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Roebloz's World Adventure 3: Knil Strikes Back!

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Roebloz , Irenepunmaster Genre: NES-style Added: 01 Nov 2022 Updated: 25 Mar 2024 ZC Version: 2.53 Downloads: 672 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.33/5 (2 ratings) Download Quest
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Roebloz's World Adventure 3 is officially my biggest ZC project to date, featuring 4 overworlds, 45! beautifully-crafted levels offering an insane challenge, plenty of new items like Ganon's Heat Pumps and dozens of new enemies and bosses like the Magic Zols, Mothula, Starmen, Pengators, with the classic new enemies from RWA 1 and 2 also making a return like the Green and Teal Sworded Stalfos, the Mini-Ganons and of course everyone's favorite, the Wizzropes. (Now in 3 varieties!)

The quest features an insane amount of content, easter eggs and challenges, (Can you beat the whole quest with only the Wooden Sword? If you do, you'll unlock something special...) and will definitely not bore you. Over 24 hours of content, now that is a lot of play time for a ZC quest!!!

So if you are interested in a very long quest with a beautifully-crafted story and insane challenges, download today, right now!!!

(Difficulty: Four Hearts of Damage)

And in the brand-new Expansion of Darkness, you can explore 8 brand-new dungeons hidden in the depths of the 8 numbered dungeons to fight the Dark Aeons, brand-new tough-as-nails superbosses to obtain their Dark Medals, which, if all of 8 are collected, will give you access to another dungeon and the ultimate superboss, Penance!!!...Are you up to the challenge?
After defeating the Golden Beasts, Link and the rest of Hyrule got to enjoy a moment of peace. The territory was expanded, new towns were built and King Harkinian resumed his role as the King of Hyrule. However, it obviously wasn't gonna remain this way for very long...

Lord Messor, who had resurrected Ganon to help him last time in order to try to claim the Triforce, was sitting at the top of his tower as the leader of the nearby country of Vothesh, famous for its maroon and pink rocks. He still wanted the Triforce to become immortal, having planned to snatch it from Ganon should he succeed in killing Link. However, he had also noticed when facing Link that he only possessed half of the Triforce of Courage, and realized that it must have had split in two when Link was facing his strange double Knil who had tried invading a few months before, and that said half must have been sealed away with him in his dimension.

Determined to find a way to reunite all the pieces of the Triforce, Messor worked for weeks on finding a way to communicate with Knil, and eventually using some arcane magic, managed to contact him across time and space. Knil, seeing a way to escape, agreed to help Lord Messor take over Hyrule and grant his wish himself with his own powers, as long as Messor would help him escape, which he would be able to do with any of the 3 parts of the Triforce...And so, the new invasion of Hyrule begun, with its only hope being Link to protect Zelda and her Triforce of Wisdom, take Ganon's eight-way splitted Triforce of Power before Messor's minions do, and of course, protect his own Triforce of Courage.

Will Link succeed in saving Hyrule and Vothesh from Lord Messor and Knil's armies of monsters? Is Knil really that bad, or is there something more evil than him hiding in his twisted dimension? You will find that out, in Roebloz's World Adventure 3: Knil Strikes Back!, or The Legend of Zelda: Shattered Triforce!!!
Tips & Cheats
-Pressing ESC and then ending the game to Continue when entering dungeons is a good idea if you need full health.
-Magic Gels, Magic Octoroks and Red Wizzropes will always drop life, and may even randomly drop a full heal! They are vital to kill if you need health.
-Similarly, Magic Zols (if one-shotted) and Fire Wizzrobes will always drop fairies. However, be warned that if the Fire Wizzrope was phasing through a block, it might not drop a fairy!!!

1.1: The First Update! (2022/11/09)
-Added a midi version of Schoolhouse Trouble! for the hidden wooden sword-only superboss, (Still playing through that run right now, Messor 1 is a chap!) and fixed a screen in Old Hyrule using a random string from a Pay for Info in the beginning of the game. (I actually found a second one where it uses the dialogue from the Old Man in Hyrule Castle, but the dialogue is random enough on its own that I've decided to keep it. Both were around Level-X, believe it or not!)

