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Umbral Cloud

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NJF Plays Umbral Cloud (*-*Completed*-*)

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#31 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 28 September 2016 - 04:39 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (16 - Obtaining the Lightning Tablet)




Sasic adventures around the world seeking rare treasures to give an a researcher. This journey nearly gets him killed when he is forced to carry a burning heart. 
Before heading east to speak to the researcher who is now in Solot village, Sasic has a brief moment speaking to Saiya, providing her some shaved ice as a treat. In return, Sayia gives Sasic the damp tablet which is used to awaken the water spirit Neptune.
He eventually provides the researcher all the items he is looking for only to reveal that he's been sending Sasic on a wild goose chase to test his skills. He claims the test was necessary in order to trust Sasic with the lightning tablet. The researcher claims that the thunder guardian Synapse is one of the strongest guardians there is and he needed to be confident that Sasic is capable of surviving against the creature. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#32 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 03 October 2016 - 07:15 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (17 - Water Guardian Neptune)




Sasic returns to the Solot Necropolis to discover some secrets and treasures he missed during his earlier journey through these dark chambers. This sidetracking lead him to fight two spirit witches who had the ability to control lightning and spirit attacks. After earning two keys, Sasic returns to the upper world to use those keys. 
Sasic returns to the Drowned Catacombs to awaken Neptune the Water Guardian. Neptune has really high defense against Link's basic equipment, however he doesn't stand a chance against Seism's earthquake. Defeating Neptune earn's Sasic Neptune's bubble which works as a shield against certain types of attacks but also leaves Sasic vulnerable to other types of attacks. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#33 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 22 November 2016 - 07:46 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (18 - Finding Synapse)




"^J=" - LejesR @ 24:08
"Man Synapse isn't pulling any punches." - LejesR @ 27:47
Sasic continues to find himself sidetracked and unable to focus on his task at hand. After failing to find the last key treasure chest, Sasic decides to locate the Lightning Guardian Synapse. This takes him to the Solot Necropolis once again to solve it's ancient secrets.  
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#34 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 26 November 2016 - 12:25 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (19 - Family Feud at Sun Tower)




"You're going to hurt the Blob's feelings talking like that NJF" - LejesR @ 18:43
Sasic finally obtains his 4th and final key only to discover that Olsov is trying to capture Saiya. Before Sasic is able to appropriately respond, Olsov appears and captures Saiya. He demands Sasic to hand over the keys to which Sasic refuses. 
Olsov explains that Saiya is unharmed, but Sasic feels deceived and manipulated by Olsov. Sasic explains that Horizon's awakening will mean that all Shades will die and that he plans to prevent it. Olsov confirms this to be true and apologizes for the lack of transparency in Sasic's journey. 
Despite Sasic knowing the truth of Olsov's plan, Olsov refuses to let this deter him from entering Sun Keep. He decides to take the keys from Sasic by force. 
After defeating Sasic, Olsov takes the keys and heads to the Sun Tower, telling Sasic to stay away from the tower at all costs to prevent him from seeing what he has to do inside Sun Tower. 
In despite of Olsov's warnings, Sasic immediately chases him to the Sun Tower to confront Olsov and maybe even Horizon to a final battle. 
Inside Sun Tower Sasic is confronted by Gaius who intends to try to persuade Sasic in standing down in his pursuit to stop their father. However, after failing to persuade Sasic, Gaius challenges Sasic to battle but is easily taken down by Sasic's newfound abilities. 
Gaius admits that Sasic has surpassed him in strength and ability and allows passage for Sasic to confront his father. As an added reward, Gaius gives Sasic the Gale Tablet which can be used to awaken the air spirit Moosh. 
Sasic confronts Olsov about his attempts to awaken Horizon. Here, Olsov reveals his plan to prevent Horizon's rebirth. Olsov explains that a vessel is needed for Horizon's revival and her chosen vessel is Saiya. Olsov plan is to perform a ritual during Horizon's revival which will end the process. However, this ritual will also kill Saiya which is the underlying reason for Olsov's secrecy during this journey. 
Sasic refuses to let Olsov kill Saiya insisting there must be another way. Unfortunately, despite Sasic's wishes, there is no other way. When Olsov first discovered that Saiya was Horizon's vessel he immediately adopted Sasic and his family as part of the plan to prevent Horizon from destroying all the shades.
This confession made Sasic doubt Olsov's love for the family despite Olsov continuing to claim that he's dreaded this day the entire time. Completely disgusted by everything he's heard from his father Sasic aims to stop his father at all costs which leads them to fight. Just as Olsov is about to go all out on Sasic, Gaius tells them to stop fighting saying he's overheard their conversation and is very disappointed that Olsov would keep his own children in the dark. 
With Gaius' words, Olsov has a change of heart. He decides to stand down and leave the faith of the Shades and the world to Sasic, providing him the Abyss Tablet as a symbol of trust and faith in him. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

