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The Liberation of Hyrule: Insanity Unchained

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: James24 Genre: Dungeon Romper Added: 01 Feb 2018 Updated: 18 Mar 2020 ZC Version: 2.53 Downloads: 376 Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (3 ratings) Download Quest
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This quest was made for me and my unique taste and preferences. I like to play very hard quests and LoH:IU is my dream come true. Most Zelda players do not share the same taste and preferences that I do and as such my quest will probably not be enjoyable to most players. Please do not play this if you do not like hard quests - it will end very badly if you attempt to do so.

** Update 18/3/2020 ** Not a quest update rather a change of the video. I've completed my own playthrough of the latest version of LoH:IU and uploaded it. I'd like to thank Yloh for the previous verison.
** Update 6/2/2019 ** All new fights, rebalancing, content and a terrifying new quest rule that allows enemy weapons to hit James when he is half a tile away from them. This is Liberation of Hyrule: Insanity's Extreme version 2.0 and has been renamed to Insanity Unchained because it is MUCH harder than the original. There's also an awesome graveyard dedicated to the challenge quest players out there - enjoy!
** Update 21/7/2019 ** Fixed a minor bug in the first fortress and fortress 3 has been slightly tweaked and rebalanced.
Hyrule has been conquered by Ganon. You and your band of rebels must liberate Hyrule from his tyranny.
Tips & Cheats
There is no password so if you really must cheat just open the quest and edit it yourself. Doing this counts as a forfeit.
Yloh for helping me beta test and making a playthrough.
OUCH! for his inspirational ideas in Armageddon Quest.
Gleeok for his advice on my first Liberation quest.