49 AM

Part 18


Ice Wizzrobes were a natural choice given the them of the dungeon.

They worked out really well for my first wizzrobe script,

That one room with them that gives you a key was added in a recent version


I discovered something during the making of this area.

I'm not very good at making ice block puzzles.

Not many turned out to be difficult.

I only managed to make one which I considered to be any good.


The design of level 5 for Din is a 2-floor dungeon with a new gimmick.

When you hit certain switches, you change floors automatically.

It also had fans that block progress.


I rescripted the Pengators for this quest.

They're much closer to the originals, in my opinion.


The warp mazes all use direct warps.

So blame ZC itself for funky collision detection.


The Wolfos sprites are from Spriter's Resource.

They're inspired by Secret of Mana enemies.


I used the turnstiles a lot, mostly because I really liked the script.

Some of the puzzles are better than others, but I did what I could.

#18 ywkls



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Posted 05 February 2022 - 12:07 AM

Part 19


I don't know if you recognized Impa or just know because I mention her identity every time someone LP's this quest.

The sprites are from Vandal Hearts.

Using bombs isn't necessarily the intended strategy, but whatever works.


I originally intended for the Magic Boots to only be used here and in one fight with a Crystalline Beast.

However, I came up with a method of expanding how they functioned during the development of Din's level 7.

A very nice addition, if I do say so myself.

By the way, jumping is restricted where the wind blows to prevent cheating.


One of my favorite features of the dual states of Din's level 5 was the opening and closing doors,

This forces you to try and figure out how to proceed.


A complaint in some of my quests at one point was that I didn't have enough rooms that force you to kill all enemies.

I have tried to add more as time goes on, but I can tell my tendencies are still evident by people not realizing it is necessary.


Did you know? Much like everything else in this quest, the health regen is scripted.

Even the magic meter is scripted.


The power of Fall Breeze was changed after a while.

It used to push you instead of pulling.

However, many players found this to be confusing.

Now it is basically a dash attack.


There are a lot of plot points that cross over between the quests in my series.

Many are referenced or seen in others,

The bosses start to become something of a race of attrition at this point.

Also, eagle-eyed players will notice that Onox bears the same alterations seen in Balance of Nature.

#19 ywkls



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Posted 06 February 2022 - 01:01 AM

Part 20


Those are extra special 32 heart spikes!

The space is just large enough to block jumping across.

And by the time you could get to Fall Breeze, the Magic Boots are required.


Good job with the Crystal Vire!

You're starting to get into the higher tier bosses of the series.


You could also have used the Moosh's Feather to jump across.

That was the intended solution.


Did you know? There's one less fast travel point for Din than for Nayru.

This is merely a matter of not having enough points to reach which made sense.


There are many of these warps which reach areas you can't do anything in on your first visit.

Hopefully, you will remember to return when the time is right.

#20 ywkls



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Posted 07 February 2022 - 12:50 AM

Part 21


Good thing we have a handy Goron to get through a maze!

Too bad it doesn't really help...

I think I'm beginning to see what you mean about having no sense of direction.


Fun fact: The next quest in this series does have Ocarina warping.

It's a completely scripted version of the Song of Soaring.

As you progress, you can unlock new warp points in any order.


The various capacity upgrades can be obtained in either order,

When you get one, the other location becomes a new item.


One Crystalline Flame and one Lost Letter are in blue chests,

This was done to add a fight which ends the quest for a reward.


Raft paths are in all my quests thus far.

The reasons why are many and mostly involve spoons.

#21 ywkls



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Posted 07 February 2022 - 07:31 PM

Part 22


I honestly wouldn't recognize anything from Banjo-Kazooie if it came up and bit me.

I liked how parts of this dungeon worked so well, I made a large section of the underworld that way as a result.

Also, that puzzle you skipped has a flaw I didn't anticipate which lets you do that.


All of the door tiles were custom made by me.

I wanted the walls to look wooden and this was the result.


The shuffling target puzzle was introduces in this dungeon.

I really liked the idea and it has been utilized ever since.

That's why there's more than one clue about them.

I wasn't exactly sure which you would encounter them in the area.

The number of cycles that the puzzle goes through is semi-random.

In fact, the entire puzzle is governed by random events.


Though it isn't immediately obvious, some of the water in this dungeon is scripted.

This was done in order to allow narrow borders on layers to exist.


The mini-boss is intended to be a small version of Koloktos.

I designed the different sprites for Nayru swimming myself.

Getting the underwater areas to work right took a bit of doing.

I wanted to have diving, but ZC said no.

No fire abilities work underwater, naturally.

#22 ywkls



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Posted 08 February 2022 - 07:15 PM

Part 23


Sorry about the issue with the Water Wizzrobes.

