Pesto Pasta Pizza is a based pizza. Mmmmhmmm I love the pizza, show me the pesto miso pizza. Give me a Fire Gleeok; give me 10! Oh no, the voices are taking over again!
Pessimistic Pizza is a quest that I didn't really appreciate in its time. I came at it with very lofty expectations that it didn't quite meet and alongside some unfortunate ZC bugs of the time, came away with a very lukewarm impression. On a second playthrough, however, I had a blast! The overworlds and dungeons are all visually and musically unique with good difficulty balance and easy to read level designs. The Windows 95 dungeon is of course a classic ZC moment but every dungeon really brings something different to the table.
I really have to praise this quest's palette and sound design. Many of the common sound effects are custom, and suitably goofy. I was not prepared for the quest to belt out "Hallelujah!" when I triggered a secret, but it sure did. I also don't think any area featured a midi I've heard in another quest. There's some recognizable tunes but also some that are pretty out there. And the maps all look very slick for something made in one of the oldest tilesets out there and a lot of that comes down to really solid color choices. The quest even does some cool palette cycling trickery to swap out sprite palettes in some areas. Once again some of the ways it uses it I've only ever seen in this quest.
The humor was another thing I remember being critical of as someone who was burnt out on randomness based humor at the time. Maybe my sense of humor has deteriorated over time, but the quest did get me with a couple of its jokes. I got some good chuckles out of it even if most of the quest's humor is more of a subtle vibe than laugh out loud funny. It also just has a very lighthearted feel to it throughout that I found very welcome. Sometimes humor is just as simple as an unexpected picture of a dog.
On the whole, big recommend if you like classic ZC. We like the pizza! We like the pizza- GRBLBRLBGL!
(this review brought to you by the cringe re-review squad: instead of editing posts we delete them, and then remake them to be more cringe)
Pessimistic Pizza
Feature Quest
Genre: Miniquest
Added: 24 Jun 2013
ZC Version: 2.50
Downloads: 801
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Sequel to Ibuprofen. A 5-dungeon mini-quest with a very bizarre sense of humor that you may or may not find amusing. More sections of the overworld become accessible as you clear dungeons and obtain their respective items. Plenty of extras are also hidden around the quest.
About Reviews Comments Forum Topics
Quest contains suggestive text strings and "jokes" that may not be appropriate for a younger audience. Some things in the quest could even potentially be construed as stereotypical or bigoted, albeit on a very mild scale. Most probably won't agree with that notion, but I advise against playing this if you are easily offended.
This is the sibling quest to Rambly's I Hate Mayonnaise 2: Depressive Donuts, and the "sequel" to Ibuprofen. We wanted to release both quests in the same period, but due largely to motivational issues on my end, that didn't happen.
Design on this quest began during the end of November '09, when I had the motivation to do another "joke"-esque quest. I originally intended to release this quest during Christmas of the same year, but the work I was putting in didn't allow for such a quick release.
The bulk of the quest was finished within the next year or two, but I wanted to add a bunch of secrets to the quest. A large, extra dungeon kept the game in development limbo for the next couple of years, as I couldn't bring myself to work on it very much. My preference for a lot of the things in the quest changed over time, but I couldn't motivate myself to work on those, either. I did, however, manage to transition this quest from 1.92 to 2.50. It still plays like a 1.92 quest, but has the added convenience of arrow ammunition, and a revised subscreen.
I came to the conclusion that the quest wasn't going to have all the other things I wanted to add, so I decided to tie up the loose ends, and release it as-is. My original goal was to be more satisfied with this than its prequel, and I managed to accomplish that long ago.
About the Quest
If you've played Ibuprofen, then you already kind of know what to expect. The quest still has an overall very simplistic design to it, and it progresses almost exactly the same as the last quest. There's just a lot more creativity in this one.
The dungeons in this quest are something of a novelty display. They aren't very complex, either.
As the sibling quest to IHM2, this quest shares a couple of perks: You start with farore's wind, and there's a "death tree".
The difficulty may be considered average by most. The final dungeon is harder than the bulk of the game.
On this note, some enemies (aquamentus, gleeok, and ganon) were buffed. Death knights were nerfed; they move no faster than Link, do less damage, and stop moving before firing. Mirrorobes were also nerfed; they do less damage.
The quest also features custom SFX. Lots. Its the primary culprit of the file size.
The quest name, like its predecessor, is irrelevant to the actual game. It has personal significance to me, but nothing more.
Quest contains suggestive text strings and "jokes" that may not be appropriate for a younger audience. Some things in the quest could even potentially be construed as stereotypical or bigoted, albeit on a very mild scale. Most probably won't agree with that notion, but I advise against playing this if you are easily offended.
