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BigEnemyDX Expansion Pack

Creator: kurt91 Added: 02 Jul 2014 Tags: FFC Downloads: 78
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A pack of custom BigEnemy scripts for specific situations. This Expansion Pack includes:

Will apply BigEnemy settings to all enemies on the screen.

MassBigEnemy - Enemy Specific
Use once to apply BigEnemy settings to all instances of a specific enemy. For example, use once to enlarge all Keese on the screen.

MassBigEnemy - Continuous
Identical to "Enemy Specific", but also will be applied to all instances of the enemy that are spawned later (such as being summoned)

NOTE: This is an "Expansion Pack" for the original BigEnemyDX script. The scripts included require the functions and constants used in the BigEnemyDX. They will not work on their own without those functions. HOWEVER, The functions and constants have been included in a separate text document, in case the original BigEnemyDX script is not needed or desired. It is up to the user to include the necessary functions/constants, whether it be from the original BigEnemyDX script, or manually added from the stand-alone.