1.1.2: Bombable Bombole (2022/11/13)
-Fixed a bombable wall leading to nowhere in Level V
-Fixed Vitreous's pupil being white instead of black
-Added Blue Bubbles at the start of Level 3 and Level V due to popular demand
-Updated some lava in Level F (Bottom of the Well) from being classified as Water to instead be classified as Ladder/Hookshot Only.
-Replaced a Super Darknut with a Fire Wizzrobe in Level Z.
-Updated the localization files.

2.0.0 -= Expansion of Darkness =- (2022/12/17)
-Added 9 new Dark Dungeons and 9 brand-new, tough-as-nails superbosses, along with a subplot about them!!! You should treat them as endgame, and only start to seek them out after you've beaten the final boss and have obtained most/all the items. (Sword, ring, shield and boomerang upgrades are especially important) There's more info about them in the Help Thread, but here's a hint to find the first one: Why don't you bomb the wall behind Aquamentus in Level-1?
-Added 2 new active items:
  • Dark Matter: Acts as a one-time use bomb upgrade, dealing enough damage to OHKO basically everything that isn't a Dark Aeon or that doesn't resist bomb blasts. Can be dropped by Darknut Death Knights, Fire Gleeoks (Rarely), Dark Aeons (Commonly) and are sold by a teal Octorok hiding in a wall inside the Octorok cave. You're gonna need to give him a pretty crystal first though, and he sells these for a pretty penny.
  • Golden Arrow: Self-explanatory, deals more damage than Silver Arrows and pierces enemies. It is said that it creates warps to crystal towers if it strikes a brown bush on the starting screen in Old Hyrule...Sounds a bit too out there though. Can be obtained in Dark-8.
-Rebalanced the Mirror Wizzrobes: 6 reflected hits is pretty hard to do consistently without getting hit (Especially when there are more than one in a room) and it was egregiously difficult to kill them when water/lava was in the room like in Level-9. As such, I have nerfed their health so they are killed in 3 reflected hits of their own magic instead of 6.
-Fixed a plethora of bugs and other small problems with the quest (Such as Level-X or Y's entrance, can't remember which, having problems to open due to the Magic Hands being considered as beatable enemies despite being invulnerable)
-Greatly optimized the sound effects (Removing one from the final boss fight that was very hard to hear anyway) Now, the filesize is SMALLER than before!!! WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!
-Added a secret room right next to the start and if you manage to beat all the superbosses, will tell you a little bit about the future for Roebloz's World Adventure...

2.1.0 - The Pot Update - (2023/01/11)
-Added a bunch of random pots in dungeons since they were underused.
-Nerfed Messor 2's last phase HP and removed 3 traps+his spectral flames (It was a bit too hard for the final phase, and will make this much less up to RNG of whether or not you win)
-Sliiiightly tweaked Knil's HP (Mostly to the "Patra phase" from taking even longer to deal with after all the triforce pieces are gone.)
-Nerfed Starman DX's HP (He'll still be a pain though)

2.1.1 - Messor Too Weak 4 Me - (2023/01/13)
-Slightly buffed back Messor by adding his fires back and another Wizzrope.
-Improved the super secret boss of the Wooden Sword run by adding an actual ending for beating him after the funny cutscene.
-Updated the localization files.
-Removed Herobrine.

2.1.2 - Old Hyrule's a Chump - (2023/01/13)
-Fixed several wrong warps in Old Hyrule leftover from RWA 2 pointing to invalid locations (Notably one staircase I had left in the game for playtesting that led to a broken copy of RWA 2's full overworld rather than its new edited form of Old Hyrule.)
-Two updates in one day, wow, that must be like a new record or something! (Note from 2024 Roebloz: It wouldn't be.)

