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Combined Bow, Arrow, and Quiver Pick-Up

Creator: Timelord Updated: 09 Jul 2015 Tags: Item Downloads: 53
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Attach this script to a bow, as its Pick-Up script, and when Link gains the bow, he also gains a specified quiver, specific arrows (by type), a number of arrows (or rupees, if not using the 'True Arrows' quest rule). The script will also play a sound, create a hold-up animation, and display a message.

All of the following are configurable with arguments:
  • The quiver to award (if any).
  • The arrow item to award (if any).
  • The number of arrows to award (if any).
  • The sound to play (if any).
  • The message to display (if any).
  • The Hold-Up-Item animation to use (if any).
You may enable any, or all of these features at your discretion. The script automatically increases the arrows MCounter (maximum) based on the value assigned as the 'increase Counter Max' entry in the item editor properties for the quiver you choose to give (if any). if this value is lower than the present max arrows, the higher of the two values is always used.

The script uses intelligent boolean control, so that it only awards what you desire to award. You may award a bow, and a quiver, but no arrow item, or if you gave the player a quiver in init data, you may award only the bow, and an arrow type, or any combination of the options above.

The example quest demonstrates awarding a small quiver, and wooden arrows with the shortbow; and on the next screen, awarding the longbow, with a medium quiver, and silver arrows.

Please see the example quest, and documentation in the package.
The longbow, in the example quest (on screen 01), is packaged with the silver arrows. These silver arrows are cheaply set-up to use rupees in addition to arrows, just as a demonstration of using a negative value for arg D0 for quests with 'True Arrows' disabled.