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Mac & Blue Tileset

Creator: CastChaos Added: 12 Oct 2008 ZC Version: 2.10 Downloads: 271
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.18/5 (10 ratings)
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About Reviews

Mac & Blue is a Japanese freeware game, its chipset is the base of this tileset. The ReadMe file included with the main file is an important read and clears up many things.

The tileset was requested and the first images were handed by DarkFlameWolf, later I got more images and some links from Blaman. These still weren't enough for a full tileset, so duplicating, custom making and ripping from other sources was in work. Additionally, some tiles, palettes, etc. were conserved from the starting tileset, DoR2.0 by Radien.

I take any suggestion/opinion/complaint that eventually leads to me making a "M&B update extreme" or such, actually even you can make it if you are up to it. Submitting improved version of M&B tiles or even making new M&B style tiles are completely OK, too.

Made in Hungary

DarkFlameWolf for idea and starting chipset
Blaman for additional images and links
Radien and DoR2.0 helpers for the starting tileset
dlbrooks for main character tiles
Mac & Blue for creating this JRPG, the chipset came from