2.1.3 - Fairer and Boringer Early Game - (2023/04/19)
-Fixed the grey square when opening up Hyrule Castle's Tower (Level C!)
-Nerfed several rooms in the first 5 dungeons due to the fact that they were truly ridiculous. (1 to 3, as well as A and C. Due to being a bonus, B is unaffected c:) This does tone down the overall difficulty of the early game drastically, but the rest of the game remains unchanged from 2.1.2. (Level-3 in particular had some really annoying rooms that were just not fun to go through with so few items to back you up)
-Added a key-locked shortcut that goes straight to Hyrule Castle after you go through the western caves for the first time. (You can access said new shortcut from the screen right below Level-1)
-Added a ShutUp item in the King's room in Hyrule Castle Tower so you don't have to listen him ramble on about not being a programmer every single time you start over the dungeon.
-Added boulders to the Messor fights's last phases. Otherwise, that's pretty much it!

2.1.4 - Messor 1 Again - (2023/04/21)
-Slightly nerfed Messor 1 even further (For the last time, I promise)
-Removed some phantoms in the Dead Hand dungeon.
Anyway, this should be it for now. Also, I know that the High-Quality soundtrack has large gaps at the beginning of each song, but this is simply to counter a bug that occured to me where it would skip the first few seconds.

2.1.5 and 2.1.6 - Various Balance Fixes - (2023/04/25, 2023/05/11)
Title. Forgot what was changed.

2.1.7 - More Shortcuts, Dialogue Debugging - (2023/05/13)
Probably the last update (For real this time) for the time being. Not any nerfs, surprising!
-Fixed a room in Wizmania having the wrong enemy pattern.
-Modified the secret post-Dark Aeons script to reflect current events (I'm not sure if I'll actually make my original idea for RWA 4 and its on hold for now, so I decided to just remove references to it to avoid making false promises)
-Fixed the key bush shortcut near Hyrule Castle so you don't walk into it through the wall.
-Added another shortcut; This time to get to Level-5/Level-I faster; The 3 brown rocks have been replaced with trees, and they are connected to a new central red tree which you can burn to open up the path once you get through Level-G once.

2.1.9 - Link Stuck! Link Stuck! - (2023/05/31)
-Fixed being able to get stuck in the guys forcefields in the Warp Cave. (I know what I mean.)
-Changed two L3 Stalfos to two Zol (Magic) in Level-6.

2.2.0 - Messor's Magic Mouth - (2023/08/11)
-Fixed some grammar issues and added more Zol (Magic) in Messor's Tower to make healing easier.

2.2.1 - Another Localization Files Update - (2023/09/02)
-Reduced Messor's difficulty for the fiftieth time
-Added some shortcuts to the dungeon's bosses for easier time navigating and less frustrating gameplay.
-Added a clear hint on how to activate the cyclops statue on Death Mountain (Shooting it with a Silver Arrow)
-Various enemy and door tweaks in Level-Z (Mainly removed some bombable walls that weren't super easy to see thanks to the rainbow palette)
-Major Text Changes: Corrected some spelling errors and unintentional bad engrish. (Mainly story-related; Hints left vague on purpose.) Level-N's plot has been revised to be less fourth-wall breaking (The Nerd himself still breaks it a bit, also toned down the vulgarity a little tiny bit.)
Also added some dynamic text that changes over the quest for Zelda, Hyrule Tower King and Ganon. Obviously I'm not going to give every NPC dynamic text, I would have needed to plan it well in advance (Like I did for the hints for the Dark Aeons) and it would be a fool's errand to try now. It's mainly to avoid Ganon repeating his super long speech when you want to buy a Heat Pump after Level 4.

2.2.2 - You feel like you're gonna have a bad time - (2023/09/02)
-Updated Level-Z's text again to bring back the heat a little.
-Updated text talking about RWA 4.
-Updated Level Z's boss theme from the MM3 Final Boss (Midi)/AVGN Final Boss theme to Megalovania.
-The true final boss's second phase originally didnt have any music without the High-Quality OST, they now play the MM3 Final Boss midi.
-Updated the High-Quality soundtrack: Added both the new high-quality Megalovania, and added back Penance's extra song, as well as cleaned up the folder significantly by removing the extra copies of some songs that were present for no reason. The downloads for the OST have been updated.

