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MasterMind puzzle

Creator: Alucard648 Updated: 29 Sep 2024 Tags: FFC Downloads: 13
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
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You are given a set of rows with cursor at bottom left corner. A password is needed to be cracked open by making guesses. On each guess, one "bull" is rendered for each digit that is in correct place and one "cow" is rendered for each digit that exists in password, but not in correct position. After each guess cursor moves upwards. If it runs out of room (input area is solid or flagged with CF_NOBLOCKS), you lose the game.
Stand on numbers to right of cursor, then press Ex1 and Ex3 to change input, then press Ex2 to confirm guess. You get 2 numbers, left one is Bulls, right one is Cows.
Update 29.09.2024 - Added pop-up frame to render combo underneath Link. Added ability cycle in both directions when inputting password.