There was a bug in the code which prevented them from moving.

It has been fixed now.


The pirate actually does talk to you. He's part of the trading sequence.

The green chest is merely decoration.


If you think you need more keys, you probably do.  :whistle:

In one dungeon in the next quest in the series, there's a total of 30 keys.

So, yeah. Kind of a recurring theme.


That boomerang switch puzzle was made unintentionally harder by the layering.

The shadow is supposed to be the floor above blocking out the light.


Making a combination path and Gale Fruit puzzle is harder than you would think.

This is one of the few examples where I pulled it off successfully.


The power of the 3rd arrow upgrades cannot be understated.

It can literally shred enemies in seconds.

However, this doesn't work so well if the enemy has high arrow defense.


Evil Eagle was interesting to make.

He didn't quite work out as planned.

But at least he functions.

#23 ywkls



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Posted 09 February 2022 - 07:15 PM

Part 24


Moosh created the scripted pipe puzzles seen here.

They were fun to make though not too complicated.
All of the tiles used by the puzzle were made by me.

Russ gave me the script for the firebars.

I'd made my own but these were better.


Fun fact: some areas with lava were blocked off during the development of this quest.

It was discovered that you could jump offscreen and get caught in a perpetual drowning loop otherwise.


That one room with the fans clue stumped many a player.

Hence the clue positioned there.


Adding the fire shooter to the block puzzle didn't work as well as I hoped.

That's one reason they only appear a few times in the dungeon.

The other puzzle with the Lightning Rod switches would have been easier if you had farmed for MP first.


The Bounce Nut (official name) acts the way he does to prevent bugs.

In fact, anything you see in the quest likely does what they do for similar reasons.


The mini-boss is actually intended to be Ingo.

I can understand the confusion, considering their familiarity.

Bombos Medallion makes you seriously overpowered. 


I find it somewhat ironic that more than half of this dungeon is devoted to keeping you away from the armor upgrade.

I guess your enemies know how useful it would be.

#24 ywkls



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Posted 11 February 2022 - 01:34 AM

Part 25


The way that Rauru behaves was actually a happy accident.

The lightning was supposed to circle him, but that didn't work.

If you use Bombos, he dies much faster.

The sage of darkness is indeed supposed to be Agahnim.


The scene with Farore is referenced in the sequel to this.

It's a crossover which is continued in the next mini-game event.

The mini-game in the Trendy Game is strangely easy to win.

It was tough coming up with original ideas for all the mini-games.

Those seen in the cutscene on Crescent Isle are supposed to be the sages from Ocarina of Time.


That path you found with Din is part of her route to the post-game final dungeon.

You won't be able to complete it for a very long time.

I added the warp back somewhat late in development.


Crystal Volvagia is one of my favorites.

He's also very high tier and might be better fought after you get the last wand gem.

Many powerful bosses fear the seed shooter.


Since their introduction in Passage Through Time, the blue chests have become a staple of my quests.

There's ten in all, five for each character.


The path to open Nayru's level 7 is a bit convoluted.

I just loved the design of the underwater area so much that I made it very long.

The shortcuts back were made at the request of a tester.


I should also mention that the incredible music variety was as a result of another recommendation by a tester who found the soundtrack somewhat boring.

So I made as many places have unique tunes as possible.


The Whistle Warps aren't quite next to one another.

But they are in the same general area.

#25 ywkls



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Posted 12 February 2022 - 12:31 AM

Part 26


The lost fairy quests can be a bit confusing.

The clues are short because of scripting limitations.

At least I managed to make them where you can look up any whenever you want.

I really like how the one lost fairy in the waterfall is just barely visible.


You can return to level 1 as Nayru to get another Magic Container at this time.

You can also obtain a Heart Piece in Nayru's level 3 with the Boomerang.

Din's level 2 has a Heart Piece which requires Bombos.

And there's another Whistle Warp which the medallion provides access to.


You can also open a new shop near the Black Tower in the Mirror World.

This allows you to buy the second Magic Ring and a Revival Potion at a cheaper price.


The path to opening Nayru's level 7 is a long and convoluted one.

Way too many underwater segments.

I just had a lot of fun making them.

Can you really blame me?

For reference, only fire based abilities are disabled underwater.


I guess I simply didn't make some paths obvious.

This is a recurring issue with my quests.


The Masked Korok is one of the only bosses in that quest I don't like.

I had run out of ideas and didn't have a lot of good choices for what to do.

#26 ywkls



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Posted 13 February 2022 - 01:19 AM

Part 27


I completely agree that this issue comes up many times.

In fact, I kind of eliminated these sorts of places in the next quest in the series.


Din's level 7 is easily one of my favorite.