2.2.3 - Eh? - (2023/09/02)
This update...existed. I forgot what it did. (I think it toned down some steamy and overly vulgar text, but I'm not too sure)
But damn, 3 updates in one day, new record!

2.2.4 - Lore-cleaning Update (2024/01/16)
-Reworked the lore especially relating to Level-N. While the whole quest has lore all over the place, in retrospect having literally AVGN as a main boss of a dungeon and being foreshadowed kinda broke the immersion. As a result, Level-N had its boss replaced by Nelra, one of Messor's minions, and the Markiplier Aquamentus was replaced with a Neon Aquamentus. Level-N has been renamed from "Nerdiness" to "Neonific!" (Jacksepticeye Goriyas get to stay since their design is actually cool and sorta fits) The dungeon overall was reworked heavily, removing most Wizzrobes and Darknuts, giving the player a small break akin to the original 1st Quest's Level-7.
-BOO! Haunted House was demoted from its role as an official Level. (Sad I know, but both to remove the "AVGN" heart piece thing, and because of said thing, there were two Level-Vs...)
-Level-V: Raft Hunt was changed to Level-F. In turn, Level-F: Bottom of the Well was changed to be Level-E.
-Nerfed Stalfos (L2) and Stalfos (L3)'s projectile damage to be more manageable. (Aka: Not potential instakills!)
-Nerfed Exploding Wizzropes health to be more manageable. In turn, more have been added to both Messor 2 and Nelra's bossfights.
-Made the fairy room in Level-T easier to find.
-Added a new item, the Fire Hammer! Its red, and deals double the amount of damage the Blue Hammer does. A new guy near Level-5 under an Armos might have a clue on where it's located...

Update 3.0.0 - Love and Tall Grass - (2024/01/24)
-Love is in the air! To celebrate both MeleeWizard's playthrough of the quest and the upcoming month of February and Valentine's Day, a whopping 8 new Heart Containers have been added to the quest!!! Two of them are whole Heart Containers, while the others are split across brand-new Heart Pieces spread throughout the world. (Some of them are really well-hidden, so make sure to take a good look around!!!) This is both to add more secrets to Vothesh and Old Hyrule, (Which had been sorely lacking in that department) add more of an incentive to look around, and make the game overall a little easier. (Both midgame, endgame and postgame) The Dark Aeons and Penance have been accounted for and tweaked for this change.
-Added a secret shop in Vothesh that sells a Heart Ring!! It regenerates your health at a rate of half a heart once every few seconds. It's not much, but it's a nice bonus.
-Vothesh Accent Consistency: Messor clearly states that Vothesh's accent is supposed to be lowercase in his speech in Hyrule Castle. Despite this, many strings in Vothesh (Mainly secret money and shopkeepers) used vanilla Z1 text in ugly Hyrulean all-caps. This has been rectified, and all strings in the Land of Vothesh, as well as most dungeon strings (With a few exceptions, such as Level-8's strings due to the nature of the dungeon's theme, or the Hyrulean tourist in the lake vacation house) in Vothesh now use proper capitalization.
-Fairy Pond Redecorating: Many overworld screens were particularly ugly, especially many of the Fairy Ponds where Link didn't enter from the south. These have all been corrected.
-Rewrote some of the bad grammar and errors in the story on this page.
-Updated the post-Dark Aeons speech about RWA 4 (for the last time this time)
-Tall Grass!!! TALL GRASS!!! TALL GRASSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.1.0 - Gerudo and Kakariko Village Improvements - (2024/01/25)
-Fixed a bug with a missing Guy in one of the two new houses in Kakariko Village which was added last update, as well as the Shop of Love!
-Fixed a gamebreaking bug in Level-6.
-Buffed the Heart Ring to be actually useful.
-Added brand-new sprites for the Gerudo in Gerudo Valley and the Gerudo Village! Many Gerudos have been added in the village outside as decor. (Two of them were also added near the first shop that sells the Lime Drink)
-Similarly added Hylians in Kakariko Village outside to make it feel more alive as well.
-And finally, also added guards around Hyrule Castle outside and regular citizens inside.
-Darknut (Super) can now have their shield broken with the hammer.

