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On the Green - October 2015

Posted by Aevin , 04 Oct 2015
Welcome again to On the Green, the PureZC monthly newsletter!

Community Spotlight
  • The PureZC 2015 Fall Expo opens this month! The expo showcases quests in production and offers an opportunity to highlight demos, screenshots, and quest features. If you'd like to participate, follow the instructions within the Expo Dropbox to post your entry before the deadline of October 20th. The expo opens October 25th, so let's all look forward to seeing some great stuff!
Two-Week Quest Spotlight
With so many great quests appearing in this year's 2-week Quest Contest, it would be a shame not to give some recognition. Here's a few that have received a great deal of attention in their topics and the polls, and the winners should be announced soon! If you haven't yet, why not have a look at everyone's efforts?
  • Freedom in Chains by Moosh: A 2D Metroidvania platformer featuring new items and innovative additions to Zelda Classic's sideview engine, this quest lets you play as a young Ganon trying to free his people from a floating prison.
  • Legend of Lana Gaiden by Lunaria: A dungeon crawler where you play as Lana, this quest has a Zelda 2 magic system, a level up system, and several other unique mechanics!
  • The Slipstream by RedTribeLink: This quest features a unique leveling system, an elemental system for items and monsters, and some diverse areas to explore.
Hot Projects
  • The Legend of Amy Rose 3: Oracle of the Emerald by Eddy: This sequel comes from one of PureZC's most prolific quest-makers, and features Amy Rose from the Sonic the Hedgehog series in a Gameboy-styled adventure! With consistent updates spanning most of this year, it looks like Eddy's hard work is paying off!
Random Quest Spotlight
Instruments of Courage by a30502355 is a medium length quest with a total of 9 dungeons and has all been created in a similar style to the GB games. This quest features an interesting story line about a normal lookout boy on a pirate ship who got washed up into Hyrule after being invaded by Moblins. From there, his adventure begins in Hyrule. Many people say that this quest is a lot of fun and very solid in terms of gameplay. Others said that there aren't many original puzzles and the difficulty is a bit on the extreme side of things. What do you think? Play the quest and find out!

Current and Upcoming Events

On the Green - September 2015

Posted by The Satellite , 06 Sep 2015
Welcome to On the Green, the PureZC monthly newsletter! What a busy season! With school coming back into session for many, everyone should devote the due amount of diligence to ... Zelda Classic, of course! Between the 2-week quest contest, the upcoming Fall Expo and more, there should be plenty to be excited about this fall!

Staff Notes
  • We'd like to welcome Shane as a new host of Screenshot: Challenge Accepted. We look forward to seeing the new energy and ideas he brings to the contest!
Community Spotlight
  • Voting is now open for the Summer 2015 Two Week Quest Contest! voting will remain open for a few weeks. There's a lot of great entries, so if you haven't played them yet, there's still time before voting closes!
  • The 2015 Fall Expo will open for submissions in early October! Planning to submit to the expo? Why not use this time to think of how best to format your entry?
Hot Items
  • Return to Koholint by ModernLink: An ambitious effort from a newcomer to PureZC, this quest has a classic feel with a unique twist. Check it out for yourself!
Hot Projects
  • Legend of Lana Gaiden by Lunaria: A sequel to the original Legend of Lana quest which features a full RPG system and some new spells.
  • Legend of Zelda Sword of Souls by legend27: After being discontinued, legend is now picking up the quest project again with an all new approach and many new ideas.
  • Lost Historia by Shane: This story-driven quest project aims to be Shane's most serious project yet, however most of the quest's details is being kept hidden for now.
  • The Third Legacy by Lüt: This quest aims to stick to the basics of classic NES style Zelda, along with quite a lot ALTTP influences.
Random Quest Spotlight
With PureZC's late creator's birthday this past August 23rd, how suitable that this month's Random Quest Spotlight goes to Ocarina of Power by Wild Bill! Not only is it timely, it's the first quest ever added to the database! The quest is a fairly traditional adventure in terms of dungeon structure, with graphics in the BS tileset. It incorporates a large number of ZC items, leaving out only a few when it was created back in 2002. Over these years, it's received many positive reviews, with some praising its simplicity and the way it makes the most out of a traditional quest structure. Others, however, found it a little too generic without enough innovation. Who's right? Find out for yourself! In either case it's a piece of PureZC history, and definitely worth a play!
Current and Upcoming Events

On the Green - August 2015

Posted by Aevin , 02 Aug 2015
Welcome once again to On the Green, the PureZC monthly newsletter! In the US, the summer heat was at its worst for the month of July. And with August ahead, let's beat the heat by settling in a cool room with a cold drink ... and some Zelda Classic!