#35 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 01 December 2016 - 07:59 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (20 - Final Battle Horizon & Ending B)




Sasic reaches Horizon's chamber in an attempt to try and stop Horizon's resurrection. Sasic is relieved to find that Saiya is okay, yet something seems wrong. As Sasic questions Saiya's weird behavior, the being that stands before him is revealed to not be Saiya but Horizon awaken in Saiya's body. 
Horizon deems Sasic too insignificant to stand before her, but acknowledges an awareness of his connection to her host. Horizon explains that losing Saiya must be difficult for Sasic to come to terms with, but it is necessary to eliminate the threat of Miasma in the world.
Sasic explains that he cannot allow all the shades to perish under Horizon's will. But Horizon explains while tragic it is for the shades to become extinct, their existence is at odds with the planet and therefore it is necessary for them to be all eliminated. 
Sasic questions her logic, suggesting she has no right. However, she reminds him of her title and responsibility in this world and concludes she has every right to make this decision. 
Horizon attempts to incinerate Sasic but he is protected by the mysterious tablet that was earlier given to him by his father. Horizon realizes that Sasic is protected by a powerful force who she is also at odds with. Knowing the importance of that this being must be destroyed, Horizon announces she'll waste no time in eliminating all traces of his existence and declares battle with Sasic.  
The battle is long and hard, but under the protection of the mysterious dark tablet, Sasic is able to overcome Horizon and destroy her host, his sister, for good. Upon mourning the sacrifice of his sister. Sasic, Gaius, and Olsov vow to somehow create a plan that would allow both shades and solots to co-exist peacefully in the world they share. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

#36 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 05 December 2016 - 07:07 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (21 - Ice Guardian Hera)




In the previous video, Sasic was forced to sacrifice his own sister out of mercy. He couldn't bare to see her being used as a puppet to eliminate all the shades. 
In this video, we follow Sasic as he turns back from confronting Horizon. After having 2nd thoughts, Sasic decides to journey into the world to find another way to save his sister. He believes the tablets that he's been collecting may have some clues.
Sasic first fights Hera, the Ice Guardian and obtains her ability of frost powers. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#37 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 11 December 2016 - 01:39 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (22 - Fire Guardian Pyron)




"A-A-A-ARCEUS PROTIP!" - Moosh64 @ 16:04
Sasic continues to seek out guardians using the tablets he's found during his quest. This time Sasic challenges Pyron to earn his ability, Pyron's Incinerator. With this new ability, Sasic becomes ever more powerful but still no answers. Will his efforts go to waste? 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#38 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 15 December 2016 - 11:03 AM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (23 - Wind Guardian Moosh)




A determined Sasic fights the Sky Guardian Moosh in his quest to find answers to saving Saiya from being consumed by Horizon. For certain though Horizon must have already been awakened, but without the complete eradication of the Shades, Sasic believes there still must be some time before Horizon is reborn. 
Defeating Moosh earns Sasic a new ability, Moosh's hurricane. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
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#39 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 17 December 2016 - 06:58 AM

(Note: Due to recent rule changes, video updates will no longer be shared in this topic. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel to see more.)

#40 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 18 December 2016 - 07:08 PM

(***Note: PureZC has made the rules more lenient to allow content such as mine to continue. As such I'll be returning to my regular format, though as time goes by, I'll be making minor changes to encourage community discussion***)
"Oh does Synapse make you feel ill as well?" - Moosh64 @ 12:41
Sasic only has two more abilities to unlock. One from the thunder guardian and an ability from the mysterious tablet he received from his father. Sasic returns to Solot Necropolis to fight Synapse once again with his newfound abilities.
Moosh's Hurricane proves very useful here as Synapse turns out to be vulnerable to the ability. Using Moosh's Hurricane, Sasic easily defeats Synapse and learns Synapse's Bolt. 
Now Sasic has all the abilities but one, but there are no more Ankh's left in the world. Sasic returns to the Sun Tower with his new abilities to find out more answers. Fortunately for Sasic, he got his answers from the dark tablet he's been holding. 
Apparently the spirit inside the dark tablet has been observing Sasic's actions and now deem him mighty enough to offer his help. The voice says there is an alternate way to save his sister. He had originally offered his power to Olsov, but Olsov turned out to be too weak to use it. The voice however states that Sasic is in an entirely different league than Olsov and is able to learn his ability.  The voice gives Sasic his ability, the Nightwave Pulse which has the ability to defeat Horizon without killing the host. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

#41 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 19 December 2016 - 01:54 PM

Reflecting on this Series:


As this Stronger Difficulty series draws closer to the end. It's time to reflect on the fun times so far. I will do so by highlighting certain events in this playthrough.



