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Fantastic Dungeons and Where To Find Them!

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Architect Abdiel Genre: NES-style Added: 11 Aug 2021 Updated: 01 Sep 2021 ZC Version: 2.55 Downloads: 256 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (3 ratings) Download Quest
(1.64 MB)

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Posted 12 March 2022 - 04:05 AM
can some one tell me where the bog is

Rating: 3/5

Posted 31 August 2021 - 01:44 PM
I'm a sucker for any sort of Nth quest, so I fired this up and finished in about 5 1/2 hours. It was apparent from the first dungeon that with slash turned on and also being able to shoot from inside doorways that things were just going to be way too easy. So seeing that the quest was unpassworded, I opened it up in zquest and turned those abilities off. While I was in there I also substituted the mp3s of the original music for the midis because why not? Also I unchecked the freeform dungeons box so that when Link bombed walls or walked through, he would appear to go through the wall rather than on top of it. So this review is not exactly for the quest that the author intended...
Anyway, the playthrough was fun in a no frills kind of way. Things were well hidden and most everything worked and played like it should. Exceptions were a room in the upper middle portion of L8 where a pushblock wasn't flagged with a trigger, so no stairs appeared, and one in the far right of L9 that pushed and the secret sound played but did nothing. There was a room towards the bottom left of L9 where if you didn't have a bomb, you would be stuck.
I really enjoyed the palette selections for the dungeons and am always happy when quest makers don't just settle for the standard colors. Also I liked that the door repair guys were more polite than usual.
So even though I edited the quest for my own taste, I thank you Shoshon for providing it. May you make another sometime.
  • Architect Abdiel likes this


Posted 15 August 2021 - 06:41 PM
I liked this and I would be open to playing a 2nd quest with this same overworld.