3.1.1 - Final Boss and Ending Corrections - (2024/01/26)
-Updated the ending to reflect the changes made in the previous two updates (With Nelra and the new Gerudo sprites among other things)
-Improved the final boss's second and third phases; The second phase is a lot easier to survive without potions, and the third phase now grants you a rather-fast Heart Ring to let you tank some of the damage more easily. (It won't grant you a free win though, and it isn't usable outside of the boss fight, however)
-Added another hint on how to access Death Mountain (New Hyrule side)
-Fixed two softlocks related to 3.0.0 Heart Pieces.
-Removed Golden Link error

3.1.2 - Soft-unlocking - (2024/01/27)
-Slightly rewrote the final boss's insult for not being really threatening.
-Fixed two missing secret entrances (Thanks Melee for pointing it out)
-Fixed Level-4 softlocks related to the Dark-4 entrance.
-Fixed an overworld softlock related to the Ladder.
-Added proper capitalization to Messor's dialogue in Hyrule for consistency, and slightly rewrote his hints for when you get a Dark Medal.
-Fixed a Dark Aeon hint ending early.

3.1.3 - The Nice Moblin's Heart - (2024/01/27)
-Added the missing Heart Container for the full maximum of 24 Hearts
-Fixed a softlock related to a Heart Piece in Old Hyrule
-Fixed ANOTHER path that could lead you out of bounds in Old Hyrule with the Flippers
-Nerfed Fire Gibdos' damage down heavily

3.1.4 - Take a map - (2024/01/29)
-Enabled the full map toggle in ALL dungeons and overworlds after a wise remark from MeleeWizard.
-Buffed both Knil, Messor 2 and Abei's Revenge to match with Link's new maximum 24 heart containers.
-Changed Level 6's Heart Container to avoid it being missable
-Removed an unavoidable trap in Dark-4
-Fixed Abei's Revenge's boss intro music.

3.1.5 - Hotfix for Previous update - (2024/01/29)
-Rebalanced the buffs done to Abei's Revenge
-Added a key door in Level-Z to make traveling through it less annoying on revisits.

3.1.6 - Silent Deku Tree fix - (2024/02/10)
-Fixed the high-quality OST to include the Inside the Deku Tree song for Level-M. Outside of the quest: Check the high-quality soundtrack mirrors in the Information section. The track in question is "DekuTree.mp3"
-Fixed the Hyrule Castle basement never trying to call for ordeals.mp3
-Fixed item cellars in the Dark Dungeons.

3.1.7 - Glitchiness Update - (2024/02/10)
Okay, last update for real this time!!! (Third time's the charm!)
-Updated Dark-6 to include more glitchy sound effects (They were originally scrapped due to lack of space, but thanks to some new compressing methods I've learned, they are now able to fit in with no real problem.)
-Expanded Dark-6 with some new rooms to explore (It was really small even for a Dark Dungeon, and the glitched enemies weren't that threatening and none of them really got the time to shine)
-Slightly nerfed Dark-6 and Dark-8's Dark Aeons.

3.1.8 - Size Optimization and Magic Book Fixing - (2024/02/11)
-Fixed the Magic Book being mysteriously replaced with a pair of extra Flippers (I did NOT do this intentionally: It seems the quest did this on its own, I'll investigate what went wrong.)
-Greatly optimized the filesize by about 15 megabytes. (I compressed some of the heavy sounds like those related to the final boss, so now not only is the quest filesize smaller, and in turn will make loading and saving the quest a lot faster.)
-Slightly tweaked the sounds the glitch enemies in Dark-6 produce.
-Changed the intro text for Dark-6.
-Sliiiiightly tweaked Level-Z's boss fight to not be absolutely horrible for the Wooden Sword challenge.
-Fixed the Wooden Sword ending.

