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[Autoghost] Ice Lynel

Creator: Orithan Added: 17 Dec 2015 Tags: Enemy, FFC Downloads: 46
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
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(1.71 MB)

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Returning from Enemy of the Month, Ice Lynels are an upgraded, Autoghosted, version of the Blue Lynel that gradually grows layers of ice over it that protect it from damage and increase the power of it's sword beams. These layers of ice break when they are hit by attacks and the layers do not protect against all forms of damage. Very dangerous in groups and are very difficult to kill if you don't hit them constantly. They also become invulnerable to all weapons except what the layers of ice don't protect against when they have 3 or more layers.
Since the contest, the script has been rewritten and polished to iron out the kinks in it and anyone who is currently using the EotM iteration is urged to download this script and update any enemies that use it. It is also possible to create non-L

This script uses all 12 misc variables enemies have. The script also has preset defaults for some of its misc variables, which are set by default if you leave variables that have them as 0.

  • Lejes - For being a big help with fixing up bugs within the script.
  • Saffith - For creating Ghost.zh and help with fixing bugs.
  • Moosh - For giving feedback.
  • Eddy & Daviawesome - Prompting me to create the enemy for Enemy of the Month
  • ywkls - For prompting me to rewrite and submit this script to the database through his usage in Passage Through Time.
  • ZC Devs - For ZC
  • Nintendo - For creating the Legend of Zelda.