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Destiny of the Oracles

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Destiny of the Oracles LP- By SCKnuckles

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#16 ywkls



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Posted 30 October 2020 - 12:52 PM

Part 16


You're doing great at finding the optional stuff!

Although the quest doesn't tell you this, you can find the capacity upgrades in either order.

The second one will always be the larger, thanks to scripting shenanigans.


It should be noted that there's always an altar relatively close to each Crystalline Beast.

I've thought about making it where each one has an item requirement for facing them but never have bothered.

Anyways, that's 2 more down and another Crystalline Flame placed.


The mini-games are easy to access out of order, as you saw.

Each one is programmed with a clue telling you about the one before if you haven't done it yet or the one after if the current mini-game is complete.


Don't forget to go back for the stuff you can't do now later!

Every spot which has a panel marking it guards a secret which leads to stuff you'll want to do.

#17 ywkls



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Posted 03 November 2020 - 01:46 PM

Part 17


Nayru level 5 seems to stump everyone when they reach that one room with vines on both sides.

The map unfortunately doesn't reveal secrets which are triggered by scripts.

Those skulltulas were entered for the now defunct PureZC showcase.


That item in the shop for 999 increases the speed at which you can fire arrows.

There's another item in a secret shop that reveals clues relating to the sidequests.


Every dungeon after this in the main game is 2 floors or larger.

Both level 8's are 3 floors and level 9 is four floors.


I'm really proud of how the boss worked out, even if it is just a giant damage sponge.

Getting it to create the small vines and make itself vulnerable when they are destroyed wasn't easy.

They are designed to die in one hit from the boomerang, if you use that.

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#18 ywkls



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Posted 05 November 2020 - 12:56 PM

Part 18


The main gimmick of Din level 5 is switching between the floors.

And the fans, which block your paths.


Those white wolves are sprites from Secret of Mana.

I based the idea on the wolfos from Ocarina of Time.


Getting stuck like you did is an unfortunate side effect of how I designed the dungeon.

Fortunately, the spinner resets when you load your game.


You almost made it to the mini-boss!

Once you had beaten that enemy, the dungeon's item would have been yours.

This would have allowed you to progress further.

Hopefully it won't take very long to get back on track.

#19 ywkls



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Posted 09 November 2020 - 01:19 PM

Part 19


The Magic Boots you obtained will have another use in a later level.

For now, they counter spikes and fans with no MP cost and appear on the passive subscreen.

The mini-boss is intended to be Impa from Ocarina of Time.


Sorry about the key hunt.

It was intended that you should realize the need to go back to previous areas and find keys which you couldn't reach before.


The function of Fall Breeze was changed slightly for the final version.

Originally, it was supposed to push you in the direction opposite the one you're facing.

However, having it pull you felt more intuitive.


I'm not sure why you restarted in the boss room.

However, this might be because Din wasn't reset to her previous save point.

I will have to investigate further.

#20 ywkls



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Posted 11 November 2020 - 01:11 PM

Part 20


Lots of rambling about in this one!

In case it helps in future wandering, remember that whenever one character unlocks a path to a new dungeon; the other character's next path will be behind that point.

For instance, the way to open Nayru level 6 was behind the route to Din level 6.


There's a super secret cameo near Din level 6.



I moved one Crystalline Flame and one letter to blue chests.

You've already obtained both,

This was so that the final boss on each sidequest could only be reached by finding all of the collectibles and turning them in.


There are a total of ten blue keys and chests.

It is impossible to use them up and miss out on the rewards they contain.


You've actually already found the next Farore spot.

It was behind a warp point near Din level 2.

Edited by ywkls, 20 April 2021 - 07:18 PM.

#21 ywkls



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Posted 13 November 2020 - 12:47 PM

Part 21


Those "pipe dream" puzzles were created by Moosh.

I changed the original concept from redirecting light, to lava flow.


Using Fall Breeze to get around was totally intended for this dungeon.

While you can't redirect yourself in midair, it is remotely possible to make that curve if you jump with the Moosh's Feather and then activate Fall Breeze in midair.


I'm not entirely sure why those raft paths were being so finicky.

Understanding how such things work isn't my strong suit.


That firebar was supposed to feature more often in this quest.

For some reason I didn't choose to do so.

The script for it was provided by Russ.


Looking forward to the continued adventure!

#22 ywkls



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Posted 17 November 2020 - 01:26 PM

Part 22


The power of Bombos was intended to be abused!

The mini-boss was intended to be evil Ingo.


The shuffling puzzle was new for this dungeon and something I invented.

The intention was to mimic games where you follow moving cups.


Crystal Volvagia is near the top tier of those bosses.

I'd recommend coming back after you have the level 4 rod power and half magic,

Finding upgrades to your seed shooter capacity might also help.


That switch you hit at the end opens the way to Nayru level 7.

You'll need the item from her level 6 to reach it.

#23 ywkls



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Posted 19 November 2020 - 12:59 PM

Part 23


You probably can't tell, but some of the water in level 6 is scripted.

This is because water doesn't react well with layered borders.

The primary reason that you can't dive is because I couldn't get that to work.


All of the underwater stuff is specially made.

Some items don't work underwater, like the Ember Seeds and Fire Arrows.

Special animations were made for the character sprites.


I've changed that one torch which was previously lit by the wand to react to the magic instead.

Hopefully that will prevent future confusion about how it works.

