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A New Adventure

Rating: 4.26/5 (16 ratings)


Rating: 4/5

Posted 21 July 2017 - 12:41 PM
I really enjoyed this quest this is the first time a write a review so i dont have alot to say :P well here's hoping for a sequel :D

Mani Kanina  
Rating: 3/5

Edited 26 October 2016 - 04:46 PM
Edit: Staff contacted me an basically told me that I'd have to bump up my rating for all quests I have ever reviewed by one star. Note that this does not reflect my own opinion on the matter, or the quest, but just that it was something I was made required to do.
In the middle of level 3, I don't think I'll continue this quest, it's a bit too plain for me.

The EXP system and the scripted items I have found are all interesting, but that's about where I draw the line on interesting things. I have explored most of the main(?) overworld and completed both extra dungeons inside level 1 and 2. The overworld design is very plain and uninspired, with hard locks directly in front of the levels, requiring the item from the previous one. The palette is the plain NES one aside from some minor alternate usages. There is new different music in this quest, but there does not seem to be a lot of it, and it lacks in variation.

The level design is the biggest flaw of this quest, the dungeon designs so far don't provide any interesting challenges nor explore any interesting themes or ideas, same with the overworld. The quest has some things of interest, like the leveling system and some scripted items. However, neither of those two things can hold me over through the level design which I find wholly uninteresting, and the lack of variety and inspiration in music and graphical theme doesn't help.

Rating: 3/5

Edited 26 May 2016 - 08:02 AM
Leveling up was a great idea, so was the items/magic powers etc. The overworld is nice enough, but the dungeons are far far too easy and linear. With the magic powers it makes it completely impossible to die. Deserves a 2/5 for gameplay.

And in level 9 you will still run out of keys, the chest on the right side only gives rupees, and the block puzzle beneath it doesn't give you anything....

Rating: 4/5

Posted 14 April 2016 - 05:05 PM
The main parts I liked were all the different magics you could get, and having the optional extra levels after each dungeon. The leveling system was fun, too. Otherwise, the overworld and level layout felt pretty standard. I would've liked more enemy variety in terms of weaknesses, though you already made some movement in that direction.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 27 March 2016 - 02:51 PM
This is easily my favorite quest I have ever played. I've completed it twice now.
The lvl up system! Not since Zelda 2 have I seen a lvl up system in a Zelda game/quest. I love it! Gives a purpose to mindlessly slaughtering every enemy on every screen multiple times while searching for your next destination. :P
All the spells were fun and came in handy many, many, times. By the end of it, if you have found everything, it gets a lil easy, but that's not exactly a bad thing. I felt like I should be a beast with all the farming and such done through out the game. I really wish this quest would get a sequel or 2nd quest version or something. My personal rating is 5stars. You might not agree for your reasons but I think its near perfect quest. :) Looking forward to Brightsea Empires!
  • zcbeadnik likes this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 28 October 2015 - 01:10 AM
It's been a while since I played this quest, and meant to review it.

This quest was wonderful, I can't say anything that others haven't already said.

I hope there's a sequel in development someday. :) Great job!!!

Rating: 5/5

Posted 21 March 2015 - 12:25 AM
I was looking for a very different take on Zelda 1, and boy did I find it in this one.
First off, I must say the RPG take on this works very well. You normally wouldn't even consider point values when you talk Zelda, but in this one knowing them is half the work. Secondly the enemy design/set up: on key. It's not too cryptic that your wondering where the hint system is, but it's also a testament to your over all knowledge of the game that makes it useful. Thirdly the useage and layout of the overworld doesnt seem so absent-minded to you that it bores you. The ability to find secrets and being able to go to an extra side of a overworld cave, or the key role a dungeon item you just got plays in effecting it. Lastly the dungeon set-up: as a Zelda/RPG fan. MIND BLOWN. I can't use words to put into justice the combination of having not only a main dungeon, but a second more challenging dungeon below it makes a rather quick brisk adventure, turn into hours of gameplay.

I will say, on the downside of things: the items weren't always clear ASAP as to what they would do. One such item in this case was the whip, while sure it was a nice flair, it was a touch confusing as how to make it work good. Again though once you figure out what they do it's a facepalm moment.

Bottom line:

Fun 5/5
Gaphical layout 5/5
Sounds 5/5
Inovation 5/5
Replay/Core Value 5/5
  • HavoX likes this

Rating: 4/5

Edited 10 July 2014 - 10:56 AM
A pretty solid RPG-style quest and definitely a one-of-a-kind, though I still found a couple bugs (going backwards through the portal before Ganon and doing an F6 in Post-Level 8 )

Also, the quest is pretty linear and all the dungeons are very straight-forward. I would personally give this a 4/5, but this is a really good recommended quest for those who want an RPG-styled quest to play through.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 06 April 2014 - 10:18 AM
Good quest!

Rating: 5/5

Edited 07 September 2014 - 11:08 AM
Now THIS is the RPG quest I was looking for! The spells were a nice touch, being able to increase your magic, health, rupees, bombs, and arrows when you level up was cool. And the new items such as the whip, these things were actually USEFUL!