The Drop from Swindle to Stronger:


As eager as I was to try and beat this on Stronger. I can admit I was certainly struggling, and I felt it would have been having too much difficult time to continue making my Lets Play progress fast enough to be interesting, as this quest is kinda in a way a boss after boss ordeal. Evan sure knows how to make his boss battles very hard. Before concluding this series entirely, I do plan to return to Swindle some day.



The Bosses:


Oh, the bosses! Between Trinexx, Seism, and Hauntrock, and what's to come. It surely has been some of the toughest times I've had in this series. It was Seism who forced me to start over the game in Stronger difficulty. Sometimes a good rustling is why people come to see these Lets Plays. Lots of people seem to like people generally get frustrated by asshole bosses. lol Fighting these bosses in my opinion surely is the highlight of this Lets Play series. I hope you think so too.



The People:


One thing about doing a Lets Play. It's not the same without the involvement of others, specifically the chat. This is why since I upgraded my internet I now record in HD, because it allows a much clearer chat for you to read all the reactions of the people who are fans of Umbral Cloud and my Lets Play Channel. We also had a special guest this series as I let my son stay up a little later one night to join in on the Lets Play and make his own comments and behave in his usual silly way.



My Favorite Moments so Far:


My favorite part so far had to be the Hauntrock battle. That fight was so tough, but yet so very fun. My comments to the boss as I got frustrated were a bit funny too. The difficulty spike in this battle was unexpected but very fun. Also, commentary by Moosh, Evan, and Lejes is always entertaining, and Levi's guest appearance was very nice. THE BEEES!!!!



What About You?:


What was your favorite moments during this Lets Play series? Are there anything you particularly liked or disliked about this Lets Play Series? What would you like to see in future series? Should I play more quests like Umbral Cloud or play other games instead? Were there any particular moments that made you laugh or smile? Please discuss your thoughts down below!

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#42 Deedee


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 08:48 PM

My favorite moments were spoilmentio/spoilerceus. Man, aren't those your favorite moments? :P

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#43 Anthus


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Posted 19 December 2016 - 08:56 PM

I enjoyed watching the boss battles. The fire boss, and the boss at the end of the regular story were particularly fun to watch. There's also the Moosh boss, which was unique, to say the least. I've never played Umbral Cloud, as I honestly don't play many ZC quests, and the ones I do play are usually more traditional in design, and difficulty, so your LP was a fun way to experience the game, without really doing anything :D

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#44 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 24 December 2016 - 03:35 PM

NJF Plays Umbral Cloud [Stronger] (25 - Fallen Spirit Tartaros part 1)




Sasic uses his new ability provided by the Dark Spirit inside the mysterious tablet to vanquish Horizon without harming Saiya. Before her death, Horizon chastises Sasic on his naivety. 
Sasic after finally saving his sister is unknown to the consequences he brought on to his world by releasing the spirit hidden within the tablet. The being reveals that this decision will lead to the death of the sun. 
The events of Sasic's journal up to this point allowed the mysterious being to take advantage and consume all the other elemental spirits during their weakened state and consume them in miasma. Now with the Sun God suffering the same fate, soon miasma will consume the world and all the Solots will either become Shades or die.
Sasic, disgusted by his trickery demands that the fiend reveal his plan. The creature reveals that he's the actual source of Miasma and that all the Shades owe their existence to him. Despite this, Sasic swears to deliver justice to the being for his deceit against the world and the people in it. 
To the creature's surprise, Sasic is able to hold up his own in the battle. However, the creature reminds Sasic just how out of his league he really is by becoming immune to Sasic's strength.
The tablets then come to Sasic's aid, recognizing his strength and showing desire for Sasic to avenge them against the fiend. Sasic reveals his newfound knowledge of the creature's true identity, being the Fallen Spirit Tartaros and knowledge of all his past crimes.
Tartaros states that knowing his identity changes nothing as Tartaros attemps to prove that he's still way out of Sasic's league. However, Sasic proves to be on even terms with Tartaros and the final battle for the fate of the world truly begins. 
byWizards @ deviantart.com for title image.
Evan20000 @ purezc.net for sharing his Zelda Classic quest.
Did you like this video? Or did you hate it? Please share your thoughts down below! Discussion is highly encouraged as it keeps me closer to my fans and improves the overall quality of this series!

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#45 TheLegend_njf



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Posted 26 December 2016 - 06:15 PM

To be more in sync with the new community rules. I am now choosing to pace my videos to prioritize discussion over schedule. Even though schedule will still be a factor, actually participating in discussion here will encourage videos to be released here at a faster pace. I'm sorry if this may inconvenience some, but I feel this is exactly more of what PureZC wants in this Lets Play forum and I'm not against making changes for the better. 


This does not mean that I will hold back videos because of lack of discussion though. I will still have a schedule, but the actual pace at which videos is shared will be most influenced by discussion. So if you want to see videos quicker for this particular series, please post and share your thoughts. :)

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