#24 ywkls



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Posted 23 November 2020 - 01:16 PM

Part 24


Derelict Galleon is indeed a place of many entrances and keys hidden all around.

That extra warp by the big blue chest was placed in order to make getting back there easier once you have the boss key.

While getting that item is technically optional, it is definitely worth it


If you check the scripted map on the subscreen, you can view both floors at once.

The map has indicators which show where you can find secrets and chests.


The green chest you found is just scenery.

It can't be opened.


You can do both of those fairies you encountered now, though one is further away than the other.

That underwater mailbox marks an optional boss fight but you need an item from a later level to access it.

#25 ywkls



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Posted 25 November 2020 - 01:13 PM

Part 25


At last, the Magic Ring is obtained!

There are upgrades to this, but that requires finishing certain sidequests.


The entire underwater section was created because I loved the sprites and aesthetic.

I may have stretched it out too long.


The Masked Korok is the boss I'm least proud of.

I just couldn't come up with a good enough sprite.


Nayru level 7 has one of my favorite designs.

The path to Din level 7 is very short and leads to another dungeon I really like.

#26 ywkls



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Posted 27 November 2020 - 01:49 PM

Part 26


I had a lot of fun making Ethereal Depths.

It took me a little under 3 days to build it and all the components.

The MP cost of Fall Breeze and the way it behaves were altered in order to make getting around easier.


The dungeon wasn't originally sideview.

However, I got the idea of how to make it look from Forbidden Ascent.

Making the sideview water sections work was especially challenging, but I think I pulled it off well.


The post dungeon Sage of Darkness is indeed intended to be Ghirahim.

This was part of my plot where originally, the main enemy of the next quest was supposed to be Demise.

I have since changed that.


Those sideview boos were originally invulnerable when transparent.

I changed it because that was too hard.


When I decided to make Ether an item here, I wasn't entirely sure how I was going to implement it.

The decision to make the Medallions overpowered definitely affected my design choices.


Winter Chill is very useful in boss fights. 

Not all water can be frozen and there's no real indicator where that is possible.

#27 ywkls



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Posted 01 December 2020 - 01:28 PM

Part 27


So, the Clue Revealer was created because I wanted an easy way to guide players to sidequests.

It was very difficult to set up and as you saw, still has a few bugs in it.

Red is intended to designate incomplete quests and green, complete ones.

The subscreen clues are for the beginning of each quest.

The various clue spots are for the end of each quest.

The clues themselves are limited on how long they can be, so that's why some are more cryptic than others.


The altars were the most broken, because they weren't originally intended to be completed in a specific order.

As a result, they didn't match their numbers on the menu.


The item in the shop you opened with Bombos is the same as the one you saw in Asymmetry City.

It is a Revival Potion, which restores full HP if you die.

Not required, but definitely useful.


The primary reason that the Farore mini-games are in order was to make sure that the items were acquired successfully.

Getting them out of order would mess up the way things worked.


Overworld caves are generally at the same location as the entrances underground.

I see that you have discovered the power of the Homing Arrows. They are indeed wondrous.

#28 ywkls



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Posted 03 December 2020 - 01:41 PM

Part 28


I absolutely adore Nayru level 7.

The reason why some of those messages seem silly is actually fairly simple.

Those lines on the water which indicate the flow of the water were only recently added.

So, those messages existed because I didn't have that feature and wanted the player to know something happened.


The decision to have both the Ball and Chain and the Sword of Fate in level 7 was made mostly because I wanted to have only one item in level 8.

I'd run out of places to put something, so stuffing two items in one dungeon was the solution.

They are explicitly designed to help even the playing field against the enemies in the dungeon.


The dungeon itself is deliberately designed to have very few puzzles.

Most of your time is instead meant to be devoted to navigating its complexity.

#29 ywkls



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Posted 07 December 2020 - 01:00 PM

Part 29


The Revival Potion is technically not required to beat the quest.

It does, however; make surviving easier.

I decided to place it in two locations, one expensive and one relatively cheap; so that you could buy it when you wanted to.

That being said, the Revival Potion appears to have gltiched. 

I will have to investigate further.

If it is any consolation, that is the hardest of the Masked Marauders.


That character you met behind the Ether lock on Crescent Island is a cameo by MeleeWizard.

You have to wait until the post game before it unlocks.


That Masked Rito boss actually got stuck in the corner.

Weird, but a win is a win.

The Tokay who receives the letter is the one behind the boxes.

You need the item from Nayru level 8 to access him.


The Masked Zora is one of the bosses I really like, since it forces you to use a different set of items than normal.

It really highlights how well the Homing Arrows and Ball and Chain work.

You will need to get used to healing on the fly in future battles,

#30 ywkls



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Posted 09 December 2020 - 01:25 PM

Part 30


Lots more wandering in this one!

That glitch with the clues has happened before, though it is very rare.

I'm not entirely sure what causes it.


That cave to the east of Asymmetry City is accessed via a second cave even further to the east.

You have to be able to swim to get inside.


Congratulations on reuniting all of the fairies!

Speaking with the fairy queen after doing so gets you one of two items which unlocks the post-game content for Nayru, the Silver Magic Regen!

Completing all of the Lost Letters isn't possible until you have the item from Nayru level 8.

You also have to fight an optional boss after turning in all of them.


Hiding the museum of bad quest design where I did was just an extra bonus. 

I would have made it longer if I had more ideas.

The original intention was to have Z3 scrolling there, but it broke almost instantly.

I hope you liked it!

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