Community Spotlight
  • The 2015 Summer Two-Week Quest Contest is underway! Contestants are frantically working to complete their quests before the contest closes on August 15th. Polls will open toward the end of the month. Keep tabs on the contest subforum for the latest updates.
  • This month saw the publication of several new articles from The Purist, an editorial group featuring articles and opinions on a wide range of game-related topics. Have a look in the PureZC Events forum for their latest!
  • The PureZC 2015 Fall Expo will begin in October! Submissions open at the beginning of October, with the expo opening on the 25th. Check the announcement topic for details.
  • With Windows 10 releasing, you'll all be happy to know Zelda Classic has been tested to work on the new operating system!
Hot Projects
  • An Item Fantasy by klop422: klop's first quest is a classic project with a simple, classic story and unique screen design!
  • Zelda 3: The Return of Ganon by Anarchy_Balsac: As a direct sequel to Zelda 2, this project aims for a classic feel while adding some new features and getting the most out of the basic editor.
  • Zodiac: Story of the Guardian by C-Dawg: An ambitious project with original graphics, Zodiac overhauls the Zelda Classic engine in an effort to capture the style of the numerous classic NES games that inspired it.
Random Quest Spotlight
Cosmofield's Chibi Moon & Star is a miniquest which takes place between two small islands, known as "Chibi Moon" and "Chibi Star". The story is just your average Zelda 1 style story, but with 4 Triforce pieces instead of the usual 8. While story isn't very strong in this quest, gameplay definitely makes up the loss of an inspired story as it is claimed that it would be good for a one day challenge to beat for quite an experienced player. Reviews state that respawning enemies during the quest can get a bit tedious as well as arbitrary secrets all over the world. However, if you are a sucker for miniquests, then by all means try this quest out. It could definitely be worth it!

Current and Upcoming Contests With so many quest-related events coming up soon, there's bound to be a lot of great things to look forward to here on PureZC. Until next month, happy questing!

On the Green - July 2015

Posted by The Satellite , 05 Jul 2015
Welcome once again to On the Green, the PureZC monthly newsletter! Quest production has been a little slow lately, but there's plenty of summer left to produce your masterpiece of adventure! In the mean time, the music database is really hopping! Why not give a listen and a rating to the midis there? You might even find something for your own projects!

Staff Notes
  • We are happy to bring Jaghnus as our new Forum Assistant! We are confident he will do a great job.
  • Both Eddy and Nexas have been moved from Chat Staff to Database Assistant and Forum Assistant, respectively. Big congratulations to them!
  • Please also welcome our new chat staff: Evan20000, Hergiswi, and Nathaniel! We are excited to have so many past retired staff in the chat room!
  • Finally, a big thank you to everyone who submitted a staff application. There were many great applicants, but unfortunately so few positions to fill. If you are still interested in becoming a staff member, we hope you'll consider applying next time.
Community Spotlight
  • The Purist has got their third issue published, featuring Eddy, who is reviewing the quest "The Legend of Zelda - Remastered 1st Quest" by Matthew Bluefox. Discussion and thoughts regarding the review are heavily encouraged, so why not drop by and take a read? Maybe this could be the quest for you?
  • And guess what? Issue #4 is up too! What Smash Bros 4 newcomers are your favorites? In this newest article, Scootaloo discusses her personal favorites, and you're welcome to join in.
Hot Items
  • Big Moldorm by ywkls: A scripted lanmola type enemy with an "angry" mode inspired by LttP's Big Moldorm.
  • Groundhog Emotional Cutscene by Aslion: If you go in expecting groundhogs you'll be disappointed, but this original midi is still worth a listen.
  • LttP Style Bow by Lejes: An item/ffc script that provides a bow animation and delay to mimic the bow from LttP!
Hot Projects
  • A Tale of Greifland by GrantGrief: This story-driven quest project features a massive, diverse overworld where exploration is key to success!
  • BETA by Dimentio and Joelmacool12: A joke quest that promises to be much more than that! Features include entertaining dungeons, fully scripted items, and big custom bosses!
Random Quest Spotlight
Link fights enemies, uncovers secrets, and collects items in every Zelda game. But never has he fought quite so many enemies, uncovered quite so many secrets or collected quite so many items as he does in tlseward's Link Saves the Girl 3. As the name implies, this quest follows Link as he attempts to save the girl for the third time. Neither the quest's story nor its map design is particularly inspired, but what the product lacks in creativity it makes up in gameplay quality. The overworld is large and almost completely accessible from the start of the adventure, fostering a satisfying sense of discovery even before one enters the first level. Enemies are everywhere, but they never feel totally overwhelming: it's clear that tlseward took the time to tune the difficulty carefully. The New 1st Graphics are simple but used effectively, complementing thoughtful MIDI selections. All in all, Link Saves the Girl 3 is a fun romp very much in the spirit of the original Legend of Zelda. Give it a shot; just remember to stock up on bombs!

