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Mario's short quest

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: TheRock , MischeviousMalfais Genre: Miniquest Added: 12 Feb 2015 Updated: 11 Apr 2024 ZC Version: 2.50.0 Downloads: 239 Rating[?]: Rating: 2.57/5 (6 ratings) Download Quest
(1.06 MB)

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Now you can listen to amazing music . . . while playing the greatest Mario side-scrolling quest ever made—Mario's short quest!
Complete with 24 levels and legit custom graphics, this game is sure to blow your mind!
Or at least entertain you a little bit.

Please use 2.50.0 when playing this quest, as the jump on spikes mechanic will only work on this version of Zelda Classic.
TheRock made levels 1-7, and 20-24. And CMC2000 made 8-19.

Made the game beatable in newer versions.
Mario wants to go on an adventure
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