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On the Green - March 2016

Posted by Aevin , 06 Mar 2016
Welcome to another issue of On the Green! Enjoy some highlights from the past month!

Community Spotlight
  • The results for the 2015 Superlative awards are in! Check them out here! Congratulations to the winners, and everyone who was nominated!
  • PureZC now has an official Discord server! For those unaware, there's also a PureZC presence on several different social media platforms. Have a look here to see more ways to stay connected!
Hot Items
  • Forbidden Ascent by Russ and Moosh: This side-scrolling Metroidvania follows two friends climbing a forbidden tower to see what lies at the top!
  • Rupee Flower by Avataro: A Global/Item script for a rare flower that causes rupees to rain from the sky!
  • The Final Stretch by Spawn: An intense, moody song that could easily feel at home leading up to a big confrontation.
Hot Projects
  • Nargad's Trail: Crystal Crusades by Twilight_Knight and CastChaos: A sequel to the original Nargad's Trail, this story-driven quest will feature a big continent to explore!
  • Umbral Cloud by Evan20000: A Metroidvania with a strong emphasis on bosses and story, with multiple difficulty modes for all types of players.
Random Quest Spotlight
Oh, boy, is this month's random quest ever an old one! From all the way back in 2004 comes Unification by Nick! This ZC 1.90 dungeon romper features a fairly classic story, in which Link is stranded on an isolated island without so much as a sword. It's up to you to navigate the island, and finally recover the Master Sword to take on Ganon. It has a heavy emphasis on backtracking to previous dungeons, discovering secrets, and solving puzzles. Reviews ranging from the quest's initial release through 2009 all agree that it's fairly well-designed, with some calling it underrated. The quest received an update in 2014 fixing a number of bugs, while trying to maintain the feel of the original. Quests aren't made quite like this one any more - why not give it a shot for an authentic early Zelda Classic experience?

Contests and Events

On the Green - February 2016

Posted by Aevin , 07 Feb 2016
Welcome to this month's issue of On the Green! We've got a lot of contests and happenings around the community this month! Read on for a peek at some of the highlights from this month and last month!

Staff Notes
  • Zelda Classic is now open source! You can learn more about what that means and get some answers to common questions here.
  • Some new options have been added to the version selection when submitting quests to the database. Learn more here.
Community Spotlight
  • Voting for the 2015 Superlatives awards are coming to a close. As of this writing tie-breakers are open, but should be closing tomorrow, Monday the 8th. Check out the Superlatives Forum for tie-breakers and upcoming results!
  • The One Month VG Crossover Contest hosted by ZoriaRPG is in its final stage! The deadline for finishing a quest is February 10th. Let's look forward to seeing what the participants come up with.
  • The Map of the Year results are in! After some tough competition, NewJourneysFire emerged the winner! Congratulations to him and all the participants.
Hot Items
  • Donald Trumpet by Spawn: This nice, brass-heavy midi expresses many modes, from ominous, to regal, to joyful. Just like Donald Trump? ...
  • Magic Clock by Avataro: This item script allows Link to skip back to a set point in time, teleporting and regaining his previous health level.
  • Randomizer Alpha by HeroOfFire: This latest quest in the Randomizer series combines elements from previous entries for an adventure in the Koten tileset.
Random Quest Spotlight
An oldie from over eight years ago, this month's random quest is Akkabus's Dark Link's Temple Tour! This dungeon romper has got some strong puzzle elements, including a number of classic block puzzles. Most players appreciate the challenging puzzles, but a few seemed to find the challenge a little steep. Regardless, most agree this is a well-crafted quest! Be sure to play on the correct ZC version to avoid game-ending bugs. The quest also promises a surprise ending - but is it really a surprise if you know it's coming? Why not give Dark Link's Temple Tour a try and answer that for yourself?

Contests and Events

On the Green - January 2016

Posted by The Satellite , 04 Jan 2016
Welcome to the new year, PureZC! In this year's first issue of On the Green, we take a look at some of the highlights from last year while looking forward to some exciting events in 2016!

Staff Notes
  • PureZC has had some recent downtime due to DDoS attacks on PureZC's server (Linode). Check out this topic for more information.
Community Spotlight
  • Make sure to check out and vote in Item of the Month, an unofficial contest created by ZoriaRPG!
  • The 2015 Superlatives are awards highlighting achievements in both Zelda Classic and on the forums. Nominations are now open so make sure to make your nomination topic now!
  • ZoriaRPG is hosting an Unofficial Winter Expo in which participants must create a quest based on a video game franchise, excluding Zelda. Check it out if you are interested as there is still time to participate!
Hot Items
  • A theme by JohnStacy: This member's first submission in 5 years is a nice midi! Envisioned as a town theme, listeners have described it as evoking feelings of both Pokemon and Final Fantasy music.
Hot Projects
  • Hal's Great Cave Offensive by Orithan: A quest focused on escape from a vast network of caves beneath Koholint island! A challenging "Hero Mode" is planned to be included.
  • TLoZ: Oracle of Worlds by Mr. Squeakers the Great and Danacan: Intended as a sequel to Oracel of Ages and Seasons, this quest focuses on travel between multiple different worlds.
Random Quest Spotlight
This month's Random Quest Spotlight goes to The Darknut Within by Moosh! This short, four-dungeon quest, created due to a proposal to make a quest with only Darknut tiles, aims to be both comical and random throughout while forgoing the notions of logic and beauty. What you get is a fun-filled quest with overworlds, dungeons, items, enemies, and, well, everything being made out of Darknuts! Now who wouldn't want that!? People have praised this quest's humorous nature but have also criticized the somewhat uninspired and repetitive nature of the dungeons. Regardless, do you enjoy playing joke quests? If so, then this may be the quest for you!