Current and Upcoming Contests Thanks for reading, everyone! Let's have a great summer with lots of Zelda Classic action!

On the Green - June 2015

Posted by Aevin , 07 Jun 2015
Welcome once again to On the Green, the PureZC monthly newsletter! It's summer for much of the world, and with school letting out, many members should have an abundance of time to play and make quests. But don't neglect other resources, either. Remember that other members may find the music or custom tiles used in your own quest valuable as well. Why not share the wealth?

Staff Notes
  • We are now accepting applications for new staff. There are two open positions available. If you're interested, check out here for details and how to apply. Applications close June 21st.
  • There were a lot of staff promotions these past weeks. Congratulations to Eddy and Nexas for being promoted to Chat Staff, DaviAwesome to a Forum Assistant, and Aevin to an Administrator! Let's hope they all do a great job with their new positions.
  • To avoid further confusion between General Discussion and General Entertainment, the staff have decided to rename General Entertainment to Gaming and Entertainment.
  • Furthermore, General Computer Discussion/Aid has been renamed to Computers and Technology to broaden the focus of the forum a little bit.
Community Spotlight
  • The Purist has published their second issue, featuring Jaghnus and Binx! Check it out to hear their thoughts on inserting custom music into games. Discussion is encouraged, so why not drop by and give your own ideas on the subject?
Hot Items
  • How Do I Play Zelda by Joelmacool12: An actual non-joke quest by Joelmacool! This dungeon romper features gorgeous screen design, a whopping eleven dungeons, and two gigantic overworlds!
  • Zelda Awakening Enemies by Mero: These authentic loose tiles are a compilation of all the sprites from Zelda's Awakening, useful for replacing existing enemy sprites or for creating custom enemies!
  • Rocket Quest Title Song by RocketGrunt: This Punk-Rock genre MIDI features an upbeat, memorable theme! Why not use it for the title screen of your quest?
Hot Projects
  • Ganon's Resurrection Reborn by DaLink: A quest about the resurrection of Ganon has been resurrected itself! After a long hiatus, this project has received a lot of attention in its new form.
  • The Nightfall Blade by Coolgamer012345 and Jared: This project features a story steeped in classic Zelda lore, but with some original twists.
  • Quest 745 by Bagel: The sequel to the popular Quest 744, this project aims to improve on the original with far more than a single digit.
  • TLoZ: The Whistle of Wisdom by Joelmacool12: Another serious quest project from prolific quest maker Joelmacool, the finished quest will feature stray fairies like those found in Majora's Mask!
Random Quest Spotlight
Legend of Zelda -Temples of Turmoil by TK8305:
Originally posted on October 12, 2013, this quest revolves around Link saving Zelda from Ganon yet again, though this time in the peculiar land of Elemia! This supposedly onerous, combat-focused quest has Link rummage through eight different temples in search of Gemstones. Some people commend this quest for its decorative aesthetics and imaginative and creative dungeons while others find its screens egregiously teeming with enemies. If you are searching for a combat-based challenge, then definitely check this one out!

Current and Upcoming Contests Thanks for reading! We hope everyone has a great vacation, a great summer, or a great ... whatever it is in your part of the world!