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Remembrance of Shadows

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Remembrance of Shadows LP- By SCKnuckles

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#31 ywkls



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Posted 24 January 2022 - 12:46 PM

Part 32


That sword glitch happens at time in level 7.

I've never completely figured out why it happens.

Fortunately, it seems to fix itself when you leave a room.


The design of level 7 was changed right before I started making it.

Originally it was going to be the Rooster's Coop.

However, I liked the idea of a series of elevated platforms overtop a waterfall.


Did you know? You can also use the Secret Ring to find the Zol Fragments.

It will play a noise when you're in the chamber adjacent to the item.


All of the song notes have the power to potentially stun enemies.

This was done for precisely this reason.


That one room with the "follow the target" puzzle was designed to work exactly as it did.

I tried to include several previously featured types of puzzle in this dungeon.


The hammer was chosen as the item here for various reasons.

Now you are seriously equipped.

#32 ywkls



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Posted 26 January 2022 - 02:52 PM

Part 33


The Hammer as seen here is the exact same script as the Sword of Fate from Destiny of the Oracles.

The only difference is the sprite.

I can't really script the hammer breaking shields. Sorry.


The boss of the dungeon really worked out well in my opinion.

I'm not entirely sure why detecting impacts doesn't always work with it.


Some of the hammer secrets were changed after the release of the quest.

This was to accommodate the alteration in the item for level 9.


 I think that I'm most fond of the puzzles in keep 7 that required the moving of blocks that changed directions.

Those have always fascinated me and these worked fairly well.


Your fights would be easier if you used the fourth song.

It effectively doubles your attack strength.

#33 ywkls



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Posted 28 January 2022 - 12:51 PM

Part 34


Sorry if some of my clues are more cryptic than others.

I guess I presume that anyone playing will have explored every cave and remember where things are.

It doesn't help that I changed a few of the secret locations after releasing the quest, though.


I didn't want to make all of the hammer secrets require pounding posts.

To me, this was just too obvious.

Having the stone flowers was still pretty plain, but I felt it was better overall.


The Ocarina of the Sirens offers several buffs to your powers.

It doubles the amount you are healed.

It doubles the damage done by the Song of Storms.

It doubles the time that the attack buff caused by the 4th song lasts.

I couldn't think of a good way to improve the Song of Soaring.

I'm open to suggestions, however.

#34 ywkls



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Posted 31 January 2022 - 01:10 AM

Part 35


Cracked walls require the item from level 9.

It was added after the release of the quest.

And the item which was there was moved to the secret final level.


You know I couldn't resist having Birdo make an appearance.

I kept the total number of these bosses to 9, one for each level.

You have to defeat 8 of them to confront the final one.

Good job on those bosses!


The quest for Richard's butler was one of the hardest to set up.

I encountered a strange bug where string control codes didn't work right.

The other one with the fisherman was made in response to a complaint that the other version of the quest shouldn't be missable.


Another case of expecting users to remember one-time cutscene instructions!

Sorry about the confusion on how to reach level 8.

The secret sound went off due to a bug.

This has been fixed now.

I apologize for the confusion.

#35 ywkls



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Posted 01 February 2022 - 01:03 PM

Part 36


Those moblins in the dream sequence were designed for level 9,

I tried to include every item in that area to block progress.

The 4th sword tech is actually nerfed slightly because it is so strong,

It underwent many versions before I settled on this one.

It doesn't drop items when you cut grass, if you were wondering.


Level 8 was one of my favorites to design.

It's my first dungeon with 3 layers of walkability.

I actually changed how adjusting the water level worked during development.

It was the Song of Soaring at first. However, I decided that the Song of Storms made more sense.

This also made it where the ability was utilized more.

Some rooms in the dungeon have warps to make sure the level of the water is consistent.


The increase in the amount of bombs is to make the area more difficult.

No other significance, really.

#36 ywkls



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Posted 03 February 2022 - 12:42 PM

Part 37


The 4th song indeed increases damage for all abilities.

Making the Wand the final item was a foregone conclusion.

When first implemented, it fired a stream of shots.

However, this was found to use too much MP.


There were a few places where I had to redesign this dungeon.

This was mostly because I forgot to make warps to all of the screens.

Automatic water level changes are made to prevent bugs.

If you think that this amount of keys is large, then you're in for a surprise in level 9.


Frypolar can only be hurt by the wand and only in his ice form.

Probably one of my hardest bosses to date.

I actually used the name for an enemy in Balance of Nature before, but I changed it because the sprites were wrong.


Once I decided to do the Mario Monsters are the optional bosses, Mister L became inevitable.

His appearance in Paper Mario always amused me.

I guess he has something to prove?

His weapon is naturally a hammer.

That move where he jumps repeatedly in the air was a happy accident I kept.

#37 ywkls



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Posted 05 February 2022 - 12:46 PM

Part 38


The eighth keep introduces a lot of new puzzles.

Some, like the laser path; have been seen in my quests before.

I used the Wand for it because I have issues getting the sword to work right.


Others are new and available to all on the database.

These include my own version of the color cube puzzles.

I called those where you steered the floor-layering object dominion blocks.


The phantom object is an ffc.

It controls the puzzle where the target moves around.


I honestly didn't expect that last path puzzle to take so long.

I never had any trouble with it myself.

Of course, that might be because I designed it.

#38 ywkls



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Posted 07 February 2022 - 01:54 PM

Part 39


This is the last of the dream portals.

I really enjoyed making these areas.

They allowed me to expand on the already twisted version of Koholint I'd made.

I have never seen the bats go offscreen so much before.


Did you know? It used to be possible to obtain everything before going to level 9.

