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Aidan's Adventure

Rating: 0.47/5 (14 ratings)


Mani Kanina  
Rating: 1/5

Edited 26 October 2016 - 04:44 PM
Edit: Staff contacted me an basically told me that I'd have to bump up my rating for all quests I have ever reviewed by one star. Note that this does not reflect my own opinion on the matter, or the quest, but just that it was something I was made required to do.
This quest features at best very generic level design. But it also have plenty of bad stuff like walk-through walls on the overworld that you have to check everywhere for. This quest doesn't do anything good, and it certainly doesn't do anything interesting. It also has quite a few bugs and other bad things, like a maze path in the first room of level 2, no dungeon exits other than the triforce room, etc.

I can't think of any good reason as to why anyone would want to play this.

Rating: 0/5

Posted 13 July 2015 - 02:33 AM
Lots of issues with this quest:

1. The nonexistent difficulty curve. Who knew Level 2 would be the most difficult dungeon in the game?
2. Secrets, particularly the final dungeon, are very obtuse and vague.
3. Looking for hints? Well, you're not going to get any help.
4. Abysmal dungeon design. Some of the items aren't even on the map, and require either bombing or walking through every possible wall.

The only good thing, as a couple reviewers mentioned, is that the quest is short. That's a good thing because this isn't even a quest.

Rating: 1/5

Edited 10 August 2016 - 08:44 PM
WTF did I just watch The Sattelite play?

This quest got a couple of laughs out of me, and since I didn't have to be tortured by it, I think it deserves at least 1 star. Plus, that glitchy master sword. Like omg.

Rating: 0/5

Posted 30 April 2014 - 02:13 PM
BOO! Think fast!

Rating: 0/5

Edited 05 April 2014 - 07:14 AM
Uhhhhh..... Horrible.

Rating: 0/5

Posted 25 January 2014 - 11:44 PM
My review:

Rating: 0/5

Posted 10 January 2014 - 09:55 PM
The sole screenshot of this quest should have been warning enough this was going to be a trainwreck. Long story short, god-awful overworld and dungeon designs, ability to make the game unwinnable and hideous balance sum this quest up. That and once you beat the 2nd dungeon, you go through a very short boring level 3, get completely overpowered and every time you attack, Link's sprite glitches out. But out of all of the negatives in this review, there is ONE redeeming thing about this quest. At least it's very short, so you're not suffering too long.

Rating: 0/5

Posted 29 October 2013 - 09:35 AM
This quest... HORRIBLE

The Satellite  
Rating: 0/5

Posted 10 April 2013 - 05:20 PM
This quest takes all the worst ideas from Zelda 1 and throws in some new twists as well. Firstly, confusing players by forcing them to go through arbitrary walkthrough walls, while also dropping bombs as a pickup in a room before you find these walls, making you think there's a bombable wall somewhere when there isn't at all. There's barely any enemy variety and enemy balancing is poor; Darknut in the second room of a level? The level two boss is a five-headed Gleeok? There's also little in the way of actual puzzles, other than finding out where a walkthrough wall is or literally the only bombable wall in the game is, the game basically hands everything out. And then some dumb triggers, such as bombing the rock to the Gleeok that guards the slashable rock to the last level. And then there's tons of tile errors, sprite errors, and why can't you leave the dungeons until you beat them? You didn't even change the ending string...

It honestly feels more like a sort of test quest, something to build on rather than show off. What little dialogue it had was kind of funny, but otherwise, zero.

Rating: 0/5

Posted 23 July 2011 - 06:50 PM
blech...who's the someone?

If you're gonna come up with a story, you need to be creative. THIS IS NOT CREATIVE!

Bad quest in general....just keep trying to improve.