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Lost Isle Graphics

Creator: DarkFlameWolf Updated: 22 Mar 2017 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 1112
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.85/5 (19 ratings)
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About Reviews

This tileset is the exact tileset used to make Lost Isle, including all the various new tiles added. I believe its been a long enough time since its release to finally release these tiles. They are in no particular order and are in the hodgepodge designer mess they were last left in while creating the quest. So do not expect an arranged array of tiles here. This is mainly presented for ripping into other sets purposes. But you are more than able to make a full-fledged quest with this set. Enjoy everyone, I know this has been long in coming.
Peteo for designing such awesome custom tiles. I love you!
For everyone who kept nagging to make this release a reality.