However, I decided to delay it so that you had to get the item them before you could complete all of the quests.

Once you have that ability, you can obtain everything.


Beating the final Mario Monster and obtained the Goddess' Dress is one of the requirements for entering the post-game dungeon.

By visiting the fairy outside Yarna Desert, this unlocks one of the 5 seals on the final level.

#39 ywkls



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Posted 09 February 2022 - 12:57 PM

Part 40


I knew from the start that the Wind Fish's Egg was going to be the final area of this quest.

This dungeon is my largest ever, with 168 screens!


One of my objectives in making the dungeon was to increase the difficulty.

That's why so many harder enemies roam the area.

There's also a whopping 30 keys in the area.


Some clues exist bases on the assumption that not everyone might have done the Siren's Keeps.

Thus, a little repetition is needed.


The multilevel design of the rooms is one of my favorites aspects of the dungeon.

Many of the shortcuts you see were quality of life additions after release.

The entire place is built off of two branching paths.

It isn't possible to use keys in the wrong place.


Those statue puzzles are one of my favorite inventions.

They're a little tricky to set up, though.

#40 ywkls



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Posted 11 February 2022 - 12:45 PM

Part 41


The doors here are animated.

This is why they can't be walked through at once.


It is easy to get lost in this place.

And equally simple to have many keys more than you need.

This is intentional.

Fortunately, it is also designed where you will always have access to enough keys.


I would normally say that if you feel confused, I've done my job.

This must be a record for that, however.

I hoped people would see that secret being triggered in order to get that one key.

This is one instance where placing a Song of Soaring spot would have been very useful.


This particular block puzzle with arrows that change direction is easily the most complex I've made.

I'm probably going to include them in every quest now that I know they exist.


Did you know? The bomb robes were created specifically for this dungeon,

They replace Mirror Robes as the most powerful tier of Wizzrobes.

#41 ywkls



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Posted 13 February 2022 - 01:26 PM

Part 42


Redeads will grab you if they get close.

Kind of annoying but what can you do?


I do agree that level 9 is almost too long.

Really tests the limits of your endurance.


You can actually shortcut back from where the big key is to near the beginning.

This was an intentional design choice to make everything easier.


I always intended to have the fight against Marin's Shadow at this point.

Adding text fleshes things out a bit.

The boss has all of your abilities.


The item here was changed after the quest was released.

What was here got moved to the secret post-game dungeon.

#42 ywkls



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Posted 16 February 2022 - 10:23 AM

Part 43


The name given to the Explosive Boomerang in the script is the Bomberang.

I created all new sprites just for this item.

A number of areas were changed just to accommodate it.


I'm glad that you figured out where to go for the various bomb secrets.

It made the experience more interesting.

The bomberang is very powerful.

The damage it does is insane,


I chose to make the various fairies around the world more than just a healing spot.

Each has a item requirement which serves to unlock the final post-game dungeon.

You already done three of the four requirements.

Beating the Mario Monsters is the first.

Obtaining all of the Shadow Shards is another.

Completing the trade sequence is the third.

The final requirement is completing the Seashell Mansion.

#43 ywkls



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Posted 18 February 2022 - 12:50 PM

Part 44


Part of me wishes that I could have made more Song of Soaring spots.

Or some way to better guide the player to their next destination.


In many ways. the Seashell Mansion acts like a level 9 Keep.

The requirement for entrance is 20 Secret Seashells.

Part of me wishes I could have made it longer.


I deliberately made it relatively easy, with just the new bosses adding difficulty.

Many enemies here are returning adversaries.

Though not very lively, I felt the music fit the area.


Did you know?

Mirror Robes don't exist in this quest.

Neither do Wind Robes.

The first was eliminated because the shovel would destroy them.

The other is just annoying.


I was kind of running out of ideas for enemies by the time I made the Seashell Mansion.

However, the submission of some excellent tiles by Ether made the creation of the Great Bird possible.

Getting the reward here is the last requirement for activating all of the fairy encounters.

And once you complete them, the only obstacle to the post game final dungeon is the post game mini-dungeon.

#44 ywkls



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Posted 19 February 2022 - 01:02 PM

Part 45


One of the reasons why the Explosive Boomerang was used is seen in the first room where its power is unleashed.

Previously, that trigger was very hard to activate.

Those new Wizzrobes are only weak to it as well.

That one puzzle where you have to use your foes wasn't meant to work that way, but I kept it because I liked the idea.


The power of the Fierce Diety's Sword is indeed awesome.

It's basically twice the strength of the regular one.


The way the path is set up here in this part of the dungeon, you can take either route first.

This can make it a bit interesting to move around.


This quest is part of the overall series, though not directly connected in time.

The entire group is called "The Four Lands."

#45 ywkls



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Posted 21 February 2022 - 01:02 PM

Part 46


I knew almost from the beginning that Zelda's Shadow was going to be the boss of the Wind Fish's Egg.

The mechanics of the boss were recently changed.

You have to hit her with the Explosive Boomerang to lower her defenses.

After that, for a time she can be damaged with any other attack.


The "ending" sequence is long on purpose.

It is intended to make you think the quest is over even when it isn't.


What I didn't anticipate was the creation of the item which you receive for beating her.

This unlocks a post-game dungeon which in turn opens the final secret dungeon.

Everything associated with this section of the quest has been greatly enhanced and expanded.

The Goddess' Towers are in many ways, a post-game Siren's Keep.

Some of the enemies are a joke at your current strength.

The difficulty is mostly in finding them.


The various fairies each require an item to activate the secret.

Completing four of them unlocks the fifth.

The final fairy opens the entrance to the post-game final dungeon.

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