I made the whole thing in less than 3 days.

The design was radically changed from the original concept.


This dungeon was one of the primary motivations for changing how Fall Breeze worked.

It doesn't function atop sideview ladders.

The background tiles were courteously donated to the quest.


Another feature which took a lot of finesse was sideview swimming.

This is the best I could do, sadly,

I do like how it expands the functionality of the Magic Boots, however,

The swim boots are only used in one other area, sadly.

If you don't have the iron boots, you can't sink in airflows.


That was an unprecedented bug with the sideview water.

I don't exactly know what happened but I will investigate.

I reduced the height of that barrier by one after seeing you get stuck.


I noticed a rare bug during the episode where you swim when you're not supposed to.

I'm not entirely sure what causes this.

#27 ywkls



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Posted 14 February 2022 - 12:50 AM

Part 28


I would like to say that the naming convention was a deliberate pun.

But as a certain artist would observe, sometimes we have happy accidents.

Also, this is your longest LP of one of my quests so far.


The main reason why the boot switching is a dungeon exclusive is due to difficulty in scripting it.

I tried something similar with one of Nayru's items but decided to make it adjustable on the subscreen instead.

The subscreen does show which boots you have equipped.


That bug with the water boots was common in an older version of the script.

I haven't seen it happen in a very long time.

Fortunately I have recently updated the script with a potential fix.

Also, permanently sideview swimming is new.


I do agree that Din's level 7 is very complicated.

But that's what I like about it!


That one key you missed seems to get overlooked a lot.

I guess that players don't necessarily notice the hole in the floor opening.

#28 ywkls



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Posted 14 February 2022 - 07:13 PM

Part 29


To tell the truth, I tend to ignore most of the enemies in these later dungeons anyways,

They're not really worth the time it takes to eliminate them.


Between the two LP's I reworked how the sideview water is activated.

I think I have a few clues from this about why you kept drowning.

There's no real way to be sure, however.

Some of these may be caused by the script that handles jumping off the edge of the screen and drowning.

Place it into the bin of unintended consequences.


Winter's Chill ability to freeze water is very limited.

This is mostly to prevent jumping off the edge of screens and drowning.


I knew for a while that I was going to have all 3 Oracles evil versions in boss fights.

For a time, I considered having you fight them all at once.

However, I came up with a different method of doing so instead.

Evil Nayru has all of the same attacks as her counterpart, at this point in the quest.


Ghirahim sprites, like many others; were found by exhaustively combing the internet.

A great number of the enemies were contributed by P-Tux7.


The clues to the Crystalline Flames appear to be broken... again.

Not entirely sure why.

The system which governs the process was a late addition which may not have necessarily functioned as desired.


I actually had forgotten that I had moved the location of the level 2 magic ring.

At least you have one more thing to buy if you want?

#29 ywkls



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Posted 15 February 2022 - 06:49 PM

Part 30


I placed the medallion spots in the dungeon late in the development of the quest.

The choice of Heart Pieces as the reward was mostly because I didn't really have anywhere else to have them.

I find it ironic that one of the first altar spots you're likely to find is also one of the last that is accessible.


Those clue spots don't do anything unless you have the clue revealer.

At one point the Farore spot by that money was a path to open up a new dungeon.

However, a lot of people had trouble finding it.


I ran out of ideas for Farore mini-games so I made a dungeon.

The Orbs are modelled after Wind Waker items.

The Mirror Shards are a reference to the plot of Twilight Princess.

If you miss one you have to replay the dungeon.

Each successive room uses a new ability.

I couldn't think of any way to use the Bolas, hence the enemies.

The initial cutscenes for each Farore trial only plays once, thankfully.


The clue from Amy Rose refers to something in the post-game.

You have to visit Farore for a challenge.

This one of three things you must do for some items.

#30 ywkls



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Posted 17 February 2022 - 01:00 AM

Part 31


To me, the Secret Cove is one of the more aesthetically pleasing areas.

Those lines to indicate flowing current were a more recent addition to the quest.

I began to run out of enemy types I hadn't used here and branched out into Zelda 2 foes.

Getting their behaviors accurate was a task.


The over/under shenanigans here are on a completely different level than before.

I had a lot of fun making this dungeon.

It actually has the least amount of puzzles in the quest.

Combining path and switchhook puzzles seemed like a logical extension of those ideas.

Some of the messages which you see indicating the water is still were made before the current indicators were added.


It is indeed the Twilight Princess item!

The Ball and Chain is also extremely overpowered.

Many foes are weak to it.

Both of the items here don't use MP.


Some parts of the dungeon were altered because I realized that you couldn't use items in water.

This resulted in the removal of a large number of enemies.

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