3.1.8a - Superbosses Update Part 1: Penance and Lazybones (2024/02/11)
-Fixed Penance.
-Fixed two broken softlock walls.
-Added the final easter egg.

3.1.8b - Superbosses Update Part 2: Winner's Spoils - (2024/02/12)
-Added a new room to commemorate chocobothief12/ryu's completion of the Wooden Sword Challenge, becoming (At least to my knowledge) the first ever person to do so!!! He now has his own private club two rooms west of the starting point that you can access with the Glove of Power (Bracelet 2), go and visit him!!!

3.1.8c - Superbosses Update Addendum - (2024/02/16)
-Fixed Penance's Arm weapons not spawning where they should on waves where they are unhittable.
-Fixed Penance's warps to the intermission potion rooms being Direct, which could prevent you from getting the potion
-Tweaked said potion room's Timed Warp timers to decrease as the fight goes on. (Current value was 1 for all of them; Now its 4 for the first one, 3 for the second, 2 for the third and 1 for the fourth one)
-Moved the potion drop in Dark-7 to make it much harder to pick up accidentally after fighting the Patras.

3.1.9 - Minor Hotfix - (2024/02/16)
-Replaced the free potion given in the Penance fight with a unique, "Gold" potion. (It acts the same as a Blue Potion, but picking it up twice won't give you a Red Potion. You CAN stack it on top of your three other potential potions though if you haven't used them yet)
-Fixed the Lock Block next to the starting point's hidden cave to a Boss Lock Block (Its supposed to only open once Penance is beaten, but currently it only required the Magic Key)

3.2.0 - The Master Sword Cutscene - (2024/02/23)
-Added a brand-new Master Sword cutscene!!!! Rather than just going up to the sword and picking it up with no real fanfare after crossing an unmarked river, the Master Sword has been greatly overhauled. The other side of the river is now closed off and features a tree entrance, which leads to a small cave with a Fire guy that will give you a Boss Key to progress if you haven't obtained the sword yet, or block you off and take it away if you already have it. Then, you'll arrive in the usual grove that was already there, but picking up the sword will play a cutscene based on the one from Zelda 3. (The Master Sword Demo track is separated into sound effects, so you won't have to re-download the high-quality OST.)
-Made all Warp Cave entrances lead to their respective warp, rather than the default Hyrule entrance.
-Majorly buffed Knil to be a match for the increased Heart Containers and Heart Ring (The Patra phase in particular)
-Fixed the ending song cutting out before it was fully finished by increasing the final warp timer to 40 seconds instead of 20. (This does lead to it currently looping, but this will be fixed in the future by updating the High-Quality Soundtrack)

3.2.1 - The Nostalgia Update! - (2024/02/27) & (2024/03/05)
My birthday is in exactly 2 months, and I'm pretty much done with the quest, so I decided to treat you to a well-packaged, truly final update, mainly affecting Level-8 to make it more "classic", as well as fixing some inconsistencies and bugs with torches.

Patch A
-Added two new/old swords: The White and Magical Swords!!! These classic Zelda 1 swords both appear in Level-8 to replace the Master and Golden Swords during the dungeon, which are now banned from use. The White Sword is slightly more powerful than its vanilla counterpart and this game's Master Sword (Odd I know, but whatever), while the Magical Sword is a 1:1 match from the one in Zelda 1. Both of these are accounted for in the Dream Fight, and are both banned and checked for to verify that you did indeed complete the Wooden Sword Challenge.
-Added an extra Wooden Sword hidden in the top-left statue of Level-8 as a failsafe for older pre-Level 8 saves (In case the sword isn't in your inventory after picking up an upgrade)
-Updated Level-8's banned item list to include any non-TLOZ items, barring the non-infinite Wallet upgrades and Charge Rings (Though that one is only because of the hidden one in the dungeon, and is already unusable due to the Pendants being banned) Notable additions include items like Infini-Bombs, the Heart Ring, the Hammer upgrade and both Master, Golden and even Fierce Deity swords.
-Updated Level-6 to remove a key and add a new lock block (As previously you could have an excess of keys)
-Replaced Vothesh's main midi to a version of the Dark World theme that (hopefully) won't become offkey after a long time of continuous play.
-Slightly updated Level-8's layout to accomodate for the two new swords.
-Added a hint on how to get through Level-M's gap that requires the Heat Pump.
-Made torches more consistent: For example, the lit torches that lead up to the first Messor bossfight in Level-C were changed from orange to blue, as you can only have the Blue Candle to progress at that point.
-Slightly rewrote some strings related to Level-C.