Contests and Events We here at PureZC wish you all the best in the new year!

On the Green - December 2015

Posted by Aevin , 06 Dec 2015
Welcome to On the Green, the PureZC monthly newsletter! What better way is there to pass the cold month of December than to grab a cup of coffee and whip out a quest? You've always wanted to complete one...

Community Spotlight
  • The 2015 Superlatives are on the horizon! Stay tuned for more information.
Hot Items
  • Summoning War by Epad: This miniquest may be small, but it's full of content, focusing on a non-linear design and high replay value.
Hot Projects
  • Heart of Darkness by Dimentio: A non-linear quest, Heart of Darkness will have only a few main dungeons, but numerous mini-dungeons.
  • Zephyrian Conquest by Sparkster: This story-driven quest is in German, but may eventually be translated into English. A recent update showed a fantastic preview of its overworld, which uses the DoR Tileset.
Random Quest Spotlight
This month's spotlight goes to Legacy of Ganon, a quest made by PSI Cross X. This is a classic style quest which is more of a learning experience, and the quest features 8 dungeons and one overworld as well as a few interesting surprises here and there. What's even more surprising is that you can even buy yourself a gun to shoot down all those bad guys throughout the quest, which seems to be a highlight for many. Many reviews also say that there is a decent balance of difficulty throughout the quest and it was an enjoyable experience. So why not pick up the quest yourself and see how it goes?

Current and Upcoming Contests

On the Green - November 2015

Posted by The Satellite , 08 Nov 2015
Welcome to On the Green, the PureZC monthly newsletter! This month we've go some changes to the staff team, so read on for details! With the Zelda Classic Fall Expo now open, there's a lot to be excited about!

Staff Notes
  • DaviAwesome has been promoted from Forum Assistant to Forum Moderator! He's really earned it. Congratulations!
  • nicklegends is stepping down from his Database Staff role. Don't worry, though! He'll still be managing Map of the Month and helping with other site events as a Contributor! Thanks to him for all his hard work as Database staff.
  • Nimono has been hired as a new Database Assistant! We're excited to have him on the team, and confident he'll do well in his new role.
Community Spotlight
  • The 2015 Expo is now open! Make sure to look through the exhaustive list of incredible quest projects, completed quests and tilesets, and check out their polls and surveys!
  • Zelda Classic 2.50.2 has been released! This version includes numerous improvements and bug fixes so make sure to check it out! Also, be sure to thank the ZC Developers for their hard work in improving ZC.
  • Thank you to everyone who submitted quests to the Two-Week Quest Contest! The final results are in.
  • The Purist has taken a bit of an unannounced hiatus due to the team's increased busyness this time of year. They hope to be back producing content at a regular rate soon!
Hot Items
Hot Projects
  • Heart of Darkness by Dimentio: A four dungeon non-linear adventure with many scripted items!
  • TLoZ: Attack of the Sprites by xenomicx: A project that aims to incorporate lots of classic Nintendo worlds and characters into one big adventure, featuring a mix of traditional Zelda game play and platforming.
Random Quest Spotlight
This week's quest tells the story of Kelesis and his ailing grandmother. Seeking a medicinal herb that may be his grandmother's only hope, Kelesis sets a path to Desba Mountain. But it doesn't take long before a foul demon by the name of Golvellius meddles with Kelesis' noble plan...

Of course, this month's random quest is none other than Golvellius la Quete du Second by wonderboy.bobi. Graced with bright, detailed, beautifully arranged graphics, Golvellius is a real treat for the eyes. The gameplay is familiar and fun, with a generally well-calibrated difficulty curve and a sense of scale that increases gradually as the game goes on but never to the point of being overwhelming. Every aspect of this game seems to have been crafted with great care, leading reviewers to consider it to be one of the most polished experiences the PureZC database has to offer and a great game for first-time users of Zelda Classic. A separate download offers an MP3-based chiptune soundtrack that adds some memorable audio to the quest.

Plus, it has Randar!! What do we mean? Well, there's only one way to find out. Play Golvellius la Quete du Second yourself to see what all the hype's about.

Current and Upcoming Contests