This is the sibling quest to Rambly's I Hate Mayonnaise 2: Depressive Donuts, and the "sequel" to Ibuprofen. We wanted to release both quests in the same period, but due largely to motivational issues on my end, that didn't happen.
Design on this quest began during the end of November '09, when I had the motivation to do another "joke"-esque quest. I originally intended to release this quest during Christmas of the same year, but the work I was putting in didn't allow for such a quick release.
The bulk of the quest was finished within the next year or two, but I wanted to add a bunch of secrets to the quest. A large, extra dungeon kept the game in development limbo for the next couple of years, as I couldn't bring myself to work on it very much. My preference for a lot of the things in the quest changed over time, but I couldn't motivate myself to work on those, either. I did, however, manage to transition this quest from 1.92 to 2.50. It still plays like a 1.92 quest, but has the added convenience of arrow ammunition, and a revised subscreen.
I came to the conclusion that the quest wasn't going to have all the other things I wanted to add, so I decided to tie up the loose ends, and release it as-is. My original goal was to be more satisfied with this than its prequel, and I managed to accomplish that long ago.
About the Quest
If you've played Ibuprofen, then you already kind of know what to expect. The quest still has an overall very simplistic design to it, and it progresses almost exactly the same as the last quest. There's just a lot more creativity in this one.
The dungeons in this quest are something of a novelty display. They aren't very complex, either.
As the sibling quest to IHM2, this quest shares a couple of perks: You start with farore's wind, and there's a "death tree".
The difficulty may be considered average by most. The final dungeon is harder than the bulk of the game.
On this note, some enemies (aquamentus, gleeok, and ganon) were buffed. Death knights were nerfed; they move no faster than Link, do less damage, and stop moving before firing. Mirrorobes were also nerfed; they do less damage.
The quest also features custom SFX. Lots. Its the primary culprit of the file size.
The quest name, like its predecessor, is irrelevant to the actual game. It has personal significance to me, but nothing more.
The "story" is essentially no different than its prequel:
"The Ghost of Christmas Future kidnaps Zelda and takes Link's Lon Lon Milk. Link's pretty mad."
"The Ghost of Christmas Future kidnaps Zelda and takes Link's Lon Lon Milk. Link's pretty mad."
Tips & Cheats
- Each and every dungeon has a secret room that contains an optional item. There are no blatant hints on-screen as how to obtain these, but that's not an issue if you keep this in mind: The secret rooms in conjunction with the displayed map make the dungeon shape symmetrical (with the exception of two dungeons). All of these items are completely optional, but they can make the game easier if acquired ASAP. As for the exceptions... Level 2 has two rooms, and they are situated somewhere at the upper section of the dungeon. The item dungeon, however... that's up to you!
- If a concealed entrance on the overworld looks a bit too simple to uncover, you probably shouldn't go inside.
- There are a total of 16 hearts in this quest; you have the primary 12 as with the last quest, and 4 very well-hidden ones.
- Every B-button item slot can be filled. The blue candle is the only item that does not appear.
- The lens of truth drains magic instead of rupees (as was the case with Ibuprofen). Din's fire also consumes magic.
- All equipment slots can be filled. Obtainable equipment includes: Wooden/white/magic/master swords, ladder, flippers, magic meter, blue/red/gold rings, magic/mirror shields, power bracelets, amulet, boots, and din's fire. You begin with 500 rupees, farore's wind, the quiver, and the "letter". The wealth medal and the raft are also obtainable, but are well-hidden.
- The level 1 cheat is hidden in the quest. I will not disclose what it is, or where it is located.
- And for those whom didn't know already, if the quest author has enabled the Z3-styled boomerang/hookshot rule, the magic boomerang blocks magic, and the fire boomerang reflects it. To tell if this rule is enabled, items will be "pulled" back to you when they make contact with the boomerang or hookshot. If they're instantly acquired, the rule is off. The rule is enabled in this quest. Please don't forget it!
Dr. Mutagen
Taco Chopper
U.S. Gold
The Spriter's Resource
Anvil Studio
Wild Bill
Mr. Z
shad0w-gfx (deviantART)
VGMusic and other various sources
See the .HTML file within the .ZIP for greater detail.
George F. Handel
Gravity Co.
Along with the other testers, some of the things in the quest are due to the input of the following individuals.
If your work or somebody else's is in this quest and the name is not listed, please let me know!
Dr. Mutagen
Taco Chopper
U.S. Gold
The Spriter's Resource
Anvil Studio
Wild Bill
Mr. Z
shad0w-gfx (deviantART)
VGMusic and other various sources
See the .HTML file within the .ZIP for greater detail.
George F. Handel
Gravity Co.
Along with the other testers, some of the things in the quest are due to the input of the following individuals.
If your work or somebody else's is in this quest and the name is not listed, please let me know!