Patch B
-Fixed a few small softlocks.
-Fixed incorrect Magic Shooter spawning behaviors in Level-7's Big Key room.
-Corrected "Nulra" to Nelra in her intro dialogue.

Alright, this should be the last update for REAL this time! So, this should be the final update, blablabla, I've done everything I wanted, blablabla happy with the quest, etc.
So yeah, I'm all done now, I promise. And now that I'm done with Roebloz's World Adventure 3, well...Go watch along the rest of MeleeWizard's playthrough like me, and get prepared for Link's well-deserved vacation (maybe) this summer in...Roebloz's World Adventure 4!!!!

3.2.2 - The Nostalgia Update Fix - (2024/03/11)
-Fixed a new sequence break discovered by jamie6814 that allowed skipping Level-Z entirely.
-Made Messor 2's final phase weak to bombs and hammers.

3.2.3 - Roebloz Nerfs An Enemy To Make The Wooden Sword Challenge Easier On Himself Update - (2024/03/25)
Yeah, I've been attempting (and now successfully completed) the Wooden Sword Challenge (Now becoming its second victor) for a Let's Play on YouTube (Which you can watch here, I'm still uploading it everyday or so https://www.youtube....BeoIMd5SXBlOHbV), but I realized one enemy and one particular room in Level-9 weeeeeeeere uhh...Leeeeeeeeeeeeeess than fair. So, this is an update to nerf them, specially for the Wooden Sword Challenge.

-Nerfed Final Starmen's Phase 2 HP from 8 to 1. (They are normally balanced since by the point you encounter them you can one-shot them with the Fierce Deity Sword, but in the Wooden Sword Challenge they can only effectively be killed with a bomb, and good luck placing one down while they're spamming the room with Ghosts of Starmen.)
-Removed two Darknut (Splitting) and opened the south door in the room left of the Boss Key in Level-9. (Which was the room where the Final Starmen were obliterating me.)

So yeah, this is the only nerf I've done for this challenge, and I hope you will forgive me, but this was extremely unbalanced and pretty much unwinnable if you weren't lucky with how they spawned after killing their first phase.
Roebloz for level design, writing, designing, enemy making, art making (Very proud of Knil, Messor and Mirror Wizzrobe's new sprite)...Basically a lot of stuff, I'm the main guy.

Irenepunmaster as lead enemy artist (Notably for the Wizzrope, Mini-Ganons, Mothula, Pengators, that exploding thing from Z3 that appears on one screen near Lake Hylia, also helped with importing/rearranging the 3D Triforce from Zelda 3 for the ending sequence. Also made all the remixed sprites for the Dark Aeons and Penance, thanks a lot you did an awesome job with them.

DJMykah for the remixes used in Level 9 (1F), Great Palace and the first phase of the final boss.

TheLesha for being a great friend (Please message me, hope you're safe out there in Ukraine)

Final Fantasy 10 for giving me the stupid idea of making the Dark Aeons and Penance in Zelda Classic.
MeleeWizard for giving me the motivation to make this third installment after I saw his playthrough of RWA 2.

April 27th, 2022 for being my birthday and the day I started working on this.

Nintendo for making The Legend of Zelda

And you, for playing/at least reading this page!!!